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Here's the vague information I got last week from the Brown admissions: "We expect admissions notifications to go out later this month and certainly no later than March 15. Applicants will receive email notification from the Graduate School informing them that a decision has been made and is available to view via the Embark online application system."

This process is ridiculously agonizing.

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I haven't heard anything, but just seeing this topic made my heart stop.

Yep. Yep, yep, yep.

Even if I were to get an e-mail from Brown in the next few days, I think I might be too scared to open it...

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HOLY CRAP, I see Brown rejections on the board. No email yet for me though. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?? <-- Freaking out.

I just went online to check my status and it still says a decision has not been made. Code Kermit over here.


Edited by dokkeynot
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I don't have an email yet either and my status hasn't updated on the application website. I was hoping this one would be merciful and the notifications would all come in at once.

Agreed. It looks like they usually do all go up in one day, so I think we can still hope for that. Of course this would happen on a day I have off from teaching high school, so I have less to distract me and will definitely be staring at my computer all day. :mellow:

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:( I didn't get in. Not that I was expecting to, but I felt like my app for Brown was objectively the strongest.

...For some reason, though, my three acceptances came from what I thought were my weakest applications, so I guess I can't judge myself very accurately.

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:(, bdon. Luckily you have some awesome options!! Did you get an email from Brown or you just randomly checked?

I got an e-mail that said something like "Brown University's Graduate School will never e-mail you directly. Go check your Embark account. You fail at life."

...or something like that... :blink:

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How does this work? I've received no email and checked the status. It says, "A decision has not yet been made." Do they not let everyone know on the same day? Brown is a longshot for me, anyway, but I wish all these programs would be a little more consistent in their notifications.

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