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SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship/CGS Doctoral Scholarship 2013

Mike D.

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Thanks. I won a CGS, but I applied to go elsewhere. I'm happy I can have it converted!



Did you receive a letter? (If you've already stated how you know, I apologise, I must have missed it.)

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Mine is also showing completely empty under the SSHRC portfolio page. It has for some time (since like Feb. I think).


I'm sure it won't be too much longer. Hang in there.

Thanks. I had decided I wasn't going to fret about the results so I had not checked my own portfolio on the SSHRC website in all this time. And when I say "not fret" I mean "obsessively check this forum and the SSHRC Twitter feed since mid-April."

As for admin-only access re. results, my department is remaining silent for all our shortlisters (we have eight).  

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Got a department call :D - so your FGS department should know by now. Might be worth calling them!

Were you successful then? Congrats! Debating calling me grad department but they tend not to be the most helpful o.O

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Got a department call :D - so your FGS department should know by now. Might be worth calling them!


It is killing me knowing that our SGS knows but I'm probably going to have to sweat out the weekend before I find out one way or the other.

Go celebrate!

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It is killing me knowing that our SGS knows but I'm probably going to have to sweat out the weekend before I find out one way or the other.

Go celebrate!

Ditto on the sweating the weekend! :( and Ditto on the going to celebrate :)


I feel like this forum has become a manifestation of Thalia and Melopomene :(:)

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Got a department call :D - so your FGS department should know by now. Might be worth calling them!


Congratulations; I'm so jealous that your department/office for grad studies has let you know!  I contacted my university's grad studies office earlier this week, so to avoid bugging them, and getting a similar reply like "e-mails will be sent when results become available", I'm going to be waiting it out.  It's strange that SSHRC hasn't tweeted about sending out mail (if they've done so by now...).

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It's not "official", as I haven't received a letter- but I did get a congrats. I needed it. I got turned down by CIHR 2 years in a row :(


As for my stats:


 3rd year of study, I have several other scholarships for my PhD (provincial, federal, and international), publications (2 accepted non-first author, 2 submitted first author, 7 published abstracts), 6 conference presentations...umm....what else do you want to know?

Edited by Dal PhDer
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It's not "official", as I haven't received a letter- but I did get a congrats. I needed it. I got turned down by CIHR 2 years in a row :(


As for my stats:


PhD, Interdisciplinary studies (Psychology, environmental sciences, aging & leisure), 3rd year of study, I have several other scholarships for my PhD (provincial, federal, and international), publications (2 accepted non-first author, 2 submitted first author, 7 published abstracts), 6 conference presentations...umm....what else do you want to know?


I love seeing that you're studying leisure (I'm going into a rec&leisure PhD program next year)!  And you sure have a lot of qualifications; congrats again!

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Just found out from my grad admin. I got CGS. on my way out, will post stats when i get back. Good luck to everyone! congrats to those that go it! :) and empathies and hugs for those that didn't :(

Congratulations!!! I'm glad so many on the board are finding out from their admins!

Did you call or did they call you?

I am sort of just glaring at my phone now.

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Hi everyone, I have been following the thread but just created a profile name so I could post.


Just to let everyone know who is from the University of Toronto - SGS JUST RECEIVED results from Shhrc - about 15 minutes ago. I know this because I have been bugging my department's liaison in regards to whether she has gotten results. So it looks like right now, SGS has the results and God only knows whether they will be sending them to the departments today, who will then in turn disseminate them to us. ARGH I really don't want to wait out the entire weekend. COME ON SGS!!!!!

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Maybe I should send a separate email to SGS begging them to notify departments today....Or maybe if everyone here who is from the U of T emails them, they will be so inclined???

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Hey everyone!


I am in panic! I did not receive any news from my uni (uottawa) but checking on the sshrc website I can now ask for a scholarship supplement (the Michael smith something). It was not here yesterday (yeah I checked...). Could that mean anything??? any previous experience I will call my deparment.


Bloody SSHRC giving the results a friday. It looks like they want to torture us until the end...

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