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When to notify PI that I want to join?


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Hi everybody,

So I'm a week into my third lab rotation in a biological sciences program. My first two rotations went really well and I basically got offers to join either one. I recently heard that the PI for my current rotation already offered the two spots in his lab to the two students who rotated in his lab last quarter, so, even if this rotation goes well, I would probably only have a spot if one of those two chose a different lab (the PI sort of told me this when I agreed to rotate, basically said that he wasn't positive that I would absolutely have a spot since he's going to have lots of rotators). This is okay with me since I've basically wanted to join my first rotation lab since I rotated there, and that lab really wants me to join as well. My question is, when should I tell the PI of the first lab that I want to join? He's continued to keep in touch and asked me to keep him updated on my plans, and I'm pretty positive that I want to join that lab, but I feel kind of weird deciding only a little bit into my third rotation while continuing to work in a lab that I'm not planning on joining. Should I tell him sort of unofficially and then hope it doesn't awkwardly get around? Or should I wait to decide officially until the end of the quarter? Or something else?

Note: My school doesn't have an official way of sorting this stuff out, there's only a date that you have to decide by, so you're supposed to just sort it out on your own with the PI and then fill out the form.


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Hi everybody,

So I'm a week into my third lab rotation in a biological sciences program. My first two rotations went really well and I basically got offers to join either one. I recently heard that the PI for my current rotation already offered the two spots in his lab to the two students who rotated in his lab last quarter, so, even if this rotation goes well, I would probably only have a spot if one of those two chose a different lab (the PI sort of told me this when I agreed to rotate, basically said that he wasn't positive that I would absolutely have a spot since he's going to have lots of rotators). This is okay with me since I've basically wanted to join my first rotation lab since I rotated there, and that lab really wants me to join as well. My question is, when should I tell the PI of the first lab that I want to join? He's continued to keep in touch and asked me to keep him updated on my plans, and I'm pretty positive that I want to join that lab, but I feel kind of weird deciding only a little bit into my third rotation while continuing to work in a lab that I'm not planning on joining. Should I tell him sort of unofficially and then hope it doesn't awkwardly get around? Or should I wait to decide officially until the end of the quarter? Or something else?

Note: My school doesn't have an official way of sorting this stuff out, there's only a date that you have to decide by, so you're supposed to just sort it out on your own with the PI and then fill out the form.


I don't think it will be a big deal at all - professors understand that their lab is not the best fit for every single student, plus this guy already said he wasn't sure he could offer you anything. I would accept the offer at your 1st rotation and if your current guy brings it up acknowledge that you will be working in lab #1. Alternately, if you think it would be helpful to your current guy to know you are no longer interested (e.g. if he's turning away other rotaters b/c he thinks he's got you and 2 other guys to choose from) then tell him sooner rather than later. Also, don't slack for the rest of this rotation, it's still a learning experience and you can still pick up skills/knowledge to bring back to lab #1. Good luck!

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Yup! Just ask anytime! I was a nervous wreck to ask. I felt like I was making a marriage proposal. But in my case, things weren't so clear. I wasn't sure if the PI would want me, had funding, etc... it sounds like you are in good shape! Ask away and then celebrate your new academic home. :)

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How does the department handle rotations?

When my wife was doing hers (my department doesn't do rotations), she decided about 6 weeks into her last one that she was going to go back to her first lab. She talked to the PI she was working with about it, and he said that she should make the move back as soon as she decided, that it was the most productive thing for all involved. In other words, he recommended she cut the rotation short so she could get started in the lab she was staying in ASAP.

Might be a bit different if you're working on a project in the lab that you need to finish up, but otherwise... I'd just bring it up.

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