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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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2nd rejection today, this time from the school I did my undergrad at. I'm beginning to lose hope. The only schools in have left to hear from are my "reach" schools. It's already my 2nd year applying, I really don't want to take another year off.

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Yeah I feel your pain. I've been rejected to 3 schools already, granted I am waiting on 5 more but UWM is my top choice so I don't have to move.


I know that Whitewater is really hard to get in to just for the fact that their program is so tiny and they accept so many of their own undergrad students. I'm also waiting on Whitewater so I'm getting anxious about that too.


If UWM doesn't let us know today I might lose my mind and this will be the longest spring break ever!


I received an email from Whitewater today, so yours should be coming soon! Good luck!!! :)

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Got a waitlist email from CU- Boulder. I had tried not to get my hopes up about the school, but I'm still kinda sad since it was my first-choice school. Luckily, the sting of the waitlist was partially assuaged by being accepted to my second-choice school yesterday. I'm still hoping to get accepted off CU's waitlist, but I'll be perfectly content to go to UNColorado.

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I'm still waiting on a few as well.  I think that I was waitlisted at Eau Claire just because their program is so tiny.  I was expecting straight rejections from Madison and Iowa as they were my reach schools, so while I'm cool with the waitlist, I'm not counting on getting off of it.  If Madison let me know before other plans are final I'd accept, but like I say, not going to happen.


If I don't get into Whitewater I will never live it down with my family...my mom went there (and was dead set on me going there for undergrad, actually discouraged me from going to Madison), my brother goes there, and his girlfriend is a com dis major (undergrad) there. 


Getting into UWM would just make things so much easier and relaxed!   And today, please!  Pretty pretty please? 


Whitewater has started notifying people, good luck!! :)

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Congrats to everyone that has been accepted and I will keep everyone who is in limbo in my thoughts and will be sending good vibes your way. I have a question and I don't know if anyone can help me out, but I might as well try. I am currently visiting Radford and absolutely love the area and the college. I also met with a faculty member and toured the clinic and it seems very nice. However, people on the results board have been bashing the program and calling it sub par. After researching the program I really can't see what the problem is. They have close to a 100% passing rate on the Praxis exams and enjoy 100% placement rate after graduation. It looks like I will be attending the program because it is the cheapest out of my remaining schools because I can get done with one less semester and the area is the best for my boyfriend as he is coming with me and needs to find a job. It looks by the Praxis pass rate and employment rate that many people have been successful in the program, but I just want to be fully aware of what I may have to deal with if I do attend the program.

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Congrats to everyone that has been accepted and I will keep everyone who is in limbo in my thoughts and will be sending good vibes your way. I have a question and I don't know if anyone can help me out, but I might as well try. I am currently visiting Radford and absolutely love the area and the college. I also met with a faculty member and toured the clinic and it seems very nice. However, people on the results board have been bashing the program and calling it sub par. After researching the program I really can't see what the problem is. They have close to a 100% passing rate on the Praxis exams and enjoy 100% placement rate after graduation. It looks like I will be attending the program because it is the cheapest out of my remaining schools because I can get done with one less semester and the area is the best for my boyfriend as he is coming with me and needs to find a job. It looks by the Praxis pass rate and employment rate that many people have been successful in the program, but I just want to be fully aware of what I may have to deal with if I do attend the program.

Ask to talk to a current student. It will be more reliable than the faceless results board people. Granted they will probably get you into contact with someone who is really really happy in the program but at least you aren't getting info from someone writing facelessly (invented a word there) behind a screen. Often the people who are most unhappy are the loud minority. People tend to get angry when the are wait-listed and rejected at take it personally (not so much here but on the results board) this causes them to complain about the school because it makes them feel better about themselves ("I didn't want to go there anyway"). Don't let their opinions make your decision. And the praxis and employment rates are good (look at the completion rate, my undergrad mentor said that is what is actually most important) and grad school is only a few years of your life, you can do anything for a few years (but again, get a real opinion, not a results board one). 

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However, people on the results board have been bashing the program and calling it sub par. After researching the program I really can't see what the problem is. They have close to a 100% passing rate on the Praxis exams and enjoy 100% placement rate after graduation. 


Looks can be deceiving!  I personally don't know anything about that university or program so I'm not saying anything bad about them specifically.  There is a lot more that factors into a program besides their passing rates, placements, etc.  Are the professors approachable? Is it the attitudes of those bashing them?  Quite a few factors to consider.  I'd ask those people why they specifically don't care for that program.  

My UG Masters program was a JOKE.  Their stats looked good on paper but no one graduated on time, getting clinic time was horrible, the professors were NOT approachable and quite frankly didn't care if students succeeded or not.  

Best of luck to you all.

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So I have come to the realization that I probably won't get into school again this year. However, I'm trying to think of ways to improve my application. My GPA is average for a lot of schools but my GRE scores are below average. How important r the exam scores anyways? Should I think about retaking it? Also, I had a hard time having my professors write me a letter of rec this year, should I have them write letters of rec again or ask my employers?

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Waitlisted at Whitewater.

But in at UWM! Just have to take statistics :(

Anyone hear about monies to there? Will most likely be accepting!


I'm so glad you got into UWM--wasn't that ideal if Madison didn't work out?


All of us have to take statistics if we haven't already. I need to find out if I can take it at a community college over the summer.

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Just got my acceptance to Northern Arizona University, but will be declining ASAP (when i get back home to my computer to fill out the form). Hopefully this will help someone on the waitlist!!


Congrats anyway! I hope you hear from your other programs very soon so you can make a decision.

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Got a waitlist email from CU- Boulder. I had tried not to get my hopes up about the school, but I'm still kinda sad since it was my first-choice school. Luckily, the sting of the waitlist was partially assuaged by being accepted to my second-choice school yesterday. I'm still hoping to get accepted off CU's waitlist, but I'll be perfectly content to go to UNColorado.


Congrats on the wait list, and the UNC acceptation!!! I haven't got anything from CU so pretty much assuming a rejection, but was assuming that before so no change, just data to back it up. :)  I'm not sure about the in-state issue hurting chances, in fact I always assume that schools "reserve" a few slots for in-state students which helps your chances. 

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Congrats on the wait list, and the UNC acceptation!!! I haven't got anything from CU so pretty much assuming a rejection, but was assuming that before so no change, just data to back it up. :)  I'm not sure about the in-state issue hurting chances, in fact I always assume that schools "reserve" a few slots for in-state students which helps your chances. 


Don't give up hope yet. It seems neither rejections nor acceptances have been sent yet (if the results board is accurate).

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Nope. I'm waiting on pins and needles.



Also waiting here.  I'm guessing we won't hear anything else.  It's 6:48 Mountain time


Me too, Given I was waitlisted at UNColorado I'm fully expecting a rejection because I think it indicates my app is not all that strong. But it would be very nice to just know. 

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Me too, Given I was waitlisted at UNColorado I'm fully expecting a rejection because I think it indicates my app is not all that strong. But it would be very nice to just know. 


If you don't receive an acceptance, is there any way you can take post-bacc classes to boost your GPA? Your GRE scores are fantastic, and so is your major GPA. It would be such a shame for your GPA to hold you back.

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If you don't receive an acceptance, is there any way you can take post-bacc classes to boost your GPA? Your GRE scores are fantastic, and so is your major GPA. It would be such a shame for your GPA to hold you back.


Unfortunately... not too many. :(  I have 3 BSs: Chemistry... 12 years ago when I was er... not as focused and much cockier, Human Dev and Family Studies, (3.93 GPA) and Comm Disorders (finishing now, but 3.87 GPA). I'm pretty much out of things I can really take. I might be able to slide in a grad course here or there (I have 15 hours of grad-level classes) but really there is not a ton to bring the overall out of the gutter. The only thing I can really do to boost my apps are re-take the GREs I really didn't study much and kinda forgot how to do math, get in more SLP-specific volunteer/work experience, and retune my SOP and CV I think.


CU is my absolute first choice because I want to be on a research track. However, I would actually be really fine with Wyoming as they have a social work program which ties into my intended focus. 

Edited by cahurt
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