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congrats! did you get an email last week from them?


Not at all. I actually contacted them today asking my status since I haven't heard a peep from them. They told me a decision has been made and a letter was in the mail but they would rather not talk about my status over the phone. My heart literally skipped a beat because i thought it was a rejection letter since I didn't get an email confirming my acceptance. 


My impression is that all acceptances/rejections will most likely come out this week and if you're super anxious (like I was) contact one of the graduate assistants and they will give you some information about your application. 


Good luck!!

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Can anyone weigh in on how Epi focused Queen's MPH is? From what I understand, their program is derived from the MSc Epi and is still focused on Epi. For those interest more so in health promotion, is it a good idea to pursue? 


Thanks in advance for all those that reply and weigh in. 

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Hi - I have been wait listed as well and still waiting to hear a response.  Waterloo and Mac are still pending for me.

Hey thanks for getting back to me. This waiting is pretty painful lolll

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Hi everyone!


I recently accepted my offer to Queen's for MPH, starting Fall 2013. Is anyone looking for a female roommate? Please contact me :) 


Congrats to all those who got accepted!

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Hi everyone!


I recently accepted my offer to Queen's for MPH, starting Fall 2013. Is anyone looking for a female roommate? Please contact me :)


Congrats to all those who got accepted!

yay ur post workedd lolll - good luck in ur search :P

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I've been struggling with the same dilemma between U of T Epi and Queen's general MPH (although I can't dither much longer as my offer for Queen's is due tomorrow!). Basically like deletta, I am also leaning towards U of T, even though I share the same concerns as you, s24. I too find that U of T's program is VERY numbers based, and there really isn't much "general" public health content. It's all epi, which is very intimidating for someone from a social sciences background like me. However, I've realized that while the program is very numbers-based the first year, the second year is rather wide open and you can basically take all the "softer" non-numbers-based courses you like, but you'll have (hopefully) acquired strong quantitative skills the first year. While I'm still nervous about it, I basically see it as 8 months that might be admittedly a little painful, but will give you a foundation of marketable, hard skills, and then in the second year you can explore your other interests in public health, which might not be so in demand in the workplace. Looking at the courses at Queen's, I wasn't sure it would give me the same rigorous foundation, even though I would feel a lot more comfortable and a lot less nervous going into it than I do for U of T. I don't know your background, but for me it's basically a matter of not going for something that's similar to what I've done in the past and is probably more "natural" for me, in favour of doing something that's harder but ultimately probably more useful for my future career. I hope anyways - I may say all this now and then be fleeing the program two weeks in, but that's my current thinking. Are you having the same kind of thoughts about it?



I couldn't have said it better myself maturia. I feel EXACTLY the same way as you (feel more comfortable among the softer sciences but feel the epi foundation is more valuable in the long run...) And I also have to let Queens know tomorrow... Whats your final decision??


I feel very similar as well! I'm most likely going to pick UofT because it's well known and in my home town as well! I hope it's the right decision in the long-run! What have you guys decided in terms of Queens?

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Just received my acceptance from uoft epi. I will likey be turning down their offer, so for those who are still on the waitlist do not lose hope!

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In my opinion U of T epi program is a much better option than the Queens general MPH, you will have a hard time finding jobs with just an MPH where as a EPI specialization will give you a job like this below, starting at 68 000. You will never get that with an MPH.



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I should probably clarify that I applied for the MSc at Queens.


I know a handful of people that are in first and second year @ Uoft for epi and they've expressed similar concerns to what has been mentioned on this forum.

1. Class size is definately one thing that they all agree on as being a major fall back of the program. Although 35-40 people doesn't seem like alot, they feel it has definately impacted their learning and overall graduate school experience. They all wanted more of an interactive environment and for the most part that's not what they are getting .

2.They also mentioned that the school is undergoing some changes: there are talks of increasing enrolment as well as some changes to PhD funding, which may seem irrelevant for MPH students but apparently alot of the RA and TA positions that traditionally have been held by MPH students will now be going to PhD's. This is all being currently worked out by the school so things could change, maybe some current MPH epi students could provide more details? But this is what has been told to me.

3. Also they told me about some issues/difficulty finding practicums (but I don't know if that is just based on a few peoples experiences or is an issue for the entire program).

4. Also, the funding situation is pretty bleak at uoft for MPH students.

5. They did mention that they have made a lot of friends and for the most part everyone is helpful and supportive.


Given that there is a lot of uncertainty at UofT regarding the direction the school is going in I don't know if I want to take that chance. UofT does have a lot of affiliations with many hospitals and organizations within the GTA, which is a definate perk.


As to why I'm leaning towards Queens:


1. Class sizes are much smaller (15 people). This is the type of environment I personally want to be in. I've done my undergrad at UofT and while it was rewarding, I definately don't want to have another undergrad-like experience in terms of class size and environment.

2. MSc is funded @ Queens.

3. Their program will provide me with a strong foundation in epi but is flexible enough to allow me to take courses that particularly interest me. For those who are questioning if Queens MPH will provide you with that epi skill set, I do have a friend in first year MPH @ Queens that says that the epi foundation they've provided her is pretty solid.

4. Overall environment- I've been in contact with many profs and staff within the department and they are extremely helpful. They have all gone out of their way to answer my questions or redirect me to someone who knows, they've even put me in contact with current students and they've all been extremely helpful.

5. Also the MSc may prove to be more practical in the long run (in terms of jobs, PhD, etc.) rather than an MPH.


The only thing holding me back from Queens is moving away.


This is where my heads at right now, I could change my mind. Queens seems to be the better option for me personally, but may not be for others reading this forum. Everything that I've been told about both schools is from the perspective of current students, so take it how you wish. My advice to those still trying to decide is to list what you want to get out of this experience and then try to piece together which school will provide you with that, along with furthering your long-term career goals. I wish everyone the best of luck with their decisions!

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In my opinion U of T epi program is a much better option than the Queens general MPH, you will have a hard time finding jobs with just an MPH where as a EPI specialization will give you a job like this below, starting at 68 000. You will never get that with an MPH.




I would have to disagree with you as it is very generalized statement.  One program is not necessarily better than the other and it depends where your interests lie.  I have been working in public health for over 10 years and I know many people who with an MPH with no epi background (including my husband) who start out making more than the max of the Epi in the job posting you referenced.  If you want to be an epidemiologist, then that's the reason to choose that specialization. 

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I would have to disagree with you as it is very generalized statement.  One program is not necessarily better than the other and it depends where your interests lie.  I have been working in public health for over 10 years and I know many people who with an MPH with no epi background (including my husband) who start out making more than the max of the Epi in the job posting you referenced.  If you want to be an epidemiologist, then that's the reason to choose that specialization. 

100% agree with this! If you don't like the quantitative component and dealing with numbers and would rather learn about SDOH, health promo, program evaluations etc. I would suggest you go into a program with a more generalized focus. It all comes down to what you want and what kind of career you want to get into. Also something to keep in mind, jobs are very location dependent, every community has different needs.

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Are you going to accept waterloo? I didn't get in there because i didnt have 3 years of experience after graduating from undergrad... did you?


Was it necessary to have 3 years of experience for Waterloo? It wasn't mentioned anywhere on the website. I'm asking because I had only one year of work experience (clinical practice) and was rejected by Waterloo.

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Hi Iv27,

Just curious if you heard anything about Western's Epi program?

Haven't heard anything, but a few people on here mentioned that they didn't here back from them until May last year. So I'm expecting the same this year.

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