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PhD applications for 2013-2014 chit chat...


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Before eviscerating UVA, it should be noted that I inquired directly about the writing sample in the interview. It struck me as odd that all of the other programs I applied to all required a writing sample and UVA did not. Unfortunately, despite emailing a writing sample to the admissions office, for whatever reason, it did not get passed along. The POI said that a writing sample would be helpful and asked if I would email it to him directly.


Do not despair. I think UVA is fully capable of evaluating your application without a writing sample (I got an interview without mine, apparently). However, if you think it would be helpful, then contact your POI(s) and send one along.


Regarding the content of the interview, I can say that it was short and helpful. Essentially, I think UVA wanted to gauge my approach towards studying Scripture and see if it fit with the ethos of the program. They do really interesting things in SIP, but I don't know that it would be a good fit for everyone.

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I think luciernaga is on the right track: my take-away from UVa was that they're most concerned with "fit," as demonstrated primarily by your SoP. And I do wonder how important writing samples really are: I can't imagine, for instance, that Duke reads through most (any?) of the writing samples when they've got hundreds of apps for a couple of spots.

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My advisor's advice for my writing sample, "Cite good sources—they're not gong to read it. They just want to make sure you're interacting with the right people and can string together two sentences."  **


Perhaps a bit over-stated, but probably truer than I'd like to think.


** This referring to the WS in general, not to a particular program or school.

Edited by Qaus-gabri
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I think luciernaga is on the right track: my take-away from UVa was that they're most concerned with "fit," as demonstrated primarily by your SoP. And I do wonder how important writing samples really are: I can't imagine, for instance, that Duke reads through most (any?) of the writing samples when they've got hundreds of apps for a couple of spots.

 Sogdia is right. At UVa it is all about "fit," and relationships. It really helps to visit and/or to be in touch with the faculty throughout the process. For the administration it may be a numbers game, but for the faculty (who ultimately make the choices) it is not. Most people who are puzzled by the lack of writing sample requirement ask thier POI about it personally, to find out what thier preference is (some want it, others don't).

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Call from UVA POI today in Historical Studies, American Religion, not a formal interview, but more of a casual checking in--professor telling me what she thinks of my application, and finding out if I am serious about the school. I feel good about it!

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My advisor's advice for my writing sample, "Cite good sources—they're not gong to read it. They just want to make sure you're interacting with the right people and can string together two sentences."  **


Perhaps a bit over-stated, but probably truer than I'd like to think.


** This referring to the WS in general, not to a particular program or school.


I think the importance of the writing sample varies from program to program. The writing sample seems to be less important at UVA. However, I had an interview with another school and a POI had clearly read my writing sample quite thoroughly. Much to my delight, his short feedback on my paper ranks as one of the most affirming conversations I have had about my academic work.


I think there is perhaps a hidden benefit to having a good writing sample - it gives you a sense of confidence in your own abilities as a scholar. Being a confident (but not arrogant) scholar can only help your in your SOP and in interviews.

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Not a single theology result has been posted since I posted my SLU one on Tuesday night. I feel like all of the programs got together and decided to tantalize us with a few results and then be silent for a few days. It's like a Jr. High relationship. 

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Not a single theology result has been posted since I posted my SLU one on Tuesday night. I feel like all of the programs got together and decided to tantalize us with a few results and then be silent for a few days. It's like a Jr. High relationship. 


I was literally thinking the same thing.


I have such a duality of emotions every time I check this site. On the one hand, I see no theology postings and I think to myself, "Awesome, so the fact that I haven't heard anything is fine because no one else has, either! This means I have not yet been rejected so there is still hope!" On the other hand, I'm practically incapable of regular functioning waiting on results. But hey, good things come to those who wait, right?


I think next week we should all start to hear back, though. It seems like the beginning of February is when a ton of committees are meeting or when people are starting to receive decisons. That appeared to be the case last year, anyway.

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Posting this since I appreciated knowing when other invites went out. I got an e-mail today setting up a Skype interview with the University of Chicago. So much for my theory that I need not worry about nervously checking my inbox on the weekends. ...

congrats!  does anyone have a guess when bc will come out?

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Posting this since I appreciated knowing when other invites went out. I got an e-mail today setting up a Skype interview with the University of Chicago. So much for my theory that I need not worry about nervously checking my inbox on the weekends. ...

Congrats! What program are you applying to? Divinity School? Which sub-field? Thanks!

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Sorry, I thought it said on my profile, but I'm applying to the Divinity School for the NT and ECL concentration in the Bible degree.


Thank you!

Is it from the POI or the school? I'm applying to the OT program but I guess both belong to the "Bible" concentration. I haven't heard anything from them yet so perhaps I don't have much chance now.

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My heart skipped a beat when I saw this in my inbox. It ended up just being a form letter letting me know that decisions would be forthcoming, by mail...sometime.

Everything is the worst. :(


The same thing just happened to me! I saw "Loyola" in my inbox and almost had a heart attack. Waiting on snail mail is frustrating. Last year, it looks like many of the decisions for Loyola didn't go out until March and April.

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