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interview attire in Europe + skype interviews

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I am an american applying to biomedical doctoral programs in German speaking countries and Sweden. What is the interview attire there for in person interviews? Are most people in suites or are they more business casual?

What is the attire for skype interviews typically?

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What is the attire for skype interviews typically?

Same as for in-person interviews, but with slippers and no pants. :-)

Seriously though I think dressing up like a normal interview will make you feel more confident, and make them treat you like a real interviewee. (As a fellow yank, I unfortunately cannot tell you what that dress code should be.) Also maybe use some friends to help you find a place for the interview with a neutral background and good lighting. If you have pets, move them do a different room. I watched a Skype interview and could hear a (well behaved) pet walking around, jingling its collar in the background, and it was a bit distracting.

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I am an american applying to biomedical doctoral programs in German speaking countries and Sweden. What is the interview attire there for in person interviews? Are most people in suites or are they more business casual?

From my experience of German-speaking countries, I think business casual would be OK. Certainly not jeans and t-shirt...but you wouldn't need to go as far as a suit & tie. 

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In Sweden -  Smart casual.  Dressing well is always nice but do not show up in polished oxfords and a black tie.   It would probably depend on where you are interviewing:  Karolinska - dress up and be professional.  Stockholm University/Chalmers - dress as you would to work.   Lund/Uppsala - traditional and classy. 


Be vary that you might meet professors who wear t-shirts and clogs at the state universities (Stockholm/Umeå et al) whereas more professional at the older places. 


Feel free to pm me if you are going to Stockholm/Malmö/Uppsala for more specific advice on the cities/universities. 

Edited by ohgoodness
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