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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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I keep having this recurring dream that the reason why the other schools I've applied to haven't gotten back to me is because I didn't successfully finish the applications but nobody told me. Eesh.

I used to have bad nightmares about this exact thing. No kidding. Obsessively looked up my app status and confirmed with each school just to confirm and calm my nightmares.

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I used to have bad nightmares about this exact thing. No kidding. Obsessively looked up my app status and confirmed with each school just to confirm and calm my nightmares.


Yeah I have not been able to sleep all week knowing that I should be getting decisions from six schools. (Hopefully!)

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Man that is rough. At least the break up left you with something positive! I can't even imagine what it's like for people who are married and have families. It's a really difficult process, especially when relocation is something to consider. 


Luckily, my boyfriend will be coming with me wherever I go for grad school. We were already a long distance couple for about a year, so I'm sure we'll survive. Hopefully. 



That's awesome that he has such a flexible lifestyle that he can just go with you to wherever. And I think being apart for a year and still going strong just shows that you two will be fine  :)


I feel like I'm waiting for you to hear back from your schools as anxiously as I'm waiting to hear back from my schools. I can't wait for March to be over!

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I keep having this recurring dream that the reason why the other schools I've applied to haven't gotten back to me is because I didn't successfully finish the applications but nobody told me. Eesh.


OK, so I'm not the only one! This has been made worse due to the fact that I hate unnecessarily contacting people who are busy to check on things like apps.

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kcald, did Western Carolina let you enter your decision? If so, what browser did you use?

I have not been able to enter the decision. Used multiple computers and multiple types of Internet browsers. I did a tech ticket on it, and their response was to use Internet explorer 9 . (Duh, already tried that, and told them so in my ticket request). Can't understand why they can't actually read the ticket I sent in and they are telling me info I already know. Ugh!

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did everyone that has gotten accepted at Western Carolina so far receive an assistantship offer?

I did, as well as two follow up emails to fill out formal applications for a scholarship and tuition remission. It seemed as if all I needed to do a the paperwork and that I would be getting the offers. Pretty sweet package, just not for me.

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I did, as well as two follow up emails to fill out formal applications for a scholarship and tuition remission. It seemed as if all I needed to do a the paperwork and that I would be getting the offers. Pretty sweet package, just not for me.


Exact same story here. I'm trying to decline it and open it up for someone else, if their website would let me!

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Exact same story here. I'm trying to decline it and open it up for someone else, if their website would let me!

Do you think they would allow you to call the admissions office and just tell them that way?

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i'm guessing if we didn't get an email by now from vanderbilt that would mean we aren't in? so disappointed. was definitely my number one choice. but congrats to all of you who were accepted!!

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i'm guessing if we didn't get an email by now from vanderbilt that would mean we aren't in? so disappointed. was definitely my number one choice. but congrats to all of you who were accepted!!


Don't think that! I know in many cases (NYU, UVA, etc.) acceptances were e-mailed over the course of a few days. It all depends on the program and how they're doing things. You still have a shot :).

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i'm guessing if we didn't get an email by now from vanderbilt that would mean we aren't in? so disappointed. was definitely my number one choice. but congrats to all of you who were accepted!!


Don't give up hope until you receive concrete information!

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i'm guessing if we didn't get an email by now from vanderbilt that would mean we aren't in? so disappointed. was definitely my number one choice. but congrats to all of you who were accepted!!


I'm still waiting too! I'll keep my fingers crossed for us both  :)

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Got my first rejection of the year today from University of Minnesota Duluth. And I thought I had a great chance of getting in there. 4 more to hear back from. What is everyone's suggestion on emailing a school about the waitlist?

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Accepted at Vanderbilt! Now I have quite the decision to make. I am super excited about both the University of Washington Med SLP program and Vanderbilt's program. I have visited each website countless times, read publications of current faculty, etc., but as my top two, I don't know how I will decide (I am not complaining, I know this is a good problem to have). Of course funding, assistantships, etc. are important, and I am also thinking I should set up visits, but I am wondering if any current students or people who know current students can speak to the strengths and weaknesses of either program? Or, if anyone has any "word on the street" info about experiences/opportunities at either program? Good luck to those still waiting to hear back!!!!



Accepted: GWU, BU, Emerson, UMN-TC, UW-Med, Vanderbilt, MGH (declined), Rush (declined) 

Waitlisted: U Iowa


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Accepted at Vanderbilt! Now I have quite the decision to make. I am super excited about both the University of Washington Med SLP program and Vanderbilt's program. I have visited each website countless times, read publications of current faculty, etc., but as my top two, I don't know how I will decide (I am not complaining, I know this is a good problem to have). Of course funding, assistantships, etc. are important, and I am also thinking I should set up visits, but I am wondering if any current students or people who know current students can speak to the strengths and weaknesses of either program? Or, if anyone has any "word on the street" info about experiences/opportunities at either program? Good luck to those still waiting to hear back!!!!



Accepted: GWU, BU, Emerson, UMN-TC, UW-Med, Vanderbilt, MGH (declined), Rush (declined) 

Waitlisted: U Iowa




I don't know a ton about either program, but I have a friend who has a friend a Vanderbilt and I've heard it's AMAZING.  Great, new, large clinic.  Basically have heard NOTHING bad about it.  But UW may be the same way!  I used to live in Seattle, and Seattle is an amaaaazing city!  In my opinion, the most beautiful city in the US.  Lots of great stuff going on there.  Pretty expensive city too though! 


You have some GREAT options - congrats and I hope you can figure out what is best for you.  I am not even allowing myself to think about a decision until I hear back from all my schools!  (I think that is a subconscious stress saver because I am going to have a REALLY hard time picking a school.)  We are so blessed to be able to choose.  My positive thoughts are still out there for those waiting for good news!

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Why is UWM deviating from their historic notification dates?  Every year, it's been this Wednesday.  So far, nothing (ok, there is an hour or so left in the business day). 


Why?!?  :'(


I feel your pain, Northern Colorado notified last Friday for 3 years... this year... the year I apply...  nothing. It is possible that I am going nuts, maybe this is how conspiracy theorists get their start? 


Here is wising good vibes

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i'm guessing if we didn't get an email by now from vanderbilt that would mean we aren't in? so disappointed. was definitely my number one choice. but congrats to all of you who were accepted!!


I don't see any rejections or wait-list yet.... doesn't seem promising re: acceptance, but who knows.  I am getting so unreasonably annoyed at my friends who keep emailing me - whenever I see "downloading" on my iphone I get excited and then I see its just someone making plans for dinner or whatever.

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