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NDSEG 2012 - Fundopolotoplotopus


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Or lots of other stuff. They could be waiting on lists, but then why maintain the April 15th charade if in fact that were the case....SMART went ahead and pushed their deadline so NDSEG could have done so just as easily. They could be waiting on folks to hit reject, which might queue up the next in an alternates list. If this is the case we could have a long wait on our hands. We could also be waiting on a ruby script which will reject us or accept us at some pre-determined time (15 April @ 12:01 a.m. perhaps?) either way we might as well relax, and have fun....it is a Saturday after all.

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perhaps they're waiting for 12:01 am April 15th?...

LOL! Or even more likely, until April 15 at 11:59pm. They did say "by" April 15th not before.

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Or lots of other stuff. They could be waiting on lists, but then why maintain the April 15th charade if in fact that were the case....SMART went ahead and pushed their deadline so NDSEG could have done so just as easily. They could be waiting on folks to hit reject, which might queue up the next in an alternates list. If this is the case we could have a long wait on our hands. We could also be waiting on a ruby script which will reject us or accept us at some pre-determined time (15 April @ 12:01 a.m. perhaps?) either way we might as well relax, and have fun....it is a Saturday after all.

Of course any of these scenarios is possible, but none of them make any sense except the first one :) If they wanted to know about alternates, they definitely wouldn't assume we would all figure out how to 'hack' into their system early and then do it. Why would they set a pre-arranged time to send emails? They obviously were pushed right up until the deadline and are probably working pretty hard right now to get us the info as soon as they can. They know we're all rabidly waiting for the decision, and they're not monsters :) April 15th means April 15th - they'll probably get the final lists this morning or afternoon and send emails as soon as they do.

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LOL! Or even more likely, until April 15 at 11:59pm. They did say "by" April 15th not before.

Welp, it's a quarter to 9 here in DC, and today is the day. My guess is that our weekend warriors will get back to working on the notifications within an hour and we'll hear sometime between 11 and 6. Personally, I hope that they didn't get all the award accounts set up yesterday -- 'cause I still can't log in! Maybe the list I'm on has yet to be checked off ...

But, alas, the bell tolls today. Cheers to all of you guys! Congrats to all who get it and my sympathies to those that don't. Fingers crossed, people!

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Anyone try https://ndseg.asee.org/award yet today?

I log in and I see what appears to be an acceptance that is personally addressed to me... but no email as of yet... can anyone else comment?

Congrats. Yes people (who I assume have won the award) have been able to log in, but so far no one has received an email.

By the way, what area is your research?

Edited by slu
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When I log into the general website I see no new information or notifications. I had not tried the direct approach until this morning, so I can't say when the this link started to work... No email as of yet.

Generally speaking, I'm researching multifunctional nanocomposites

Congrads to all current and future recipents, and best of luck to those still waiting for the official email! (official email recieved)

Edited by zmelrose
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Congrats to all who won.

I don't think the rejection emails have been sent out yet, I have not received any emails.

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Did anyone get both the NSF GRFP and the NDSEG? If so, which one are you taking? I'm finding it hard to find many sources that compare the two.

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Did anyone get both the NSF GRFP and the NDSEG? If so, which one are you taking? I'm finding it hard to find many sources that compare the two.

I'm guessing I didn't get NDSEG since I have not received an email yet but I did get NSF and I have been thinking about the "what if" I won both. Here are a couple posts off the NSF thread that explain some of the differences. Congrats on getting both

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They may be doing this field-by-field, and keep the faith -- last year they didn't notify some people that they were on the waitlist, they just received the award much later.

Question for those that got it. I can log in and access my award, but when I try to open the award package I get an error message. What gives?

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