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what will you do after your PhD?


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I've been accepted in a developmental PhD program but have no desire to go into academia and be a prof afterwards. I know going into research is the other major option. I'm curious what others are planning to do after they graduate with their PhD in a non-clinical psychology program.

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I'm going to be getting a PhD in Social Psychology and not going into academia (unless I completely change my mind, which I suppose could happen). I hope to go into social policy research. Maybe work for a think tank like RAND. Or a government agency.

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All those jobs sound great, but I'm just planning on being a regular ole professor :)

For those of you that aren't considering academia, did you state your true goals on your SOPs?

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Good question t_ruth. :) Three of the programs I applied to were applied social psych, so I did state my true goals on those. On the others, I said I wanted to teach AND do applied research. Which may very well end up happening. Who knows? But it is stretching the truth a bit. I will certainly be up front about my goals with whichever program I end up going to though.

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My initial motivation for the PhD was to go into corporate consulting. BUT I've been having doubts of late..... I enjoy research and love academia and the university environment and would love to remain in it; the "publish or perish" atmosphere, however, scares me. I'm choosing not to make any solid decisions until later on.

And in all my SOPs, I wrote about how much I want to do research for a university, but value any practicums/internships the programs offered as a way to explore the applied nature of I/O should I choose to further continue to work in that arena later in my career. Also, it would provide an invaluable opportunity to incorporate field work into my research.

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