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do i still have time for another GRE?


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Hi Guys, I just got my GRE scores, V161 Q165 AW3.5 >_<

I took the GRE on Oct 3rd, so I can only retake it after Nov 3rd. Will that be too late for applications due on Dec 1st?

I am applying to Psych Ph.D. at UC Santa Cruz and UT Dallas. I have already talked with profs from the schools and they sound like they could push my application a bit with my not good GPA 3.4. And I have good recommendation letters.

I didn't tell them my AW score though.

I am also applying to a bunch of M.Ed. programs, thinking that if I am rejeted by Ph.D. this year I will just get a master that will lead me to a job. What are my chances with GPA 3.4 and AW 3.5? Getting desperate now!!!

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The timing will be cutting it very close. You need to anticipate about three weeks for those scores to be sent out again after they're processed at ETS. It should be doable, and luckily you already have scores to send otherwise.

But, honestly, the attempt probably wouldn't be worth it. Most people don't jump that much in their GRE scores. And you actually do have solidly 'good' scores. For a PhD program, you are a bit on the lower end, but I was also told with my GPA of 3.42 it was still 'eligible'.. just needed strong recommendations which you say you have.

And, either way, you definitely sound like a "competitive candidate" for a masters in the worst case scenario.

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