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Preparing for Grad School - MSW

MSW Bound

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Hi All!!!

Now that we have been accepted into grad-school what are you going to do to prepare? I am honestly asking because I do not know WTH I am going to do! LOL

Do we really know what we are getting ourselves into? I know my program is 15 units per semester, and with a family and all the excitements that comes with that, I am trying to figure out what to do what to do...

Let's chat and help each other out!

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Hi MSW Bound!

I feel the same, I'm excited and nervous at the same time! I'm in a full time program taking 15 units and doing 16 hours of field placement a week. I breezed through undergrad, I just graduated in May magna cum laude, but I'm terrified that grad school will be far more rigorous. I worked nearly full time all throughout undergrad, but I feel like grad school will be far more demanding, I'm not do sure I'm prepared for the challenge!

I have been researching forums similar to thegradcafe to get an idea of what being an msw program is like, but everyone seems to have a completely unique experience!

I can't wait to start!

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Hey! I am a bit nervous myself - but - I am really looking forward to it. I am also doing 15 credit hours - and have taken a position with the housing department to work as a hall director. So, I'm worried about scheduling, etc. I'm not sure why as my life in undergrad was insanely busy and this should be similar or less, really.

Where are you folks going?

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I'm going to California State University Northridge! Woohoo!

I'm just hoping grad school isn't a huge leap from undergrad. I want to be challenged but I also want my schedule to be manageable. I didn't want to take out loans for living expenses so I'm hoping that I can work enough to pay my bills! :lol:

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I'm making a slightly different transition than many of you...I've been working for the past 5 years so it's not undergrad to grad, it's working back to school. I've gotten so accustomed to having my regular schedule, my office, my clients!

I've been making an effort to read my journal articles, and do more writing to get my mind back in the swing of those things.

My husband just graduated top of his class in law school, and he spent 70 hours a week studying. I know MSW won't be like that, but he's learned a lot about studying and time management that will be very useful for me! And I'm very grateful I'll have him to keep me sane, to do the housework and cooking so I can focus my time on studying, field placement, and working!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have basically just been freaking out. I was extremely close to deferring and moving out of the country for a year. Main reason why I decided not to is that I ended up getting hired to a really great field work position.

Seriously though, I am freaking out. I am coming straight from undergrad and am currently really, really regretting my decision to not take a year off in advance =/

BUT! I am also getting super excited again :D Not doing much directly to prepare yet...except I keep telling myself I will get on a better sleep schedule.

Honestly I am at a point where the future and grad school is really unknown. I might end up loving it, but I also might realize I made a mistake. Either way, I'm pretty sure it will be exhausting, but if I enjoy it (and the rest of us!) the stress and exhaustion will be so worthwhile and feel like nothing!

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I feel you, roxyshoe. I wanted to take a year off, but with the rapidly increasing tuition in California, I just couldn't put off grad school. I wanted to take a year off and get more work experience, make some money, and get off the school routine for awhile, but no such luck. :) I'm really excited about starting, but also really, really nervous. I'm moving to a new city, which I did for undergrad too, but I'm worried about making friends (which sounds so silly). I'll be living with my boyfriend, but I'm afraid of feeling really isolated in my program, but I think those feelings are natural.

I'm sure everyone will have a great first semester and get into the swing of things quickly. :)

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