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I have received most of my relevant acceptance/rejection letters. I have decided on attending USC for my MPP starting August 2012. Since I know many readers here will eventually be attending USC SOL PRICE for their MPA/MPP/MPL, I wanted to start a little community of future Trojans.

My name is Paul and I live in San Diego. I will be attending the Dean Merit Scholarship Event on March 23. Who else is planning to attend?

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Funny I just saw this after messaging you! I'm Ben from New York City. I'll be at the March 23rd event, and USC is currently in the driver's seat in terms of my preferences. Pretty pumped for seeing campus, and of course getting to experience some of the SoCal sun and warmth.


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Just need to check this - we sign and send back letter accepting scholarship, send back letter from Price school and fill out Camel link? Is there anything else? Also, I haven't met the stats requirement, on the deans merit letter it mentioned something about letting the advisor know something to do with this - any ideas on what that means? Thanks!

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I plan to attend the March 22nd (sitting in on a class and attending the living in LA session) and 23rd events. I'm strongly considering USC's MPA program at this point but I really won't be sure until I visit my top choices.

Does anyone here know how heavily the students interact with their advisers? I'm not sure that my adviser and I are academically well-matched, but I don't know how much it will matter. If the adviser serves as a "mentor" to help with course selection and/or internship guidance then I'm perfectly happy with the fit. I know this is off the strand topic, so feel free to PM me if you have any insight. Thanks, and I look forward to meeting a few of you in a few short weeks!

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I'm really thinking about it hard; the MPP seems to have great international employment prospects, plus the median MPP grad starting salary in 2011 was $81,000- which seems to be higher than most MPPs. Not sure about the 23rd yet (I live across the country).

Would anyone happen to know the feasibility of hitting them up for more money after the initial award decision? I've heard of people having limited success doing that at other schools... thoughts?

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I noticed that too about the MPP employment prospects. Not sure about the negotiating for more money, though. I'm sure it doesn't hurt to try.

My main concern has to do with the geographic restraints of a Price degree. USC is a very prominent and highly ranked program nationally, and it also has a broad reach internationally (particularly in East Asia). But if I'm looking to work on more domestic issues--like urban and housing policy--and am not necessarily committed to the idea of a career in the LA Metro area, do you think USC then poses problems? It would be interesting to see the location of all the jobs Price graduates get right out of school.

I do like LA, and could live there, but I don't think I'd want to be confined to one region/network in advance, by my school choice.

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Also, I haven't met the stats requirement, on the deans merit letter it mentioned something about letting the advisor know something to do with this - any ideas on what that means? Thanks!

I think you need to contact your advisor because the stats class you need to take is only two units. You'll be taking ten units the first semester instead of twelve and the university will need to adjust the amount awarded.


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Does anyone here know how heavily the students interact with their advisers? I'm not sure that my adviser and I are academically well-matched, but I don't know how much it will matter. If the adviser serves as a "mentor" to help with course selection and/or internship guidance then I'm perfectly happy with the fit.

I have a very strong match with my adviser. It was one of the encouraging aspects of this recruitment process. It was reinforcement that they actually read my SOP and found a "mentor" who is passionate about the same interests as myself. I would like to get assistance in finding a good internship as well.

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I think you need to contact your advisor because the stats class you need to take is only two units. You'll be taking ten units the first semester instead of twelve and the university will need to adjust the amount awarded.


Cool, thanks! I have to take 12 units for my visa though, so not sure what to do about that, I guess they'd have a solution...Also the MPA course sequencing doesn't mention that no stats option weirdly? I don't suppose you know off the top of your head if they accept online classes, as i'm enrolled in one now with UC Berkeley and anticipate getting a B at least. I'm just not sure of the reputation of online classes over in the US? Will of course contact the school about it once i've got my final grade in a few weeks.

Edited by Helpplease123
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Online classes are usually fine, I'm taking an online stats and microeconomics class over the summer at a community college to fulfill the requirement. I'd contact administrative staff to make sure, but I don't see a problem with it.

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Online classes are usually fine, I'm taking an online stats and microeconomics class over the summer at a community college to fulfill the requirement. I'd contact administrative staff to make sure, but I don't see a problem with it.

Thank you, that's good to hear :)

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This is Michelle from India. I made it into the USC MPP program 2 days ago with half tuition too. Has anyone checked into supplementary funding possibilities at USC? I will post ofcourse as soon as I know of anything. Right now it looks like I will land up at

USC unless Baruch makes a full funded offer or close. My interest areas are Social entrepreneurship and nonprofit policy. Hopefully will meet some of you guys in the Fall

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone. Thanks, Paul, for starting this group! I'm currently an undergrad at USC and am pursuing MPP programs for next fall and will be attending USC's dean's merit event tomorrow (march 23). I'm pretty set on continuing my education at USC, but I still need to do more research on a couple other programs I'm considering. Hoping tomorrow's event will help me solidify my decision.

Helpplease123: I also need to meet the stats requirement, since I took stats freshman year of college and I guess they think it's too long ago to still be relevant. Kind of a hassle, but oh well. Basically, from what I know, you can take a kind of preliminary stats course either in the summer (according to the usc course catalog, it's offered online) before attending or just take it next year when you come, you'll just have to push back another class. Seems pretty doable, from what I've read.

USC is an AMAZING university and community. If you guys have any questions about student life, I'd be happy to help out.

Hope to meet some of you tomorrow!

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