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MFA Admission Replies - short and simple


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HI all,

ucla: accepted via phone call a few weeks ago.

Yale: interview 3/23

hunter: interview 3/14

columbia: interview 3/26 just got called sat

still waiting from USC

Regardless of what happens I'm leaning towards UCLA so I can stay in the area. Is that crazy?

Good luck to you all

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HI all,

ucla: accepted via phone call a few weeks ago.

Yale: interview 3/23

hunter: interview 3/14

columbia: interview 3/26 just got called sat

still waiting from USC

Regardless of what happens I'm leaning towards UCLA so I can stay in the area. Is that crazy?

Good luck to you all

What program did you apply to? I also have an interview at Yale on 3/23, but for painting.

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I knew i should have heard from UCLA by now. I guess I have to wait until mid march to get my rejection letter. Haven't gotten a call from Columbia either. Further confirms my suspicion that no news is bad news.

UCLA was my top choice, i think if you can get in state tuition it is clearly the best option. had i gotten in i would have chosen it over yale, columbia, hunter and calarts.

i guess now i just need to focus on the schools where i do have interviews.

thanks for posting, its good to know ahead of time.

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UCLA and Columbia are getting back? Bummer.

I am with you julieopp. No news is absolutely bad news! This is my second go on the MFA application ride, and not to be tooo much of a downer, but the longer you go without hearing anything, the more likely the news is no good.

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very, very impressive. interviews at all the top schools - what's yr secret?

HI all,

ucla: accepted via phone call a few weeks ago.

Yale: interview 3/23

hunter: interview 3/14

columbia: interview 3/26 just got called sat

still waiting from USC

Regardless of what happens I'm leaning towards UCLA so I can stay in the area. Is that crazy?

Good luck to you all

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Oh man... no news from UCLA or Columbia for me. This just adds to the list of rejections. I know schools like you to be out of undergrad for a bit, but I was still hoping. Now it is all down to my interview at SAIC and praying for something good from VCU. CMU is kind of last on my list, but that is assuming I have a list left...hehe

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I think USC has sent everything out (and i am not one of them myself either :( ). BTW, is anybody else here interviewing at Irvine? I just had the worst interview yesterday, and they flew me all the way out from NY and didn't read my damn file. Personally, I think that the committee i interviewed with had no interest in my work, and i was clearly the choice of faculty not in attendance (e.g. I am a person working in the intersection of theory and new media, i interviewed with two painters and a very non-academic video person). Has anybody else had negative interview experiences like this?

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starkk said:

Hey brosenth, I do abstract painting. You know I don't think I'll be able to make it due to work, but I really like the program and the facilities look very nice. ON the other hand don't worry about UCSD, the selection process is always very subjective.

Yeah, I'm not so sure my boss will let me off either, i have to fly to see a bunch of schools and they are getting a little annoyed... I think WashU's painting is also really strong, and they have a really top-notch museum there.

Good luck with Yale, I am not worrying about UCSD, i clearly don't fit their profile.

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COLUMBIA: I heard the photo dept. "does its own thing" and is "very secretive" during the preliminary app process. Its possible they are lagging behind...snow days and what-have-you. Who knows? They take so damn long to make a decision, I forgot I applied. I'm numb to the waiting at this point and on to obsessing over the interview. And its mighty nice to have some time to think this over.

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I think USC has sent everything out (and i am not one of them myself either :( ). BTW, is anybody else here interviewing at Irvine? I just had the worst interview yesterday, and they flew me all the way out from NY and didn't read my damn file. Personally, I think that the committee i interviewed with had no interest in my work, and i was clearly the choice of faculty not in attendance (e.g. I am a person working in the intersection of theory and new media, i interviewed with two painters and a very non-academic video person). Has anybody else had negative interview experiences like this?

How do you know about USC, I havent heard or seen anything, what program?

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How do you know about USC, I havent heard or seen anything, what program?

USC's MFA program (Roski School of Art) phone interviewed people today. If you had made the cut, you would have found out on Thursday. (I didn't make it! Boo hoo!)

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Thanks for all the info!!!

Has anyone heard from NYU Steinhardt? I called to ask a few weeks ago, and Mary Ann Santos said they'd have their short list by March 1st, and interviews the week of March 21-25. And decisions by the first week in April. Anyone have an interview invitation already?



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I did not apply to Parsons but from everything I have read on here, and my own experience with other schools... they do not update the online app stuff in a very timely manner. SAIC still says they are waiting for my transcripts, hehe.

Not sure I would trust the schools site for tracking your app, but perhaps Parsons in more on the ball.

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I applied for an MFA in Sculpture. I live in NYC

Here's my list:

Uni of Kansas: Rejected via email, 2/24

WUSTL: Rejected via email, 2/26

Bard: Rejected via email, 2/27

SUNY New Paltz: Accepted! via phone, 2/12

University of Iowa: Accepted! via email, 2/19

Ohio University: Accepted! via email, 3/5

Purchase College: Interview on 4/1, notification via phone

RISD: Still waiting

Cranbrook: Still waiting

I've almost just written RISD and Cranbrook off considering how difficult it seems to get into them.


My issue now is that one school is pressuring me to decide by March 15 and another by March 28, yet my interview at Purchase isn't even until April first. I have no clue yet where I want to go!

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I believe there's some sort of universal agreement for grad schools that allow students until mid-April to make a final decision. I would advise you to keep expressing your interest to those two schools but firmly let them know that you still have one more interview to do. You might even be able to use this opportunity to negotiate some more funding from them if available. They obviously want you and won't be retracting their offer or anything so don't feel pressured! Good luck to everyone of us on this forum.

my news: I just got my acceptance to CCA but have not heard a peep from three of the other programs (UCLA, Uof Chi, SAIC) Sigh.

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Just to update the insane list (I am applying in New Genres/video):

University of Chicago: Accepted

University of Illinois, Chicago: Nothing (But i know people were accepted, and were asked to say yes by March 15th, so if not contacted we are probably in a later pool, but not yet rejects :) )

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Accepted, funding announced

School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: Accepted today

Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL): Accepted and funding decisions sent out. Great school.

Syracuse: Unofficial Acceptance during phone interview

American U: Withdrawn, but I heard they accepted people and a friend of mine is on the waitlist, don't know about rejections though

CCA: Phone interview, then nothing, probably rejected because i screwed it up

UC Davis: Accepted, early

UC Irvine: Interviewed, nothing...hated them and they hated me too...not planning on ever going back to this one

UCSD: Rejected :(...very sad

UC Berkeley: Rejected

Hunter: Interviewed, they were pretty nice and sassy...in a good way

RISD: Nothing

University of Delaware: Nothing

Northwestern: Phone Interview tomorrow

USC: Nothing (expect rejection)

has anybody visited U of C? I will be there on Friday, and I am curious about impressions?

oh, and to answer below question (because i work for a grad school). Technically a school is supposed to allow you to make a decision until April 15th. But if you are not sure, and have a top choice amongst them (without purchase), especially if funding is attached to it. There is no reason why you can't (other than financially) give them deposit, and withdraw later before the start. Although, it is really unethical for them to make you do this. Washington University expects a decision by April 1st, and I will be visiting another school on the 2nd.

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i'm going crazy - anyone hear anything else?

I'm also calling out that other posting - the person who claimed to have already gotten into ucla and was interviewing at columbia and yale. sounds like a lot of hooey. i don't think ucla has sent out their acceptances yet. I remember both them and columbia were the last two i heard from when I applied last year.

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I don't know about ucla, but I have a friend who got called around the same time to do an interview with Columbia last year.. maybe they just send out the rejection letters later, who knows... i'd be nice if you were right though...

here's my list

ucla: no word

columbia: no word

yale: interview

cca: interviewed, waiting for final desicion

university of illinois urbana-champaign: accepted with fellowship

ut austin: accepted with fellowship

hunter: interview

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