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Thanks so much everyone - perrykm2, deebee, TripWillis ♥, lolopixie ♥, waiting international, petitespoir, comebackzinc, and massive congratulations to the others who got in! I'm getting gushy but I cannot give enough love to everyone who makes gradcafe amazing; without you, and your support, this whole process would have unbearable. I could've sworn I was going to go 0/12.

I got an email from the assistant dean and then director of graduate studies. Posted dismal GRE scores on results board with acceptance (verbal and quant. should be the other way round).

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Congrats, everyone! (EDIT: realized that a third person had been accepted to Columbia)

Members of these forums have provided me with tremendously helpful advice and have been tremendously successful themselves, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to emulate them when I apply next fall. ^_^

Edited by Two Espressos
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Arrivant -- you should change your handle to arrivé. :)

Touché TripWillis! [Can I just take this chance to say you're awesome, we all know it.]

May I ask, what are you guys's fields of research?

Um, maybe like literary/critical/postcolonial theory (???).

700+ applicants for 15 spots.

Again, you're all so freaking amazingly awesome (this is the first online community board-type thing I've ever been involved with, but I think I'm safe when I assume most aren't this great) and I'm pulling so so so hard for everyone yet to hear.


The Cost of It All (despite their protestations about being fair/'blind' or whatever when it comes to funding, the application costs to programs are still an insurmountable access barrier for many - this needs redressing asap):

GRE/Subject study books - $85 (not including the Norton's)

GRE/Subject exams - $470 (2 GRE, 1 subject)

Official transcript costs - $75 (2 universities *idiotically* requiring originals)

Postage costs - $35 (posting transcripts to the other side of the world)

Online application costs - $1010 (12 English grad. programs)

Thank you gifts to 3 references - $125

= $1800

Hours of MA lost in favour of GRE/PhD app. studying/writing/worring: Unaccountable

SOP re-drafts: Too many

Sleep lost: Untold amounts

Dreams pertaining to grad school over the last three years: Frightening in their number

Alcohol imbibed following each rejection: Enormous quantities

Worrying (after belatedly finding gradcafe) about no other languages bar English / no POI contact / low-ish GRE scores: Lots

Finding out someone, crazily, wants me: See OP.

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I also just got the news of acceptance. Congratulations to the Arrivant, Mr Grimwig, and Girlmostlikely! (and since I read girlmostlikely's SOP, I must say I am not surprised you made it in!)

I HAD THE EXACT SAME REACTION. This has been my dream for nearly 3 years. I have surpassed Q and arrived at R. Now onto Z!!

I am revelling in literary citationality because I cannot process it in any other way.

LOVE THIS!--My sentiments exactly, about Columbia as the "dream." I visited there years ago, and pretty much everything I've done--from my undergrad courses, to figuring out "fit" and current scholarship in my field, and carrying out my applications since then has been accompanied by the "please Columbia" feeling in the back of my mind. When I got the first e-mail, it was actually surreal. I am, in a rare moment, speechless!

For the record, my area is 20th century. I am seriously in complete shock.

Edited by ecritdansleau
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