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Which schools should I apply to ?


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Hi Everyone,


I'm from Turkey originally but I've been living in California (U.S.) for the last two years.(but I can move anywhere else and I really want to apply to the schools in/around the D.C area) I'm considering applying for Masters in International Relations or Political Science but my true intention is earning a PHD.Unfortunately I don't think I can get into a PHD program right away since It's been 4 years that I'm out of school.I worked for the biggest/national bank back in Turkey in the investment division as a specialist for two years and also trained in international finance,law,economics and banking for a year by the education center of the institution.Anyways I'm looking for a school that offers a phd and a masters that I can hop into phd after completing my masters program.I was more focused on International Security,Conflict Resolution,War,Non-proliferation ,Disarmament,Terrorism and International Organizations when I was in school.My regional focus was mostly on Europe and Middle East.I want to focus on and do my research again on those issues but I wanna focus on just Middle East.I graduated from one of the top universities in Turkey.My GPA was 2.90 which equals to 3.10 here I guess,I'm not sure..and my last two year GPA was 3.44.I did internships in the General Secreteriat of European Union,Hurriyet News and Publishing Center (which is much more like LA Times or Washington Post) in the Political Reporting/Government division as a political editor and I was an active member of Int'l Relations Club  & Model United Nations in my school.Then here I went to UCLA to get a graduate certificate in Communications and Marketing Management (mostly digital  marketing and social media) which is not really related to political science but I've broadened my knowledge in fundraising and how-to use social media effectively to attract/get people in for campaigns and spread the word etc which is not bad at all..


So I'm kinda stuck for now.


If you can make any suggestions and give me some advice on schools,programs or on what should I do in that case I would be grateful.




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What would your goal with the PhD be? To go into the policy realm, or do you want to stay in academia? If your goal is to do policy, I would definitely have a look at the schools in the D.C. area. I feel like they have more of a policy-focus than other programs.


I was more focused on International Security,Conflict Resolution,War,Non-proliferation ,Disarmament,Terrorism and International Organizations when I was in school.

This is fairly broad. Do you have more specific idea about what exactly you're interested in? You will probably need to be more specific when you sit down and start working on your Statement of Purpose.


I also noticed that your "Application Season" says "Spring 2014". You should keep in mind that most well-regarded PhD-programs only admit for the fall-semesters (at least that's my impression).

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