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WWS -- this is the week

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I think it's possible to hang out on campus Sunday and continue living with the hosting student, but that's a good question.

If you haven't already, join the Google Group. An FAQ document was sent out today that was pretty useful and comprehensive. The group also includes the email adds of a bunch of current students running the Hosting Program, so I'm sure they'd be good people to ask.

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I think it's possible to hang out on campus Sunday and continue living with the hosting student, but that's a good question.

If you haven't already, join the Google Group. An FAQ document was sent out today that was pretty useful and comprehensive. The group also includes the email adds of a bunch of current students running the Hosting Program, so I'm sure they'd be good people to ask.

How was the FAQ document circulated? I don't think I've received it yet.

EDIT: Never mind, found it on the Google Group.

I haven't asked I guess because I still can't believe I got in and am waiting for them to say "sorry, we made a mistake"!

YES. I'm having the same worry!

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There was that bit in the admission email from the Graduate School mentioning that we would be contacted by the Office of Information Technology (OIT) about an account that will give us access to "admission information and forms". Not sure whether this will include financial aid, but either way, the email from WWS mentioned that the snail mail with financial aid info would be sent in the mail today.

I'm not worrying about funding, though, since the financial aid page of the viewbook (p.16) says that "When admitted students do not have significant savings and assets, we award full scholarships for tuition and a 10-month stipend for living expenses". So, It looks like once you get in, your aid package just depends on your resources, with 67% of students receiving "Full Tuition and Stipend" and another 25% receiving "Full Tuition and Partial Stipend". Unless you're in the top 8% of the class in terms of wealth, we're pretty much guaranteed full tuition at the very least.

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They told me they couldn't send via email for security/confidentiality reasons. I really just want to know exactly how much the full stipend really is!

Also, they're subsidizing 75% of my intl ticket for admit weekend. Incredible.

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They told me they couldn't send via email for security/confidentiality reasons. I really just want to know exactly how much the full stipend really is!

Also, they're subsidizing 75% of my intl ticket for admit weekend. Incredible.

Awesome about the travel reimbursement! Fenderpete, you should ask too!

As for the stipend, according to the FAQ document posted in the Google Group today:

"Some logistics: stipend checks arrive in monthly installments as a direct deposit to your checking account on the last business day of the month. If you're living on campus, room and board will already be deducted.
 It's been my experience, and I think most people's, that you can live very
comfortably on the stipend. Some folks even save a little, although that changes very quickly if you
 like to eat out a lot or if you go to New York every weekend."

Not an exact number, but it does make me less nervous about the next 2 years!

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Got my packet in the mail this morning (I live in NYC, though, so I'm sure it'll take a few days longer for most). Naturally very satisfied with the package. There was also a nice hand-written, personalized post-script on the admissions letter, which was very nice of them.

In high school, I dreamed of going to HKS for grad school, so I knew that turning them down would be tough, but the Princeton admissions committee's making this an increasingly easy decision. :)

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