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Northern Arizona University-Graduate Students (Fall 2012)


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I wanted to start a thread for Fall 2012 Graduate students at Northern Arizona University. If you are like me, and moving from another state, what are your thoughts about on or off campus? If you are already in Flagstaff, any advice or information you wish you had known that you could share?

Congratulations to everyone!

Gina Grosso

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Congrats! I will also be attending NAU this Fall for Speech Pathology. I just mailed my confirmation on Monday. I am also out-of-state and know I will be living off campus because I have a dog.

Are you doing the traditional track or leveler track? I'm trying to find some leveler people because I have yet to come across anyone doing that program.

My question for anyone familiar with the Flagstaff concerns public transporation. Is it accessible in most areas around the city? I want to avoid complexes near the university but I also want to avoid paying extra for a parking pass. Is it bike friendly? If so, are there campus and city bus options during heavy snow periods when biking is not an option?

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Hi. I'm not an NAU graduate. I live in crime-ridden overcrowded Phoenix, AZ and have been to NAU once and Flagstaff lots of times. It's a small town with lots of pine trees. We Phoenicians, who are used to 115 degree summers, find Flagstaff to be cold. I would love to live there but it's too expensive. However, I think they have a pretty good housing plan for students--even students with families. But you probably already know that. Good luck!

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I am currently finishing my MS in Mathematics here at NAU. I think Flagstaff is a great city, I love living here. I am moving to Tempe to attend ASU in the Fall as NAU has no PhD program in math, but if I could stay here I would have.

In terms of recommendations of where to live, I highly recommend the apartment complex I currently live in which is called Bear Ridge Apartments. I hope you enjoy your experience here, if you have other questions about NAU or Flag just ask and I'll happily give you some feedback.

As for the transportation, the bus is OK, but it is pretty limited since Flagstaff is a small city. You can get around campus and downtown alright, but if you want to go anywhere else it can be difficult depending on your schedule. I personally bought a parking pass since $485 for the entire academic year did not seem very expensive to me (I attended The University of Arizona as an undergraduate where the permits cost more than $500 per semester). I would say having a car is a huge benefit for the snow, but the buses do still run even when we get heavy snow. Flagstaff is very good at clearing the streets during snowstorms as they are very used to the snow season coming every year.

Edited by jspring86
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Hi Gina! I am actually from Eugene and starting at NAU in the fall for the full time CDS track. I'm currently at UO but have been to Flagstaff lots of times both on campus and off and I love it! It's a great town, has a pretty similar vibe to Eugene if you ask me (I'm assuming that comparison might be helpful since you're from Portland haha). It will probably be an adjustment from Portland but everyone has always been really friendly to me there and there and I am really excited to move there in August. My oldest sibling went to undergrad there and she says it's a very student friendly town, and yes to the question about being bike friendly but I'm not super sure about public transit.

Hope any of that helps and I guess I will be seeing you in the August!

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Hey I am attending NAU this Fall (level's track..MS Speech Pathology)...and recently arrived in Flag. Is there anybody still reading this forum? If you want to talk before school starts, send me an email: price.gregg@gmail.com

If I don't hear from you, I'll see you in class!


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