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How many of you have heard something back yet?


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 I don't see how it could do any harm - you're on the inside now, as it were. 

From what I've heard, on visiting weekends for some Chemistry programs they schedule you to meet with faculty you expressed an interest in on your SoP. I reckon you could just send a short email saying that you've been accepted to the program, are interested in working for them, and look forward to meeting them at Visiting Weekend/start-of-term (attach CV for reference). 


Unfortunately as an international applicant, I won't be able to go for any visiting weekend. Yea I guess you are right, I will probably send out a few emails to the professors that I mentioned in my SOP, telling them I have been accepted and interested in working for them. Thanks!

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Right there with ya.



Love this movie, and this scene!Thanks for posting... it was the inspiration I need this morning as I juggle class readings, prepare for a phone interview, work on research projects, and obsessively check my email and GradCafe for news! Never save anything for the swim back indeed......

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I heard back from my first MPP program this week. I haven't gotten any official notification, but one of the professors called to say I was in and that I should come sit in on a few of his courses. I wasnt expecting to hear anything back for about a month, so it was very surprising. He called my work number (which I didnt even realize they had), so I sort of freaked out when the receptionist told me who was calling. Not very smooth, but oh well!


Its one of my less competitive programs, but it felt good to start the notifications off on a good note!

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Any developmental psych applicants out there? Notifications? Interviews? 


Applied to: UC Davis, U Oregon, U Denver, Temple, U Wisconsin-Madison, U Minnesota- ICD, U Michigan, U Pittsburgh, Stanford (Education- Devtl and Psych Sciences program), SUNY Stony Brook (Health Psych)

Interviews: Temple, SUNY, Denver, Michigan (2phone/skype; they are not doing in-person for devtl), Oregon (emailed, but no interview yet)


Waiting on Wisconsin and Minnesota!! Any word from those?

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This is random, but has anyone heard anything from UCLA, Boulder, NYU, or Harvard? Specifically cognitive psych. This wait is killer, so if anyone has info, that would be bomb. 

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One official acceptance so far with promises of a huge multi-year fellowship if I choose them. Notbad.jpg, but not my top choice so we'll see how the rest of the decisions unfold.

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I applied to work with my MSc co-supervisor for my doctorate. he of course encouraged me to apply to many universities. I was accepted to his, unofficially, and when I asked him to send a referee report to my 4th  and final school, he demanded to know what I wanted to do about my acceptance to his. This was a very uncomfortable situation to be in given that I need him to submit a letter and I have yet to receive any official offers from any school! I politely told him that I won't make a decision until I have all my offers and I haven't heard back nor has he submitted the letter. yeesh.

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One official acceptance so far with promises of a huge multi-year fellowship if I choose them. Notbad.jpg, but not my top choice so we'll see how the rest of the decisions unfold.

Congrats! So happy for you!

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Well, my app made it through the first cut at one school, now I wait on secondary review. Not one the schools I've interviewed at previously, so I'm pretty chipper today. :)

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I am so glad I found this website! I am not alone! lol I have been freaking out to all my friends and they don't quite understand why I am so anxious to hear back! I have already been rejected from 9 schools the first time around, this time I applied to 7 schools. I've gotten 1 rejection, and I am pretty sure I only have 4 more schools that haven't sent out emails yet (according to the forums here). I want to get in more than anything!!!!!!!

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