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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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That was me! I was invited to the interview, and declined because I had gained acceptance to programs that were a better fit with what I am looking for. I am also not crazy about the St. Cloud area, so I figured why miss a day of work to pursue something that isn't going to work out. 


I can feel you on waiting an extra year. I thought about applying last minute to 3 year programs in the fall 2012 cycle, but ultimately decided to complete a cheap (8-9k total) and awesome post-bac at USU. I loved USU's program and I found it reasonable to take a full-time course load and work full-time to earn some money/experience on my "year off." In hindsight, I am so glad I did, because I don't think I would have gained acceptance to many of the programs that I received offers from. I hope you either hear good news soon, or devise a plan that will allow you more/better options in the future!!


Thank you so much for chiming in - I'm feel more & more like I'm going to go with an online post-bac, regardless of what Saint Cloud says (it isn't the strongest school, even in this area, for what I want to do after completing my degree).


I had no idea USU was so cheap.  There's got to be another thread here about post-bacc programs, yes?


*goes to look*

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Congratulations to everyone making decisions! I'm envious!


What is it with DGS's going out of town this week? Isn't it kind of important that they be available during these last few days? It's really coming down to the wire, and not being able to get answers to my questions is not making this any easier!


Rant over. I'm ready for this whole process to be over. Longest two months of my life. :P

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Yay, my official acceptance letter from Montclair came today! So happy that it's really official now and it wasn't a mistake :) It was a one page letter. They said I have until April 19th to decide, sign and return the letter, and put down a $200 deposit. The letter didn't say anything about an accepted students day; I wish they were having one so I can meet some of my future classmates. Since Temple doesn't look like they're accepting anyone else, I'm 99% sure I will be attending Montclair in the fall! The one positive thing about that is it's making my decision very easy. They also said that they will accept my Utah State courses so it looks like I only need to take 2 or 3 more classes this summer to be caught up with all of the prereqs! I believe I told someone that Montclair gives out 5 grad assistantships each year, but I think I was wrong. I believe they only give 2 away and we won't find out until the summer if we got one. Either way, I will be paying in-state tuition which will be a much more affordable option for me compared to Syracuse. I will be notifying Syracuse that I'm turning down their offer so hopefully this will help someone on the waitlist. Looks like I should notify the schools where I was waitlisted to take me off the waitlist. Phew, looks like this crazy admissions process is finally drawing to a close for me!


Congrats! You should post this and any info about Montclair in the :) The mini open house for accepted students is on April 15th at 12:30pm.

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Congrats! You should post this and any info about Montclair in the :) The mini open house for accepted students is on April 15th at 12:30pm.


I just noticed you have another choice besides NYU now, congrats!  I don't know much about Montclair, but I am guessing it's less $$ than NYU?  I know you were worried about money.  So excited for you!

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I just noticed you have another choice besides NYU now, congrats!  I don't know much about Montclair, but I am guessing it's less $$ than NYU?  I know you were worried about money.  So excited for you!


Thank you!! Montclair is definitely less $$ than NYU but NYU is my dream school so it's a hard choice!

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Congrats! You should post this and any info about Montclair in the :) The mini open house for accepted students is on April 15th at 12:30pm.


Thanks mystique! And thank you for the link, I am hopeless when it comes to navigating this site! 

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I wanted to congratulate you all once again. I am very thankful to have discovered this site and this thread, as I believe it made me sane when I was feeling mostly insane. I hope that throughout the next few years, you all experience wonderful success! I would also love if anyone would check back in here periodically- I would love to see how you're all doing! 


Also wishing good news for everyone who is still waiting. 


:)  :)  :)

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I put my Vandy acceptance in the mailbox before leaving for school this morning...then I immediately regretted it and ran home to remove it before the mailman came :P 


This afternoon, I officially accepted my offer from Baylor! I couldn't be happier:) 

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I put my Vandy acceptance in the mailbox before leaving for school this morning...then I immediately regretted it and ran home to remove it before the mailman came :P


This afternoon, I officially accepted my offer from Baylor! I couldn't be happier:) 


Are you serious??? You have had such funny mail/communication issues with Vandy.   Congrats on Baylor!  I have a cousin who went to Baylor undergrad and Vandy for MEd and loved them both :)

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Are you serious??? You have had such funny mail/communication issues with Vandy.   Congrats on Baylor!  I have a cousin who went to Baylor undergrad and Vandy for MEd and loved them both :)

Hahaha thanks! Yeah, i've been going back and forth this whole time, but ultimately decided Baylor was the best fit for me (even though it is ranked #73 lol).  Have you made your decision yet??

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Hahaha thanks! Yeah, i've been going back and forth this whole time, but ultimately decided Baylor was the best fit for me (even though it is ranked #73 lol).  Have you made your decision yet??


No!  I change my mind between UNC and SUNY approx every 5 minutes :) I haven't heard from Queens or Brooklyn but I think they are pretty much out of the picture.

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No!  I change my mind between UNC and SUNY approx every 5 minutes :) I haven't heard from Queens or Brooklyn but I think they are pretty much out of the picture.

Wow, that sounds like a tough decision! At least you have two great options:) 

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Ahhhhhh finally a waitlist. They seem to be discouraging around here but as his last chance at grad school this year, my husband was pretty dang excited, let me tell you!

Waitlists move pretty fast! Don't give up yet!

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I was just Accepted to Armstrong Atlantic State and Eastern Kentucky University.... I had a little bit lower stats and this is my second year applying so thrilled to be accepted... however I'm from Ohio and I've never been to either school... Does Anyone have any information on which to attend or any information on these schools at all. I would like to eventually end up in Ohio, I don't know if a kentucky school would give me better chances, but Savannah is supposed to be beautiful. Also Eastern Kentucky starts in June (very soon) and is 6 semesters and Armstrong is 5 semesters... but I don't know if the other will give me more externship possibilities... I just started comparing both and planning on contacting the head of admissions for both. I would appreciate any advice! Thanks!

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I put my Vandy acceptance in the mailbox before leaving for school this morning...then I immediately regretted it and ran home to remove it before the mailman came :P


This afternoon, I officially accepted my offer from Baylor! I couldn't be happier:) 


Congrats on choosing an awesome Texas school!  Oh my gosh-that means SLP Steph might get your Vandy spot from the waitlist and I might get her UT Dallas spot!  :blink:

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Congrats on choosing an awesome Texas school!  Oh my gosh-that means SLP Steph might get your Vandy spot from the waitlist and I might get her UT Dallas spot!  :blink:

I sure hope so!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out:)

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