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girl who wears glasses and It's (Not) About me -- I wrote to Wisconsin Madison. They were really prompt with their reply. It's a waitlist for me. Thought I'd let you know. All the best to the both of you. I don't know what to feel really. :(


Sadly, I'd be happy for a waitlist right about now. Best of luck to you!

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Wisconsin-Madison waitlist notifications seem to be going out!  Now I'm going to be checking my email/phone even more neurotically than I already do.

I suspect that both of those updates came from people who contacted the dept directly. Which I will probably bite the bullet and do, too, before the end of the day. My email anxiety is focused mostly on the Cornell acceptances that have gone out. Gaaaaahh!


Sadly, I'd be happy for a waitlist right about now. Best of luck to you!

ME TOO. :)

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Cool, thank you for sharing that. And I get why you'd be experiencing a mixed bag of emotions, but I think it's worth celebrating! Hats off to ya, and may you be officially accepted very soon!


Edited to ask: what program did you apply to, BTW?


Thanks. I'm hoping something works out. Being waitlisted is a strange feeling -- I've been waitlisted at two of my top choices now. Feels strange. For Madison, I had applied for the usual Literary Studies PhD.

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I suspect that both of those updates came from people who contacted the dept directly. Which I will probably bite the bullet and do, too, before the end of the day. My email anxiety is focused mostly on the Cornell acceptances that have gone out. Gaaaaahh!


Good luck! Let us know how it goes. :)

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Every time I think I've finally convinced myself to walk away from GC and pick up a book (or at least watch RuPaul's Drag Race), something happens on the results board which keeps me glued to my laptop. UGH. This process is so drawn out.


Not to mention that for the last three days I've woken and checked my e-mail before I can even see clearly, hoping for some sort of response from Rutgers. 

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yessss! today is nuts! anyone have an insights on cornell? i'm torn between still being tentatively hopeful & wondering if the folks

sending the emails are using some sort of artful/anxiety-inducing (!!!) 'stagger approach,' and steeling myself for some sadness ... maybe there'll be hope for all of us until midnight rolls around?! hmph.




and here i had myself thinking michigan + rutgers would be next!


good luck to all, and congratulations to folks who have already heard the sweet news!

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I have a silly question. For those of you who have bitten the bullet and e-mailed a DGS to ask about your application status, how have you worded your message? There are a few schools that I'm considering e-mailing, but I'm wary of coming off too whiney or annoying.

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I have a silly question. For those of you who have bitten the bullet and e-mailed a DGS to ask about your application status, how have you worded your message? There are a few schools that I'm considering e-mailing, but I'm wary of coming off too whiney or annoying.


On the advice of an American Studies applicant, I called and simply asked if the department had any idea of when they would begin notifying PhD applicants. In one case some decisions had already gone out, so I asked if all accepted/waitlisted candidates had been notified.


I called (from a number not listed on my app) rather than e-mailed so if I am annoying anyone they won't know who I am. :wacko:

Edited by Pericles II.ii.48
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I have a silly question. For those of you who have bitten the bullet and e-mailed a DGS to ask about your application status, how have you worded your message? There are a few schools that I'm considering e-mailing, but I'm wary of coming off too whiney or annoying.

Just want to second this request! I have been pussyfooting about it for this same reason. I would be grateful for some suggestions. And thanks Pericles!

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I have a silly question. For those of you who have bitten the bullet and e-mailed a DGS to ask about your application status, how have you worded your message? There are a few schools that I'm considering e-mailing, but I'm wary of coming off too whiney or annoying.


No need for anything too complex.


Dear Dr. So-And-So:


My name is skybythelight and I am one of the applicants for the University of BFE's English Ph.D. program this year.  I am sorry to bother you at what I'm sure must be a busy time, but I have not yet heard back from your program and was wondering if you could please let me know when I might expect to hear from UBFE.  Thank you very much for your time.





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So I emailed Colorado (I applied to the MA) and this is what I got:

"I can't speak for the whole admissions committee, but a quick look at your file (we're in the throes of PhD admissions at the moment) tells me you're in the running. We're having a recruitment event on campus from March 7 to 9 for PhD admits, but if those days work for you, you'd be welcome to join in. There's every reason to be positive about your prospects."

I know it isn't anything official, but it feels SO good to hear ANYTHING positive. Yay!

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That's awesome news, skybythelight! Did you e-mail Paul Youngquist?


And thanks for sharing your message; this way I'll know if I don't hear anything by next week I'm out.

I did, yes. I had e-mailed back and forth with him a bit back when I was still researching schools, and he was very warm and friendly. I didn't feel too intimidated e-mailing again.

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Thanks, skybythelight! That's good to know in case I have to do this again (a possibility that's looking more and more liely). I've only been in touch with the grad secretary and may or may not have e-mailed her in a moment of panic to confirm that I would be considered for an MA slot if I didn't cut it for PhD (I wasn't sure if they'd do it automatically because I already have an MA, but in American Studies).


In any event, that really is amazing news! :)

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