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Hi! I noticed that a UW-Milwaukee acceptance just went up--anyone want to claim it? Also curious, what track did you apply for? Thanks!


Wasn't me...but ever since I saw that I have been nervously checking all possible sources of contact.

jamie_w, did you know that we could check our application status on PAWS for Milwaukee? I just found that out. My status says under review.


Hi, fedup! Yes, I've been checking my PAWS account--but my status has been "referred for review" for ages. I called the dept. a few weeks ago, and they told me that applications were still being reviewed, and notifications wouldn't be going out until early Mar., so I was surprised to see the acceptance today. Best of luck to you!


I'll claim the acceptance. I got an email from Lane Hall, coordinator of the Media, Cinema and Digital Studies track, and though I'm accepted at this point, he also added, "While financial aid, TA, and scholarship decisions are yet to be made, your name has been put forward in our top rankings for financial support. TA's and scholarships are quite competitive in this regard but I will let you know as soon as we know the status of our funding."

So, I'm accepted, but without the assurance of funding. Nonetheless, I'm thrilled. It's a great program and a near perfect fit for what I want to do. Best of luck to the two above posters, I hope you guys get the good news soon, too.


Jamie_w, I had emailed the department (Dr. Clark) [i know...I couln't resist], and he said that they were still reviewing my file and that they will be notifying in the next 2 weeks....


Congratulations, Sanchez! And thank you so much for the info. Thank you so much for the update, fedup--I may also send an e-mail today--Milwaukee is my first choice, so I am really anxious to hear! Best of luck, fedup, and hopefully we'll both receive good news soon!


user_name, yes, I received a postcard, too. I e-mailed the grad. studies coordinator, and she said that they were still reviewing apps, and it could be another month before any news goes out.

fedup, have you heard anything?


I didn't apply there, but that can't be right. Maybe another two weeks, but another month? Like, really? By then, half their first choice acceptees will have fallen in love with the other programs they've researched and visited and craigslisted since their February acceptances...


I'm really hoping we hear some news sooner--I wonder if we'll get an e-mail, or if the website will be updated. My fingers are crossed for all of us!


Congrats on the Milwaukee acceptance that just went up! Anyone want to claim it? I'm anxiously awaiting news from them. Congrats again!


Congrats, user_name--that's such great news! Anyone else who applied to the Ph.D. program still waiting?


I am still waiting too. I applied to the rhet/comp PhD. Does anyone have information or had any contact with the department about admissions?


mrock, I had e-mailed the grad studies coordinator about 3 weeks ago, and she said it may be a month or so before we hear, so I anticipate news any day now. I applied for the cinema, media & digital studies track. It looks like most folks found out via postal mail last year, so I've been anxiously checking my mail after work these days. Good luck to you!

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