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Program Specific Questions - Fall 2013

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I am now freaking out because I read that berkeley isn't particularly inclined to take international students. woo. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: would another bottle of wine help? [/OT]

That can't be fair. Why?

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I know this has been discussed before, but I can't find it. I was following the English department guidelines for Columbia, which say the statement of purpose should be 500 words, but I just got to the online application and that says the statement should be about 1000. I have both lengths ready, so either way isn't a problem. What do you guys think?

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I didn't get anything either. Not like NYU, which sent me 5 follow-up emails.

OK I called just now and was informed that we won't get a confirmation. As long as you were directed to the supplemental data form, that means you've submitted successfully.

Which just means I won't be hearing from them until they reject me...

Edit: This was Re: Harvard application submission, btw.

Edited by waparys
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Here's my advice: after submitting, don't expect to get anything back from any of the schools you applied to for at least the next 2 months.

Then wait and see where you get to visit in the spring.

If you haven't heard anything in more than 3 months, you probably haven't gotten in. Have a back-up plan.

The end.

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I disagree. I think it's a very good idea to check with departments to make sure your application is complete if you don't get a confirmation; I've done it for each school to which I applied. In some cases, my transcripts weren't matched up, etc. and in calling/emailing/logging in, I saved myself from wasting some application fees at the very least.

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Sure, definitely make certain that all your materials are in. But after that, let it go.

My schools all accepted PDF scans of my transcripts, so I have the comfort of knowing that they're all in without needing to coordinate anything with anyone.

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Dear Penn State,


Why is your application the WORST THING EVER? It bumps me out every 5-10 minutes without warning and is generally awful. Also, I hate you for not letting me send my recommender requests until I hit submit.






p.s. Please admit me anyway.



ETA: Also, why in the name of all that is holy do you need TWO mailed copies of my official transcripts? :blink:

Edited by bfat
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Dear Penn State,


Why is your application the WORST THING EVER? It bumps me out every 5-10 minutes without warning and is generally awful. Also, I hate you for not letting me send my recommender requests until I hit submit.

I submitted my Penn State app last week, and did not have any problems like this at all. Hmm... maybe wait and try it again later? It's not due for a while.

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Doro Unger-Lee, grad administrator of English at Berkeley, has resigned. Berkeley English currently has no grad administrator. Info from POI: 'you'll hear in mid feb or the end of that month I imagine' :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: that seems a bit late given the board timings -- but POI is not involved in admissions. Anyhow I think Unger-Lee's resignation probably is slowing down the process a bit, as Berkeley searches for someone to replace her :unsure:

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Nope.  Specifically marked for U.S. citizens and permanent residents only. "The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia requires that any student applying to Georgia State University must provide verification of their lawful presence in the United States before their admission to the university can be finalized."  And, in fairness, you could alternately upload a copy of a Georgia driver's license, a U.S. Certificate of Naturalization or U.S. Certificate of Citizenship, a U.S. Certificate of Birth Abroad, or a Permanent Resident Card.  Golly gee, thanks for all those options, GSU.  I really wanted to have to stop everything in the midst of completing my last two applications, dig up my passport, drive downtown to my office, scan it in, and drive back so I could finish this.



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Nope.  Specifically marked for U.S. citizens and permanent residents only. "The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia requires that any student applying to Georgia State University must provide verification of their lawful presence in the United States before their admission to the university can be finalized."  And, in fairness, you could alternately upload a copy of a Georgia driver's license, a U.S. Certificate of Naturalization or U.S. Certificate of Citizenship, a U.S. Certificate of Birth Abroad, or a Permanent Resident Card.  Golly gee, thanks for all those options, GSU.  I really wanted to have to stop everything in the midst of completing my last two applications, dig up my passport, drive downtown to my office, scan it in, and drive back so I could finish this.


Interesting. Do you need it for the application or only after admission?

Edited by DaisyAdair
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Just a random tidbit: my advisor/one of my rec writers recently graduated from Michigan, as did her husband. I was at their place picking up keys for holiday house-sitting the other day, and they told me that Michigan generally gets their offers and rejections out rather early, as they "feel very strongly about who they want and they go after them." Eek, so intimidating.

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I made a post about this question, before realizing that these sort of things should go in this thread. I apologize. 


My question is about UConn. 



Does anyone know how long the SOP should be for UConn? I have searched the website and called the school. The most I've gotten is that I need to make sure the essay covers the information in the prompt. 


I'm hoping someone who has applied there past or present has an idea how long is acceptable for a Statement of Purpose.



Thank you in advance. 

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