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Small scholarships


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I will be getting my Master's in English this fall. I have received a substantial scholarship but still owe a small amount each semester. I've read many posts in which someone complains about the small $500 or $1000 scholarships that one can get for submitting an essay. I would just like to know where to find such scholarships. I know that there are many, many options but I really can't seem to find any. I've googled it and looked through a couple hundred but they are mostly for people who live in a specific county. I don't need a huge scholarship (and am very grateful that that is the case) but I can't find any of the small ones that people keep mentioning! If anyone could direct me toward some options I would appreciate it very very much.

Congratulations to all of you who have received good news from your schools!

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One problem might be in making sure it's ok to use funds for grad school vs. undergrad, but here's some things I've found.

Groups on campus: IEEE, Eta Kappa Nu, Alpha Lambda Delta... all those worthless societies you paid $50 to join when you were a wide eyed freshman? A lot of that money goes to scholarships.

Greek: Almost all fraternities and sororities have them.

Conferences: This is where I have had the best luck. Lots of academic conferences have scholarships. And not just the big ones, even small ones - and the conferences are really fun to go to! Plus almost no one applies because a lot of people don't know that conferences have scholarships.

Companies you have worked for when you were younger / in high school: KFC, McDonalds, even Safeway had scholarships I applied for.

Big Online Scholarship Repositories: ScholarshipExperts.com etc... thousands of listed scholarships but you are competing with kids from all across the world. Not worth it in my opinion.

Edited by hungry
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