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2013 Applicant Profiles and Admission Results


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Undergrad Institution: North Carolina state school

Major(s): Cellular Biology

Minor(s): Biotechnology

GPA in Undergrad: 3.54 in major courses 3.8

GPA in Grad School: 4.0 ( only on transcript as in progress)

Position in Class: graduate cum laude so I think thats top 10%

Type of Student: Male and white

GRE Scores:

Q: 164 - 90%

V: 168 - 98%

W: 4.0 - 49%

Research Experience: 1 year in a biotechnology development project and one semester in a systems biology transcriptomics lab.

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: none

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: I had a graduate assistant position where I developed learning modules and TA'd graduate and undergraduate genomics/biotechnology lab

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: I have interdisciplinary curriculum across cell bio, biochem, programming, and a little bit of computational biology

Special Bonus Points: For most of the places I applied to I have some fairly specific questions with broad themes that I think mesh well with their faculty.

Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: Only bad stuff - really bad grades including F's until I caught the research bug, and I have 4.0 since then. I have taken 18-20+ credits in all senior level classes though and had 4.0 while doing research. I doubt anyone looked in that much detail however.

Applying to Where: Harvard (Systems Biology), WashU (DBBS), UT-Austin (CMB), Michigan State Uni (BioMolecular Sciences Gateway), Duke (computational bio and bioinformatics), MIT (bioengineering), ASU (BioDesign), UCSD (systems biology and bioinformatics), Montana State University (biological engineering), and maybe a couple others like Caltech and U-toronto

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Better than sleepless and meal-less. I am here to comfort all the possible candidate on earth.

Undergrad Institution: stupid out-of-rank local university

Major(s): biology


GPA in Undergrad: lower than 2.5

GPA in Grad School: NA, just pass or fail or distinction, and I am obviously not the distinction baby

Position in Class: last one passing out

Type of Student: Female, international

GRE Scores (revised/old version):

Q: 160

V: 13x

W: 3.5

B: -

Research Experience: 0.5 year in protein lab as RA, 3+ years in rep lab under rep prof. as RA, coordinating NIH project. one first author publication, 1 conference and 1 publication with name in the middle.

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: big no

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: "Ms. coordinator RA"?

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: still a living man not walking dead?

Special Bonus Points: don't stress me man...haha

Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:

Applying to Where: see signature

this might seems a joke to most of you huh? I have told myself and people around me that any reply (even formal rejection) are miracles from Santa Claus of Finland. anyway I hope all of us can have a good laugh on the above and be relax, there are so many stupid jerks like me flowing around and you have huge chance!

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Just received an interview invite for the University of Pennsylvania biochemistry and molecular biophysics program. I literally don't know what to do with myself right now. It was a HUGE reach for me!

Congrats man! Could post your stats, if you don't mind? Thanks
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Just received an interview invite for the University of Pennsylvania biochemistry and molecular biophysics program. I literally don't know what to do with myself right now. It was a HUGE reach for me!

Congratulations!!! I hope I can join this club sometime soon. It's also a huge reach for me.

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I can't believe it! I just received an interview invite to Emory! They're notifying people by phone so if you get a call from a 404 number, by all means, answer it!

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Undergrad Institution: Top public university

Major(s): Bioengineering

GPA in Major: 3.56

Overall GPA: 3.43

Type of Student: Domestic

GRE Scores (revised/old version):

Q: 770 (83%)

V: 590 (80%)

W: 5.0 (92%)

B: 770 (81%)

Research Experience: 1 summer internship, 1 year in 2 labs at school, 1 year RA position. 1 first-author paper in review, 2 middle-author papers in prep

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: outside merit, school honors during first 2 years

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: tutoring, undergrad honors society, various undergrad projects

Special Bonus Points: famous recommender

Applying to Where: BU, Brown, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, Cornell Weill, Dartmouth, Duke, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Oregon Health & Science, Pitt, Princeton, Rice, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF, CU Boulder, UMich, WashU, Wisconsin, Yale

In other news, I got my first interview today, Princeton! Anyone know a good source to find out stats for number of applicants vs. interviews vs. acceptances?

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They have tried to call me multiple times throughout the day with an 858 number, but I didn't answer because I didn't have my phone on me. The coordinator then emailed me 10 minutes ago to notify me. Another email was sent for booking arrangements.

Their interview weekend is Feb 28(Thursday) to Sunday Mar 3rd.

Edited by Devilkiyyu
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Congratulations to everyone who has received interviews!

Thanks BambooPanda. I also only applied to 7 programs, even though my mentor suggested ten. I applied to two reaches, three good matches, and two that I thought I had a pretty good shot at getting in. Good luck to you!

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No problem ionexchanger. Which

Thanks BambooPanda. I also only applied to 7 programs, even though my mentor suggested ten. I applied to two reaches, three good matches, and two that I thought I had a pretty good shot at getting in. Good luck to you!

No problem IonExchanger! Which schools did you apply to?

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