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MFA Admission Replies - short and simple


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Thanks for the reply Mmmh! I guess there is still a slight chance then:) Good luck to you!

I got a phone call from Amy Hauft yesterday. She let me know that I was accepted. They are offering a free ride + 4800 fellowship per semester.

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I got a phone call from Amy Hauft yesterday. She let me know that I was accepted. They are offering a free ride + 4800 fellowship per semester.

Congrats cool90068! That is a great deal for an amazing program- are you going to accept? And that news makes my decision an easy one (Mills)...

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For Graphic/Comm/Media Design

Pratt MS - accepted

Art Center 3 yr MFA - accepted, + some funding & possible assistantship

CCA (BFA) - accepted (could probably complete it in 2-3 yrs because of non-studio transfer credit)

CalArts - rejected

RISD 3 year MFA - waiting

Not sure what to do! (and I think it's decision time soon, b/c my guess is I won't get good news from RISD at this stage).

Would love some reactions! I posted to another thread so as not to clog up this one:


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As I might have to do a 2nd round next year - Curious about those who applied to MFA Studio Art only in New York City.

Are you applying to all of these? If you omit any of these, what was the rationale behind it?




Bard (throwing this in here since it's close enough to consider it a New York City school)




Anyone who got accepted to Columbia, Hunter, NYU, Bard and choosing between them? Though I don't think Columbia has notified yet.

Why do you choose what you choose?


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I am also curious about the rationale between new york studio programs. I only applied to Pratt because I was looking for printmaking programs. Don't know for sure why I didn't apply to Columbia. Within the New York MFA world, what are the differences between these schools?

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I got a phone call from Amy Hauft yesterday. She let me know that I was accepted. They are offering a free ride + 4800 fellowship per semester.

Hi cool90068,

Congrats! Did you have an interview with them??

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A little update from me. I applied to both Yale and CalArts for my MFA in Graphic Design. Got into CalArts already. Had my Yale interview on Wednesday and it was super intense. I'm freaked out to be honest. I really want Yale!!!

Does anybody know how many applicants were interviewed?

MFA Graphic Design

CalArts - Accepted (3/20/09)

Yale - Interview

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OMG i just got a call from Hunter. They sure took their time on that! I was so sure that I didn't get in that I had written it off completely. Now I'm waiting to hear back from Yale.... It's going to be quite a difficult decision, but I'm super stoked anyway. YAY

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Another quick update:

UT Austin - rejected via letter mid-February

Tyler Painting - rejected via letter on 3/12/09

Tyler Sculpture - rejected via letter on 3/28/09

VCU Painting - no word

VCU Sculpture - rejected via letter on 3/30/09

RISD Sculpture - rejected via letter on 3/17/09

Cranbrook Sculpture - no word

MICA Painting - no word

MICA Sculpture - no word

MICA Mt. Royal - no word

UMD College Park - rejected via letter on 3/24/09

For those keeping score at home, we're 0 for 6 with 5 to go. What's the prize for going 0/11?

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I just got a letter notifying me that I am WAITLISTED at RISD, which came as a huge surprise, because I didn't even get interviewed there, and assumed it to be a rejection based on that fact. I would have expected all of their waitlist positions to go to people who interviewed, but who knows?

I have until the 20th to notify Hunter of my decision, so I may as well wait and see if anything comes of the RISD waitlist. Definitely unexpected! What do people think of RISD compared to Hunter?

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I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, but I'm looking for input on deciding between schools. I got accepted to the Pratt MFA program and the MA program at Chelsea College in London (MA is as high as they go). If I go to London I would have to come back here and get an MFA later I think, but it would add an international component to my resume. It also might give me a better shot at reapplying to CalArts, which was my top choice. On the other hand, Pratt is ranked highly and I could just get it done. Anyone have any advice? Any impressions of either school?

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i don't follow your logic - why after getting a masters in london would you "have to" / want to do *another* masters in the states? an ma and an mfa are both terminal degrees. a mfa isn't any higher of an academic achievement than a ma. it would be completely redundant to do both.

and while in the states, a mfa and a ma indicate a different focus of study, you are correct - they don't do mfa's in england, only ma's. but it's the exact same level of accomplishment. a british ma in studio art is the exact same thing as an american mfa in studio art.

go to whichever program you'd benefit more from. if yr really hung up on having an american degree over a foreign one, go stateside. remember now is a really good time to study in london because the pound has dropped so much. it's not going to be as cost effectivet a few years from now after the market recovers.

I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, but I'm looking for input on deciding between schools. I got accepted to the Pratt MFA program and the MA program at Chelsea College in London (MA is as high as they go). If I go to London I would have to come back here and get an MFA later I think, but it would add an international component to my resume. It also might give me a better shot at reapplying to CalArts, which was my top choice. On the other hand, Pratt is ranked highly and I could just get it done. Anyone have any advice? Any impressions of either school?
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From my understanding of the British degree system, an MA is in fact a lesser and different degree than an MFA. MAs are typically one year degrees, where as MFA are more intensive 2 year degrees that are offered at fewer schools. The only school in the UK that I can think of off the top of my head that offers the MFA is Goldsmiths, though I'm sure there are a few other schools as well.

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I also got waitlisted at RISD. However I did go up to interview so I don't know how they are doing it but I think an invitation from waitlist on to the program is based on your style, race, gender... and on how well that matches the person that rescinded the school's offer.

For future applicants, the interview process was much more laid back at Yale than at RISD.

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hmn. i spoke to soon - food for thought - i know that the royal college of art, slade and goldsmiths are two year programs - slade and goldsmiths offer both ma's and mfa's while the rca only offers an mfa, but is also a two year degree.

From my understanding of the British degree system, an MA is in fact a lesser and different degree than an MFA. MAs are typically one year degrees, where as MFA are more intensive 2 year degrees that are offered at fewer schools. The only school in the UK that I can think of off the top of my head that offers the MFA is Goldsmiths, though I'm sure there are a few other schools as well.
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Thanks to everyone who replied about the MA/MFA debate- they are both terminal degrees, but the reason I think I would need and MFA as well is because I want to teach at the university level. I spoke to a professor at SFAI and she said that I would in fact need an MFA, and that the british system isn't really compatible with the US one. People in the UK can teach at the university level without an advanced degree, so I think that is probably why.

I'd really like to know If anyone has a good sense of the program at Pratt though, as I think it would be good, but I've heard mixed things?

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Finally heard from Calarts... I'm feeling pretty good about this whole thing considering next year will either be Iceland or working on movies full time!


UMN: Rejected

Calarts: Short-waitlisted

SAIC: Accepted

Fulbright to Iceland: finalist, find out mid-April

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Still no response from OCAD... I guess I'll call them this week? Maybe? I'm scared to do that. What do you say on the phone? I'll probably just cry (at this point, I'm not even interested in attending OCAD anymore.. I've gotten money to three other great programs). I just want the official waiting to be done with so I can make a decision and get on with the rest of my life!

In other news, I'm visiting SCAD this weekend to check out their Sequential Art program. Any opinions?

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I'm waiting for a reply from hunter. I thought I had good chances, but now i'm getting nervous. the interview went ok, but I couldn't tell. I felt I articulated myself well, even though my voice was trembling the whole time. The 3 men that interviewed me were very cold though. I couldn't tell if they liked me or my work. But I also heard that the program was accepting 80 students this year as opposed to the 40 that they usually take. Anyone hear that?

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According to CMU's website, all notifications of status will be made by April 1....today. I am not sure about photo, but I got my painting rejection a little over a week ago.

Good luck to you, I guess I was not much help, hmmm

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