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Sara Grand is a little late for Victorian but that novel absolutely blew my mind - it was a bit of a slog, but a beautiful, beautiful slog. Much like Middlemarch, which we also had to read for that class.

Also, you had me so pumped with your rationale from earlier, but I'm starting to lose steam and sink into worry again. I really hope this works out for me/you/us all!

Oh man, am I ever familiar with that slog. I'm using MM as the main text in my thesis, but I do agree that despite the sloooow, brutal pace there is definite poetry in its construction. I haven't had a chance to read any Sara Grand, but she's bunched in with the "New Woman" writers, correct? After spending so much time with Eliot/MM I'm definitely interested to read similar stuff, so I'll be sure to check her out.

And as far as losing steam: don't. The problem is we started to discuss school/research interests...I always regenerate a cycle of mania and depression when I begin to think about academic stuff, and you're just experiencing the comedown stretch of it, i.e. anxiously contemplating the possibility of not being able to indulge your scholasticism next fall (I'm right there with you at present, why did we start discussing literature?!). You've got two great program offers, and though I realize there's not much solace to be had in my pointing that out, you DO have options.

Do you think we're going to look good or hideous in that weird, burnt orange color UT uses? I can seeing it going either way for me--I think if I am perpetually tan I'll be able to make it work. We'll obviously be spending a ton of time laying out and reading at Barton Springs. (Vision board thoughts :P)

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Do you think we're going to look good or hideous in that weird, burnt orange color UT uses? I can seeing it going either way for me--I think if I am perpetually tan I'll be able to make it work. We'll obviously be spending a ton of time laying out and reading at Barton Springs. (Vision board thoughts :P)

Oh man I seriously love Middlemarch. I don't know about writing a thesis sized paper on it, but I wrote a final paper on it and really enjoyed it. At one point I wanted to get a MM themed tattoo :P

Haha I'm more concerned about learning to love football. I've spent the last 5 1/2 years in hockey land, which has been great because I actually enjoy hockey. Football though...I dunno. I never enjoyed it even when I lived in the States. I'm sure with enough beer I could be convinced though...

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I posted the Wait List that I received today. I am interested in the Ethnic and Third World Lit Program, as well as Gender. This is my first non-rejection. My husband and I are both trying to get in to schools together and this would be the first one to actually work (he got in for Political Theory)... So, if you're a E3W person who got in somewhere else, can you give me your spot? :P I'm just kidding (mostly) but I do really love this program and would be so happy to study there.

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I posted the Wait List that I received today. I am interested in the Ethnic and Third World Lit Program, as well as Gender. This is my first non-rejection. My husband and I are both trying to get in to schools together and this would be the first one to actually work (he got in for Political Theory)... So, if you're a E3W person who got in somewhere else, can you give me your spot? :P I'm just kidding (mostly) but I do really love this program and would be so happy to study there.

I'm sorry that you got waitlisted (and not accepted right off the bat), but I'm so glad to hear they're still sending out waitlist notifications. Here that, andsoitgoes? It ain't over 'til it's over, baby!

Edited by antecedant
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I'm sorry that you got waitlisted (and not accepted right off the bat), but I'm so glad to hear they're still sending out waitlist notifications. Here that, andsoitgoes? It ain't over 'til it's over, baby!

Yayyy! I was TRYING to tell you this yesterday in my post about our respective departments maybe not being on the same time schedule as the lit part of the PhD, hence the crickets in our inbox. I know we are going to get some positive news this week, we have to!

Also, nothing to do with UT, BUTTTT...I logged onto my bank account this morning and saw a check was cashed on Tuesday by my other top choice program (though UT is really my Disneyland) and it makes me think decisions for them are coming out this week too!! AHHHHHH!!! I can't. Now I know how you felt when Madison/Austin were scheduled to notify during the same week.

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checked results board and saw somoene posted a rejection via email this morning. still checking my app and it says in review. don't know what to think or feel.

I know, seriously. I'm trying to just let it go, cause at this point there doesn't appear to be much in the way of logic here. Has anyone contacted the program coordinator/DGS about this? Someone other than Prof. Lesser?

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Thanks guys! I'm definitely bummed, but also relieved that at least I have a decision. That part of the waiting is over. I've really appreciated your support and encouragement. I didn't apply to rhet/comp, so there may still be a chance for you all.

I have MA options now (and I suspect Illinois has forgotten about me...) so at least I've got something academic to do next year.

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I applied to rhet/comp, and got my rejection a bit ago. I think I'm kind of relieved, actually (okay, and bummed). I think I applied more because I want to move to Austin than I did for love of their program. It would have been really hard to walk away from the chance to live there, even though ASU's program is really probably a better fit.

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They're really prolonging my agony over here.... still nothing. Sigh. I'm trying to place some faith in the fact that this might mean something out of the ordinary (aka not a flat out rejection), but they're probably just doing things alphabetically. That or they lost my app and decided it wasn't even worth looking for.

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They're really prolonging my agony over here.... still nothing. Sigh. I'm trying to place some faith in the fact that this might mean something out of the ordinary (aka not a flat out rejection), but they're probably just doing things alphabetically. That or they lost my app and decided it wasn't even worth looking for.

I'm really really hoping you and HaruNoKaze get in! My fingers are still crossed for all y'all. <3

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They're really prolonging my agony over here.... still nothing. Sigh. I'm trying to place some faith in the fact that this might mean something out of the ordinary (aka not a flat out rejection), but they're probably just doing things alphabetically. That or they lost my app and decided it wasn't even worth looking for.

i'm towards the end of the alphabet...

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