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Columbia - Results?


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I just saw that there were three columbia acceptances but am skeptical given the other fake postings this morning. If you received notification from Columbia, I would appreciate it if you post here. If you applied and haven't heard from Columbia, a brief note would also be appreciated.

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don't be down!!!

One, we have no idea how many acceptances they'll give out to get that cohort size and two, I got a call pretty late into the evening last night and people only started posting results in the early evening so I'm gonna assume that he still has a lot of people left to call.

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don't be down!!!

One, we have no idea how many acceptances they'll give out to get that cohort size and two, I got a call pretty late into the evening last night and people only started posting results in the early evening so I'm gonna assume that he still has a lot of people left to call.

Which is to say, or what I was trying to say was, I doubt he did all the calls in one sitting.

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Have any of the other Columbia admits had any contact from the department after the initial call? I haven't received any emails of letters after the call telling me that I was admitted, so I am starting to get a bit weirded out since that was almost a week ago.

They said then that the admissions were still pending the Dean's signature... I hope he hasn't decided to, you know, not sign.

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