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The Silence is Killing Me!


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Shout! Shout! Let it all out! These are the things we can do without. Come on, I'm talking to you DGS, come on!

haha! By quoting a well known 80's tune....I'm going to guess that you are at least 28-30yrs old. Do kids these days even know Tears for Fears??

Any word on funding yet? Congrats on getting admitted to some of your schools. Here in Canada, tuition costs are fairly reasonable for masters programs (not sure about phd's though). I know that when I do get in (cuz damnit, I'm going to keep applying until I do!), I will be able to afford the tuition. It would be heartbreaking to go through this application process and get admitted only to learn that I cant go because it costs too much.

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Regarding Master's applicants, having applied previously to grad school(and currently waiting for this year's version of events), I can attest that just because you haven't heard anything yet, doesn't mean you have been rejected.

The first go-round, I didn't hear back from all but one of my schools until early/mid-March. I didn't hear about funding from one until the end of April(that pissed me off like you would not believe).

So...I would say to you Master's applicants--chill. Or try to. If you haven't heard by the 16th, then start to panic. Otherwise, chill.

Still preparing for the worst. A .000 average and flipping my lid and ending up in an asylum (At least there might be people my age there................)

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haha! By quoting a well known 80's tune....I'm going to guess that you are at least 28-30yrs old. Do kids these days even know Tears for Fears??

Any word on funding yet? Congrats on getting admitted to some of your schools. Here in Canada, tuition costs are fairly reasonable for masters programs (not sure about phd's though). I know that when I do get in (cuz damnit, I'm going to keep applying until I do!), I will be able to afford the tuition. It would be heartbreaking to go through this application process and get admitted only to learn that I cant go because it costs too much.

80s baby in the house! Don't make em like this no more ... :) ... I still have no funding but it isn't April yet so who knows? You can always negotiate to the last minute ... are you only applying to schools in Canada?

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80s baby in the house! Don't make em like this no more ... :) ... I still have no funding but it isn't April yet so who knows? You can always negotiate to the last minute ... are you only applying to schools in Canada?

The funding situation is so stressful! I hope it gets sorted out soon and you can start making plans. Yes, I only applied to 3 local universities (Masters of Social Work program). Unfortunately I was barely below the minimum gpa cutoff and was denied at the door. I applied hoping that over a decade of direct Social Work experience might sway them to consider me. However, I didn't realize that the Graduate Dept wont even forward on applications to the Adcomm if they dont meet the minimum gpa, regardless of supporting documentation. (I wish I knew that beforehand!)

Next application season, I will probably only apply to 1 of the 3 schools and maybe another one that offers distance education. Although I have a few friends who got their MSW's in the States (just across the border in NY), I cant manage that due to family responsibilities. Plus, the costs are just crazy. Not worth it to drive into Buffalo (aka, the armpit of America :P ) to accrue that kind of debt.

Are you expecting to relocate?

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Yay for another silent Monday.

That being said, am I the only person who is so incredibly glad that Mass Effect 3 is coming out tomorrow? The timing couldn't be better. I need the preoccupation and my fear of spoilers will keep me away from the internet for a little while.

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Yay for another silent Monday.

That being said, am I the only person who is so incredibly glad that Mass Effect 3 is coming out tomorrow? The timing couldn't be better. I need the preoccupation and my fear of spoilers will keep me away from the internet for a little while.

Ha. About to lose my fiancee to a video game for the next week...

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The funding situation is so stressful! I hope it gets sorted out soon and you can start making plans. Yes, I only applied to 3 local universities (Masters of Social Work program). Unfortunately I was barely below the minimum gpa cutoff and was denied at the door. I applied hoping that over a decade of direct Social Work experience might sway them to consider me. However, I didn't realize that the Graduate Dept wont even forward on applications to the Adcomm if they dont meet the minimum gpa, regardless of supporting documentation. (I wish I knew that beforehand!)

Next application season, I will probably only apply to 1 of the 3 schools and maybe another one that offers distance education. Although I have a few friends who got their MSW's in the States (just across the border in NY), I cant manage that due to family responsibilities. Plus, the costs are just crazy. Not worth it to drive into Buffalo (aka, the armpit of America :P ) to accrue that kind of debt.

Are you expecting to relocate?

I am so grateful that US schools don't have a minimum GPA cutoff for grad school otherwise I would be a dead man ... I wasn't exactly the most serious student my 2nd semester and most of my sophomore year so I had some MAJOR clunker grades sitting on there ... luckily I was able to pull it back up w/a decent showing towards jr year.

I do expect to relocate some where else w/in the US just unsure where it'll be. I might just say eff all of this and write to a school of my choice and tell them I plan on starting with the next year and for them not to worry about the oversight in not admitting or giving me funding.

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I am so grateful that US schools don't have a minimum GPA cutoff for grad school otherwise I would be a dead man ...

Well there is that 3.0 mark required for the DGS to send it to the department, although there's certainly conditional admission. I managed to pull my GPA up to Cum Laude, literally at the 11th hour. I feel really fortunate there.

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omg i'm going insane over here! my program has sent over 10 acceptances and rejections today and I'm pretty sure from last year's trend that I should be hearing something today but that darn email wouldn't come already :'(

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I am so grateful that US schools don't have a minimum GPA cutoff for grad school otherwise I would be a dead man ... I wasn't exactly the most serious student my 2nd semester and most of my sophomore year so I had some MAJOR clunker grades sitting on there ... luckily I was able to pull it back up w/a decent showing towards jr year.

I do expect to relocate some where else w/in the US just unsure where it'll be. I might just say eff all of this and write to a school of my choice and tell them I plan on starting with the next year and for them not to worry about the oversight in not admitting or giving me funding.

Ha! (That reminds me of a Seinfeld episode when George decided to show up for work without actually being hired).

I wish I was more serious when doing my BSW. It wasn't that I found it too difficult, I was just distracted by...life! Who knew it would come back to haunt me years later??!

The good news is that there is an easy fix. I just have to take courses and better my standing. Hopefully next year I will get in. ..but something tells me, no matter how impressive your stats are, you are always afraid that you'll be shut out or get little/no funding...

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Another day.................nothing. And an acceptance to one of my programs on the results survey.

I'm doomed. I guess it's McDonalds for me. Wait, they won't hire me either.

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Well there is that 3.0 mark required for the DGS to send it to the department, although there's certainly conditional admission. I managed to pull my GPA up to Cum Laude, literally at the 11th hour. I feel really fortunate there.

note: become friends w/people in the registrar's office ... that's all I'm saying

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Ha! (That reminds me of a Seinfeld episode when George decided to show up for work without actually being hired).

I wish I was more serious when doing my BSW. It wasn't that I found it too difficult, I was just distracted by...life! Who knew it would come back to haunt me years later??!

The good news is that there is an easy fix. I just have to take courses and better my standing. Hopefully next year I will get in. ..but something tells me, no matter how impressive your stats are, you are always afraid that you'll be shut out or get little/no funding...

1. I should have learned my lesson in HS when my GPA was dreadful and didn't make it into an ivy school (also didn't help that I didn't apply)

2. SOMEONE* will take you if you show the right promise ... it's just a question of timing really

*w/funding of course

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Another day.................nothing. And an acceptance to one of my programs on the results survey.

I'm doomed. I guess it's McDonalds for me. Wait, they won't hire me either.

the only reason they won't hire you is because you don't have a POI ... get to know Grimace, Hamburglar or Officer Big Mac even ... Mayor McCheese is kind of a dick and expects a bribe

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The uncertainty is starting to screw with my mind. The last three nights I've had VERY vivid dreams about offers (all, of course, kind of bizarre and dream-world-y), but when I wake up it takes me several minutes to figure out I've been dreaming.

I feel like I'm starting to lose my grip on reality!

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Last night, when I logged into check my status, for a brief moment, I thought I saw the words, "a decision has been made." Then they were gone, I actually did a search for the word decision to make sure I really was imagining it. I was. This is dumb.

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the only reason they won't hire you is because you don't have a POI ... get to know Grimace, Hamburglar or Officer Big Mac even ... Mayor McCheese is kind of a dick and expects a bribe

Maybe I can shoot the king an e-mail and go to the Bk Lounge

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Maybe I can shoot the king an e-mail and go to the Bk Lounge

I hear the Red-haired orphan girl* is turning tricks now so that might be a better fit ... easier to negotiate a funding package ... the King isn't looking to expend his largess at the mo ... so I hear on the rumor mill

*For the Record I loved Dave Thomas and think Wendy's is one of the better fast food chains as far as society goes in case I get anyone easily offended

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Oseirus, when this wait is over, I am going to send you a thank you note for your amusing posts- def makes this wait less painful :)

Well thank you! As long as one less person in the world hates me today, I am a happy camper! :)

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The uncertainty is starting to screw with my mind. The last three nights I've had VERY vivid dreams about offers (all, of course, kind of bizarre and dream-world-y), but when I wake up it takes me several minutes to figure out I've been dreaming.

I feel like I'm starting to lose my grip on reality!

OMG me too! I had a dream last night that I was accepted into every school I applied to. Best part was they all offered funding. I was so disappointed when I finally realized I had been dreaming...

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