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Women's Studies (WGS)- 2013 Applications, Offers, Discussion


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Phone call inviting me to recruitment weekend (interviews)--- Emory Women Gender Sexualities Studies PhD program. Ah!!!!!!! Still praying this will lead to a yes!


Awesome! When will you be going?

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List of Schools:
NYU English
Berkeley Rhetoric
UC Santa Cruz History of Con
OSU Comparative Studies
Duke English
SUNY Buffalo English
University of Chicago English
Ann Arbor English/Women's Studies
MIT Comparative Media Studies
Brown MCM
U Penn English
William & Mary American Studies
Stanford MLT
Syracuse English
Rochester Visual and Cultural Studies
Yale American Studies
Iowa English
Penn State English
Albany English
Loyola Chicago English
WashU English
Georgia Tech Digital Media
Brown English
Utah English
Yes, that is 25. Yes, I am broke. That said, I believe strongly in applying widely in order to get the best funding/opportunities. Each of these schools actually has faculty that I would be happy to work with. This is the list I created after cutting it down from a list of 33 schools that had a substantial number of faculty in the areas I'm studying. I guess some people will think this is cray. I don't. This is partially based on my experience applying to MFA programs. The school that I ultimately attended was one that I added on a whim (it is topped ranked, but I applied there sheerly based off of where it s located--it was four hours away from my parents, and three hours away from where I was living at the time).  I received acceptances from other schools, but after looking into the faculty and opportunities of the university as a whole (after being accepted), I couldn't pass up the institution that I attended for my MFA. All of the above have multiple faculty working in areas that are of interest to me. I'll get picky after I see who is interested in working with me, and what financial packages they offer (also placement ratings, cost of living, ease for my partner to find a job, etc.).
I actually didn't apply to an strictly Women's/Gender Studies programs aside from the Ann Arbor joint degree. Sure, I want to do queer theory and history of sexuality based research, but I also have tentacles out in the areas of literature and creative writing. Trying to find programs that balanced those disciplines was my goal.... either with a substantial amount of faculty [some english departments practically have internal gender studies programs], interdisciplinary certificates, or key (famous) faculty.
Anyway, thought I would chime in.
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WOW bluecheese that is a lot of schools but surely understand wanting to apply widely. Best of luck to you!! And that's for the congrats! It is early which only makes waiting to hear from other programs twice as nerve wrecking.

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Yeah, it's too bad that it isn't an outright "yes."


I've heard that these usually do usually mean "yes" almost implicitly, so long as you don't totally mess up the interview. So that is positive.


It guess does mean that the waiting game continues for you. But, you have a near-yes weeks before most people will even begin to hear anything--that seems like a great sign. (jealous).

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Yeah, it's too bad that it isn't an outright "yes."


I've heard that these usually do usually mean "yes" almost implicitly, so long as you don't totally mess up the interview. So that is positive.


It guess does mean that the waiting game continues for you. But, you have a near-yes weeks before most people will even begin to hear anything--that seems like a great sign. (jealous).


HA! Thanks! That's what I thought too. Don't be jealous. This near-yes is coming after 5 rejections last season and at least one this season so far. But it only takes 1 yes, right?

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There are two days left to apply to Oxford's 9-month Women's Studies Master's in case anyone wants to add one more application.

It's an excellent program for students with a range of interests (philosophy, queer theory, modern languages, history, cultural studies, law, etc.), and they have a good selection of funding for North American students (there's a March 8th deadline if you don't need funding). Plus, who wouldn't want to spend a year in Oxford? I did the Master's, and would be happy to answer questions if anyone is interested.

Edited by intersectional
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I promised myself I would put applications out of my mind once they were submitted but I find that I am obsessing more and more each day and I still have possibly months to wait.  Also, The longer it goes the more convinced I am that I wont be accepted anywhere.  Anyone else feeling like this?

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There are two days left to apply to Oxford's 9-month Women's Studies Master's in case anyone wants to add one more application.

It's an excellent program for students with a range of interests (philosophy, queer theory, modern languages, history, cultural studies, law, etc.), and they have a good selection of funding for North American students (there's a March 8th deadline if you don't need funding). Plus, who wouldn't want to spend a year in Oxford? I did the Master's, and would be happy to answer questions if anyone is interested.


I would love to go somewhere out of country but with a partner and kids, and being low-income, it's pretty much economically impossible.

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There are so many scholarships at Oxford: Fulbright, Rhodes, British Council scholarships, Weidenfeld, Ertegun, and the Clarendon Fund. Also, most individual Oxford colleges have extra funds.

More or less.. same here. I have been thinking about applying for a Fulbright, though.

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Hey everyone. Just checking in... Any word on your apps? Even non-WGS apps?... I know some Sociology programs have started to send invitations. 


So far for me, just preparing for my WGSS Emory recruitment weekend. Still sending good vibes to everyone.  

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I received an email from a professor who had read my application and was excited about my research ideas. It's nothing official but it seems like a good sign.



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I'm not the most patient person. I find myself checking these boards all day every day. I'm grateful for my interview in February but the month long wait makes me even more antsy. Not to mention not hearing from anyone else all month. I know I need to chill but ahhhh!!!

Here's hoping that your monday is less anxious than mine.

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I'm not the most patient person. I find myself checking these boards all day every day. I'm grateful for my interview in February but the month long wait makes me even more antsy. Not to mention not hearing from anyone else all month. I know I need to chill but ahhhh!!!

Here's hoping that your monday is less anxious than mine.

Totally understand.  I have an interview next week, but I am dying for more news.  Adcoms, talk to me!!!

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Just got the itinerary for my recruitment weekend. Lists all the professors I have to interview with and meetings we have. I'm so excited and nervous. I'm ready to get down there and start this process!

Just got my itinerary too. Meeting with six(!) professors and having lunch with the grad students in the department.  It's going to be intense!  Good luck to you wmnshlthsoc!

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