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PhD applications for 2013-2014 chit chat...


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Kuriakos, I think your reading of Emory is correct. I asked, and regarding HB they invite 5 people and will make 2 initial offers. The others will be put on a waitlist. They have 18 funded slots across 9 subfields, meaning first round offers are usually 2 for each subfield. However, once first round offers go out, things seem to get a bit more complicated, as the waitlist doesn't seem to be precisely subfield-specific. That is to say, by the time they have full incoming class, they will have 2 or perhaps 3 HB students. One particular year they even had 4. If NT is as ridiculously competitive as I think it is, then they likely will tend more towards 3 in NT each year, but this is speculation on my part.


If you didn't get invited to an interview, you are right, that is not a good sign. Sorry for the Hunger Games reference, but the odds are not in your favor. However, it is certainly not impossible that you will be extended an offer later in the admissions process, as there is often a lot movement on waitlists during late March and April. Just as you've done with Duke, I wouldn't write Emory off yet either.

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I guess there is the chance that the same few people will end up being invited to interviews at all the top schools which would naturally result in lots of people getting in off of waitlists. 

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Actually, I started looking over Emory's current students website and they appear to have many more HB students than NT students. So perhaps it's best to assume that regarding NT I have no idea what I'm talking about.

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For those applying to UNC, I have it on good authority that notifications are going out by subfield, so there is no cause for concern that someone has already received an offer unless you are in the same subfield. 


Thanks for the update, much appreciated.  Brings back some optimism.  Hopefully we will get the results sooner rather than later.  I just want to hear something from someone, ha.

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No interview at Emory here, which was as expected. I applied to their early deadline and avoided the fee not expecting much to come of it. I'm very interested to hear back on UVa (JCA). I'm sure it will be, as always, extremely competitive but it doesn't seem to garner the same attention as Duke, Emory, Yale, and Notre Dame. Anyone else seen that, or am I just unaware?

I notice that most of the chit-chat revolves around US programs. Anyone applying outside the states?

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I notice that most of the chit-chat revolves around US programs. Anyone applying outside the states?


I have applied to a couple of US programs (ND & Emory) as well as to two Canadian programs (I am Canadian). I am interested in the reception of Scripture in early Judaism and Christianity so I have applied to a mix of Hebrew Bible and NT programs.


It seems that most Americans are familiar with the University of Toronto but not as much with McMaster University (different from McMaster Divinity College). Is that correct?


NT student...did you apply to the PhD fellowship at Durham with Watson?

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Looks like there was another acceptance to UNC on Friday but only posted today on the results list.


Yes, that is unwelcome news. I suspect that means anyone else specializing in NT/Early Christianity didn't make the cut.

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just found this site. very helpful. does anyone know which of the following schools require interviews:




UT Austin

I did not apply to Harvard nor Yale, but I would assume both require interviews. My understanding is that UT does not have an interview process, but invites all admitted students to campus sometime in March to visit with faculty and whatnot. Someone else may be able to speak to what happens at that weekend better than I can.

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just found this site. very helpful. does anyone know which of the following schools require interviews:




UT Austin


Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences requires all departments to interview an applicant before offering admission to the doctoral program.

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Yale and Austin do, I don't believe Harvard does


In 2011 I had an interview with Austin (Hebrew Bible/ANE). But it was held in Hebrew to prove if I had the ability to serve as a TA for Modern Hebrew class if admitted. so I'm not sure whether that's the normal kind of interviews they regularly do.

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Yes, that is unwelcome news. I suspect that means anyone else specializing in NT/Early Christianity didn't make the cut.


Yep.  They currently have 8 students in the AMR subfield, which means probably just one per year and at most two.  Sigh.  That is a bummer.  Looks like no luck for either one of us unless that lucky individual ends up turning them down.

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Hesitantly...this is my first post. There is talk of trolls among grad cafe users.


Just wanted to see if anyone knows when Vandy's interview weekend is, and if they have sent out invitations yet?

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A friend received a phone call this morning for an interview with Duke (early christianity).


Dang, thought for sure I could resign myself to not checking my email obsessively today because of MLK day. There goes that.

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Hesitantly...this is my first post. There is talk of trolls among grad cafe users.


Just wanted to see if anyone knows when Vandy's interview weekend is, and if they have sent out invitations yet?


Lualoo, I believe the interviews are on Feb. 12-13.  I was looking on the VDS room reservation calendar yesterday and they had Graduate Department of Religion/Theology and Practice interviews noted for those days.  Also, based on the same calendar the graduate admissions and policy committee meets this Friday (the 25th).  I have no idea if that's when they actually make decisions.  (I imagine that's already in the works.)  But, last year I know a couple of folks reported on Jan 13th that they'd gotten interview invites that day, and that's the same day the graduate admission committee met that year.  That could just be a coincidence, though.

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Lualoo, I believe the interviews are on Feb. 12-13.  I was looking on the VDS room reservation calendar yesterday and they had Graduate Department of Religion/Theology and Practice interviews noted for those days.  Also, based on the same calendar the graduate admissions and policy committee meets this Friday (the 25th).  I have no idea if that's when they actually make decisions.  (I imagine that's already in the works.)  But, last year I know a couple of folks reported on Jan 13th that they'd gotten interview invites that day, and that's the same day the graduate admission committee met that year.  That could just be a coincidence, though.
Thanks CrackerBarrel! That is very helpful. There seemed to be radio silence on the Vandy front, so I was curious.
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If previous years are any guide, next week will be a big week for hearing about interviews. Good luck, everybody.

any evidence that suggests when ND will contact?  i am dying.  what about bc, do they interview?  good luck to those waiting to hear from vandy, duke, emory, pts, hds, yds, etc.

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any evidence that suggests when ND will contact?  i am dying.  what about bc, do they interview?  good luck to those waiting to hear from vandy, duke, emory, pts, hds, yds, etc.


According to the results search, they contacted on Feb. 1st last year, though it obviously varies some year to year. 

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