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Wait listing is NOT the end!

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I've decided no matter what, I'm not staying at my server job this fall. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. I'm working on my resume now, in the hopes some of my parents' friends can find me a job out of pity. Because making this resume has shown me that I'm not qualified to do anything but be a student forever. :mellow: Whomp Whomp.

Edited by Fiona Thunderpaws
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I wish a cursory glance through the want ads would show more employers seeking "Renaissance Man." Can't I just be well-read and articulate, and have that really be the most significant requirement for a position?

(...I also wish there were an appropriately gender-neutral term for Renaissance Man.)

Perhaps Courtier? Castiglione gave me the impression they were mostly the same thing. But how would that job add look?

Wanted: Articulate and intelligent persons sought for to fulfill Courtier positions. Duties include engaging otherwise uninterested citizens in lengthy discussions about literature, art, music, and philosophy, while simultaneously spreading seeds of doubt concerning deep seated prejudices. Impressive neck ruffs and many layered petticoats to be provided by employer.

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Well done, Thunderpaws. I'd answer that add in a heartbeat.

Last semester, I tried to get my Brit Lit class (mostly high school seniors) into the idea of having an Orlando party (the last text we read). Said party is one for which each guest chooses a time period / gender, and together, we all portray the multiplicity of Orlandoes, cross-dressing clearly encouraged. I might have nailed the coffin on the idea when I said, "AS LONG AS I GET TO WEAR THE RUFF. I'll make one out of newspaper if I have to!"

Needless to say, there was no Orlando party. I made them tea, though. Rule Britannia!

Just think: if our wait lists work out in our favor, we'll be around others who would be equally excited about elaborate, literature-themed parties for the next 5-7 years. (At least, I would hope.)

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Last semester, I tried to get my Brit Lit class (mostly high school seniors) into the idea of having an Orlando party (the last text we read). Said party is one for which each guest chooses a time period / gender, and together, we all portray the multiplicity of Orlandoes, cross-dressing clearly encouraged. I might have nailed the coffin on the idea when I said, "AS LONG AS I GET TO WEAR THE RUFF. I'll make one out of newspaper if I have to!"

Needless to say, there was no Orlando party. I made them tea, though. Rule Britannia!

OMG are you sure you're not all of my friends/professors wrapped into one??

I am still struggling to get my roommate to agree to letting me have a "yay I got into grad school party" that involves everyone dressing as expat writers from the 20s, the room decorated like Gertrude Stein's studio, and lots of absinthe. She has been resisting this idea.

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OMG are you sure you're not all of my friends/professors wrapped into one??

I am still struggling to get my roommate to agree to letting me have a "yay I got into grad school party" that involves everyone dressing as expat writers from the 20s, the room decorated like Gertrude Stein's studio, and lots of absinthe. She has been resisting this idea.

Why on earth would your roommate resist the coolest idea for a party ever??

Sidenote: have you seen Midnight in Paris? When I read your post, that was all I could think about.

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Why on earth would your roommate resist the coolest idea for a party ever??

Sidenote: have you seen Midnight in Paris? When I read your post, that was all I could think about.

Haha I came up with the idea to have a party like this last year, but after I saw Midnight in Paris, I knew it had to happen. I've already called dibs on Anais Nin (and am trying to get a guy friend to agree to be Henry Miller). Sadly, my roommate would prefer having an American historical figures party...she's big on Presidents. Hahahaha

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Presidents, really? Too many suits for a "costume" party.

I hereby formally propose that we form an association, provisionally called United Literature-Themed Party Enthusiasts, though that's a cumbersome name.

Back to the wait-list stress conversation, though: I found my second gray hair today. And by gray, I mean white. This is a product of stress and anxiety, right? I'm too young for this!

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Ahhh, the grey/white hair thing freaks me out SO much. During the fall, when I was simultaneously applying to grad schools/writing my senior thesis (which was also used for my writing sample), I found my first grey hair. I mentioned it to my roommate, who immediately responded 'look, there it is! I see it! Right there, at your temple!'

...Because it wasn't stressful enough to find it on my own.

But I suppose I'm intruding on this thread, as I'm not actually a waitlister. However, if you ever do form this association, I want in!

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YES! I will so be in this association. Dibs on Dumbledore! While he's not exactly a traditional literary figure, I have the BEST costume for it. At the last movie premiere, strangers were taking pictures with me. If I were smarter, I would've charged them to outset the cost of applications.

And for all you grey-haired folk, don't worry... I have like, 8 of them. And I'm not even 23 yet. :o

Thanks Antecedant! We waitlisters need it. We're a high-strung lot in here, to say the least!

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BDon, what is the deal? Are you skipping the Texas visit? Already set on Carolina?

I'm not 100% set on Carolina, but I am skipping the Texas visit. It just didn't fit in with my class schedule, and as I'm leaning toward UNC, I just didn't feel like it would be fair to not be able to potentially give up my spot until a week before the 15th. Unfortunately, that means we won't be able to meet!!

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I'm not 100% set on Carolina, but I am skipping the Texas visit. It just didn't fit in with my class schedule, and as I'm leaning toward UNC, I just didn't feel like it would be fair to not be able to potentially give up my spot until a week before the 15th. Unfortunately, that means we won't be able to meet!!

I feel like you really should visit if you can, but I understand what you mean. Getting away from school/job has been pretty tough for me. I had to make a lot of schedule room to get to Amherst later this month. But, it'll be nice to know more about the program so I can make an informed decision.

That said, UNC looks awesome. I really really wish I'd applied there! Say hello to Mae Henderson for me.

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I also hope someone is celebrating an acceptance in this thread every time it is bumped.

Trip, when are you heading out to Amherst? I'm thinking of going out there at the end of this month, too.

The 27th-28th. Maybe I'll see ya!

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Yes! You are right. :) My uncle lives in Amherst so I'll be in the town on Sunday, hanging out with my family and exploring a bit, and then visiting campus and faculty on the Monday. I'm still not totally sure I'll make it out there. I'm very interested in Minnesota, so if they extend an offer before my intended visit, I'll probably skip and visit with my family during a quieter time of the year.

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YES! I will so be in this association. Dibs on Dumbledore! While he's not exactly a traditional literary figure, I have the BEST costume for it. At the last movie premiere, strangers were taking pictures with me. If I were smarter, I would've charged them to outset the cost of applications.

And for all you grey-haired folk, don't worry... I have like, 8 of them. And I'm not even 23 yet. :o

Thanks Antecedant! We waitlisters need it. We're a high-strung lot in here, to say the least!

21-year-old here! :-\

also, apologies for bumping this thread when I'm not actually saying anything important about waitlists!

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21-year-old here! :-\

also, apologies for bumping this thread when I'm not actually saying anything important about waitlists!

Maybe it's an literature person thing, graying before you hit 25? I found my first gray hair at 16 after I submitted my high school thesis, and I'm pretty certain I've gotten one for every major paper since. I also found a new "waiting to hear back from applications" gray hair. I'll probably look like a snowy owl when I get my PhD.

And it's okay! Us waitlisters like company. I doubt we'll hear anything back until April anyway :\

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Sorry to steer the conversation away from distinguished temples, but I need to ask: to those of you who are waitlisted but also have other offers, how are you handling this? Are you going to wait until the last minute to decide, in case you get admitted to another school? Is there basically going to be a massive domino effect happening around the second week of April?

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Based on my experiences last year (4 admits and one waitlist), I worked through the admits I had and narrowed my choices to two programs. I was waitlisted at UT-Austin and really didn't like how Lesser pretty much never responded to emails, and I had a friend in the department to give me info about funding, department composition, and things like that, so I felt like I had a pretty good idea about how things would go. After visiting both of the admits I had kept in play, I declined one program and then negotiated a bit with the program I liked a lot. After they sweetened the offer, I accepted that admit and declined the waitlist position. I knew at that point I would pick the school I did even if the waitlist had turned into an admit (and even if it had been a direct admit), so I made my decision late March. However, a lot of people will not make decisions until right at the end. I think if you have both admits and waitlists, you should try to narrow your choices down to be fair to the other programs and waitlisters. It's a complicated situation! Good luck to you all!

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My acceptance is only for an MA - though I love the school to death, I'm waiting on the PhD. If I had a couple admits, like lyoness did, I would probably decline the ones I was sure I wasn't going to take...but having only two makes my decision for me. I'd love to be able to give my MA school the heads up earlier, since it's just easier for them, but I'm in a position where I need to keep the options open (assuming the one I'm still waiting on is a rejection).

Now I wish I had applied to more so I might have more options, but alas, my schedule didn't allow for it last fall. I barely got the apps out that I did, among all my other work! I almost feel like round 2 will be the real round, having had sufficient revision (re-envisioning?) time, though if I'm in a full-time, one-year MA program, who knows how I'll pull that off.

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