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Fall 2013 English Lit Applicants

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Dear Dr. _____:   My name is Katia-chan and I am an applicant to the University of BFE English Ph.D. program this year.  I am sorry to bother you at what I'm sure is a very busy time, but I was wondering if you could advise me when I might expect to hear back from the admissions committee about my application?   Thank you for your time.   Katia-chan   And leave it at that.  If they get back to you, they get back to you, and if they don't, just let it be.  One polite email would never tip the balance against you and if the DGS has a set schedule, that kind of email should only take a minute or two to respond to.
And then they'll be like: Let me rock you, Katia Chan Let me rock you, let me feel for you Katia Chan let me tell you what I wanna do Feel for you.
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The Gatsby game has stolen my heart. Why would you do that when I have 30 papers to grade today?


Also, for those wondering about your status on the Buffalo website: Stop. Mine hasn't changed and I was accepted 2 weeks ago. It doesn't seem like anyone is updating it, so don't let it stress you out.

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The Gatsby game has stolen my heart. Why would you do that when I have 30 papers to grade today?

Also, for those wondering about your status on the Buffalo website: Stop. Mine hasn't changed and I was accepted 2 weeks ago. It doesn't seem like anyone is updating it, so don't let it stress you out.

Why am I at work when I could be home playing the Gatsby game?????

The Buffalo page seems to change in some way before each round of decisions (this is historically true too) but never in any way that actually signifies anything. I'm not worried so much as I would rather not get rejected right on the heels of Cornell.

Call me, Rutgers!

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The Gatsby game has stolen my heart. Why would you do that when I have 30 papers to grade today?


Also, for those wondering about your status on the Buffalo website: Stop. Mine hasn't changed and I was accepted 2 weeks ago. It doesn't seem like anyone is updating it, so don't let it stress you out.


The Gatsby game is quite wonderful. I appreciate the loyalty to the book--in the fact that you are playing as Nick Carraway and, of course, that your weapon is your top hat. Solid.


Why am I at work when I could be home playing the Gatsby game?????

The Buffalo page seems to change in some way before each round of decisions (this is historically true too) but never in any way that actually signifies anything. I'm not worried so much as I would rather not get rejected right on the heels of Cornell.

Call me, Rutgers!


I hope Rutgers is soon as well! They are running quite behind compared to last year's decisions...

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Congratulations!!!!!! Personalized or generic email?? I'm dying to know.

Congratulations again!


@cicada123 generic email with a bunch of attachments, slightly more personalized pdf letter, fellowship award!!

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I hope Rutgers is soon as well! They are running quite behind compared to last year's decisions...


I think we can definitely expect Rutgers to send out acceptances by this weekend. They usually send them out the 3rd weekend of February, but this year they must be doing it the fourth weekend since the third weekend was relatively early in the month.

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Yeah, I'm really starting to feel burnt out on application stress. I've gotten to the point where I'm like, "Oh, another school I applied to is notifying and I haven't heard anything? Meh." Of course, it probably helps that I got into my second/third choice (tied w/Michigan).


Just kidding. This was an absolute lie. I now feel like I am dying inside and this is the worst day ever.


That is all.

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Just kidding. This was an absolute lie. I now feel like I am dying inside and this is the worst day ever.


That is all.


Awww, I'm sorry. :(  I've taken all of my rejections so far with no reaction at all.  I have lots of acceptances I'm truly blessed and excited to have, and I'm just waiting on one school (my top choice).  But I just know that no matter how much I saw it coming, or how many really fantastic options I have, I'm probably still going to cry if I get rejected.  <------ I can reprise my undergrad rejection reaction!

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Also I want to get in on the congratulatory love that's flying around this site, but it's hard when I'm the world's envious-est and GRUMPIEST HUMAN



I'll vie with you for that title!


It's on. We need some sort of grump-off...

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I think we can definitely expect Rutgers to send out acceptances by this weekend. They usually send them out the 3rd weekend of February, but this year they must be doing it the fourth weekend since the third weekend was relatively early in the month.

YIPE!  :wacko:


Just kidding. This was an absolute lie. I now feel like I am dying inside and this is the worst day ever.


That is all.

Oh noooooo. :( But, remember how happy you were when you got accepted? Someone wants you! You have a future! You're doing great! English programs are virtually impossible to get into in the first place, so even getting one acceptance is a huge-ass accomplishment. Hell, even APPLYING is a huge accomplishment--I know I've been telling myself that endlessly since October. I hope the crappy feelings pass and that you feel awesome about your successes (or at least indifferent to your perceived failures) once again!


Also I want to get in on the congratulatory love that's flying around this site, but it's hard when I'm the world's envious-est and GRUMPIEST HUMAN

Yo, at least you're being honest. I like to think that everyone's posts reflect how happy they WISH they were for others, if not how happy they reeeeeeeally, truly are. *shrug*

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Also I want to get in on the congratulatory love that's flying around this site, but it's hard when I'm the world's envious-est and GRUMPIEST HUMAN



@bfat and others—sorry, I didn't mean to overwhelm the board like that. People were wondering the past few days when Michigan would finally send out responses, so I'd thought I'd share the news. 
I, of course, have no idea what your individual situations are, and don't presume to know, but if it makes anyone feel any better, this is my third round in applying to graduate schools. The first round, I was rejected everywhere. The second round, I was rejected from all the PhD programs, accepted to an interdisciplinary MA program at NYU with no funding, and accepted to a MA program at a totally unknown school in my area. I ended up doing the MA program in my area, and after working like crazy and getting good grades in all my courses, developing a much better writing sample and personal statement, plus letters from professors who knew my most recent work and really supported me, only now, in my third round of PhD applications, have I been accepted *anywhere*. I know a lot of people (including professors I admire) who also had to go through a few rounds of applications. 
So, first of all—the season isn't over yet, and some schools haven't sent out responses. Second, if this is really something you want—keep working at it. Having been through a few rounds, I learned a lot that ultimately helped my application, and I've been accepted to seven schools so far. So really: don't let anything discourage you!
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Hey, congrats to the winners! :D


A quick question before I run off, people waitlisted at Minnesota, do you remember if you found out the exact date your status changed in the online app?


Mine switched today to final review, then to decision made. I presume they would have contacted me right away of it was anything other than a rejection.

Not that I'm hoping, I just want to get this out of the way.

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Hey, congrats to the winners! :D


A quick question before I run off, people waitlisted at Minnesota, do you remember if you found out the exact date your status changed in the online app?


Mine switched today to final review, then to decision made. I presume they would have contacted me right away of it was anything other than a rejection.

Not that I'm hoping, I just want to get this out of the way.


Mine hasn't changed at all. It still says "awaiting decision."

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Yeah, for some people this may be a practice round, but...I don't think I'm going to take another pass at this. My application was solid, with conference presentations, publications, stellar recs, an international fellowship, and I hardcore rocked my MA. I put my best stuff out there, and if no one takes me up on it now, I think I'll just keep my grumpy here in the publishing world, where I can spend the next 40 years rejecting book proposals from any professor on the admissions board of a school that rejected me go home at 6:00 and watch New Girl.

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Yeah, for some people this may be a practice round, but...I don't think I'm going to take another pass at this. My application was solid, with conference presentations, publications, stellar recs, an international fellowship, and I hardcore rocked my MA. I put my best stuff out there, and if no one takes me up on it now, I think I'll just keep my grumpy here in the publishing world, where I can spend the next 40 years rejecting book proposals from any professor on the admissions board of a school that rejected me go home at 6:00 and watch New Girl.


I work in publishing too. This is hysterical.

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