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    I/O Psychology

illinoisellie's Achievements

Espresso Shot

Espresso Shot (4/10)



  1. I use "statistics for psychology" by aron, aron and coups. Though its an introductory textbook, it really helps walk you through the spss analyses and be able to calculate the stats yourself!
  2. Saint Louis University, anyone?
  3. Saint Louis University I/O psych PhD!!!
  4. Well, I'm waitlisted at one of my top choices. I sent the "I still love you!" email, but I am now waiting until at least the week after april 15th to start freaking out.
  5. Yeah. But if you accept one school and then hear about your waitlist school - how can you change your mind?? :shock: I need more time!!! :cry:
  6. Well, I might very well be going to Eastern Kentucky - which is in Richmond (not too far away). So if you need a roommate.... :wink:
  7. So I'm not getting any funding at my MS school either - I'm also looking forward to getting a PhD. But I have heard that the only way to make your application better is to get more research experience, so try to get a research-y job, up your GRE scores, whatever, in the upcoming year if you do decide to take off for a year. I wasn't able to find anything research-wise- I really want to just do a research gig for a year - but can't find one in my area that isn't entirely unpaid... :roll:
  8. Well, the school with which I am now waitlisted - just about as much stress as an actual relationship - was supposedly getting a heck of alot of applicants. I just hope that all the applicants that got in were awesome, had a high-GPA and had been published at least 5 times (read: got into a better school that they will like more) I'm not rooting against them - I'm rooting for them! (just as long as they don't want to enroll at my school ) But odds-wise? Probably not very good. I heard from my masters level program that many of the applicants should have gotten into a phd program, but instead had only gotten into that program and were enrolling there. So if you think about how few people have gotten into the PhD programs - surely they will accept their offers.
  9. UTC - I/O masters and waiting on a wait list from a certain PhD program... I think we should hire someone who reads tarot cards - maybe they could figure out which schools we would get into.
  10. Maybe it's just me, but I really dislike reporters that try to capitalize on people who are hurting. All that " How does that make you feel?" crap is insane. Of course, I've had previous encounters with the media in a negative fashion - when I was in grade school I wrote a story about my late grandfather (whom I called G-daddy). The story won a creative writing contest at my school and at the school district level. A reporter called and wanted a copy to put in a story, so we faxed it to them. They ended up calling us back and telling us that they only wanted to write it because they thought it was about a gang/gang activity. I mean wth? Jeez. Sorry, but I had to rant about that. At least individuals in the media know that we are being affected by the economy.
  11. Supposedly, you're not supposed to say "yes" to one program while waiting on a list for another program - b/c if you have to change your mind, its bad form (my advisor told me this) But I totally want to do it anyways I'm probably going to just ask for a week extension - if I don't hear back from the other program in that week, then sayonara PhD.... :cry:
  12. For those of us on waitlists, it won't be over til the crow caws....i.e. probably sometime mid-august... I'm hoping that I will know about my waitlist right before or after the 15th... but who knows?? :roll:
  13. What an ass! :roll: Maybe people who want to get PhD's don't all want to eventually teach?? Maybe this guy should have taken his english degree and become an editor or writer (instead of being a pansy and feeling "forced" into becoming a professor - dude. think for yourself. for once. jeez.) Since he is so upset at having one - he should just give his PhD to me! I get this kind of stuff all the time - of course its difficult getting a job after a PhD and NO, we are NOT putting 2-5 years of living in a cardboard box working our butts off just to "hide from life/recession/undergrad debt". Barring that, I can see why he wants to warn individuals who idealize the PhD and the PhD process - I was thoroughly warned by my advisors. If he wants to warn his students, that's great. Just don't over-generalize to the entire population, that's all I ask!!
  14. I was wondering if anyone here knows about accepting an offer to one school, and then (perhaps) not going to that school if a waitlist spot opens up....??? Does accepting an offer automatically take you off of the waitlist at the other school? (yeah, i know - probably not, but I had to ask!) Will accepting an offer and then not going give you a black spot? (I am also guessing no, because if other schools admit waitlisters until august, someone must have signed up and then dropped out) I was accepted into a masters program. I had three days of blissful de-stress-ful-ness! Then, the PhD program contacted me and now I'm on a waitlist - and I'm FREAKED OUT AGAIN!!! I want to know who was accepted into the school so I can email them a "well, you really don't want to go to this program" letter... But supposedly some accepted people weren't offered much funding, so hopefully they'll drop - I think I can last a year with an outside job and no funding....
  15. Hahaha! I have senioritis as well, but, I still have my oral defense to pass!!
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