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Haven't heard from... well, lots of places

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Plus my online status still reads "incomplete" because they never removed my previous transcript that had issues from the system. So it is doubled. I guess I should trust them that they are actually reviewing my application and giving me a shot? So tempted to call...

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I called Yale to look into my GSAS app. status. The rather exasperated--and I can't blame her--woman on the phone told me to log into my application and check. Unfortunately, the only thing my application says is that it was "successfully submitted" (in other words, my payment went through). Blue limbo.

I'm still waiting on Harvard's envelope, as it seems they've sent out whatever acceptances they had and won't respond to phone or email inquiries.

Brown and Columbia have both told me that a decision is forthcoming...yet their acceptances all seem to have gone out. Only Princeton and Cornell have pulled the trigger. 

At this point, I feel a strange sort of disconnected frustration. Beneath that, there's a deep-seated feeling of humiliation coupled with an incredible anxiety over what to do next. There's a real "otherness" I feel when I see the acceptance threads. I no longer read them. 

TMI, perhaps, but I'm not really here and I don't have anything invested in a persona on this board. Just a speaker in bad poem. 

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CodeBlue, thanks for posting the results of your calls. It is frustrating to be in this particular section of limbo, a little worse than neutral, bracing for bad news.  I know that all those schools have sent out their acceptances and my mailbox is empty, but whatever I say out loud, well-intended cheery choruses of "it's not over till it's over!" are getting in the way of moving on to the next thing. Whenever I catch myself getting upset at these places for not just ripping the bandaid off with an email already, though, I realize that I'm really disappointed about the forthcoming rejection, and being angry at its timing is--at least in part--a coping mechanism.

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Here's my advice: never log into the website to check your app status. If you got accepted, THEY will contact YOU. And if you weren't accepted then why rush to find out?


Because then I can just move on. Hope is a wonderful thing, sometimes. But these days, hope is like a dog tugging at the leash or stone in my shoe and I want to be rid of it. Unfortunately, I cannot be rid of it until the not-knowing has been replaced by knowing. I'm finishing up my UG degree as a non-trad student. I live in university owned housing. Come graduation in May, I need to be out. I put away what I had made of my life to return to school after I got laid off: I don't have anywhere to "go back to" because the place I left wasn't "home" to begin with. I have to make a life for myself. That means either grad school or trying to find work in an economy and job market that doesn't take humanities majors all that seriously.

The whole thing has taken on the appearance--at least to me--of a rather sick game with the future hanging in the balance. I'll grant that this is just one narrative, but half-knowing is uniquely paralyzing experience. 


CodeBlue, thanks for posting the results of your calls. It is frustrating to be in this particular section of limbo, a little worse than neutral, bracing for bad news.  I know that all those schools have sent out their acceptances and my mailbox is empty, but whatever I say out loud, well-intended cheery choruses of "it's not over till it's over!" are getting in the way of moving on to the next thing. Whenever I catch myself getting upset at these places for not just ripping the bandaid off with an email already, though, I realize that I'm really disappointed about the forthcoming rejection, and being angry at its timing is--at least in part--a coping mechanism.

Exactly. Those things really are a stumbling block. I can only half-heartedly look for work, only half-heartedly pour my guts into my honors thesis. Hope still hovers, flickers...and I just want it to either catch fire or go out. 

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BTW, I still haven't heard anything from UW-Madison, despite emailing them last Friday. I wonder if my email got lost or looked spammy to them--I put my ID number in the subject line, because I thought that's what they wanted us to do! Oh well. I will wait as long as they want me to.

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Here's my advice: never log into the website to check your app status. If you got accepted, THEY will contact YOU. And if you weren't accepted then why rush to find out?


This is what I'm finding out. DGS and POIs seem to send out notifications days or even weeks prior to actually getting around to updating the online system. 


I assume if it's been more than a day, then it's either a waitlist or an outright rejection. 

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Here's my advice: never log into the website to check your app status. If you got accepted, THEY will contact YOU. And if you weren't accepted then why rush to find out?

I disagree! I found out that my application was not complete *only* after logging into my application. A recommender hadn't submitted my letter correctly. If I hadn't noticed, I would still be waiting for a decision that would never come. 

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Plus my online status still reads "incomplete" because they never removed my previous transcript that had issues from the system. So it is doubled. I guess I should trust them that they are actually reviewing my application and giving me a shot? So tempted to call...


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I'm still waiting to hear from 9 programs!


Some have already posted acceptancces, so I assume rejection, but I think my $60+ merits an email at least

Some I have seen both acceptances and rejections posted , so I don't know what to think

Some I have seen nothing either way, so I guess we're all in the same boat!


Already 1 acceptance, 3 rejections, and a waitlist.


I applied everywhere ---

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I'm still waiting to hear from 9 programs!


Some have already posted acceptancces, so I assume rejection, but I think my $60+ merits an email at least

Some I have seen both acceptances and rejections posted , so I don't know what to think

Some I have seen nothing either way, so I guess we're all in the same boat!


Already 1 acceptance, 3 rejections, and a waitlist.


I applied everywhere ---


I'm in the same boat. I have one acceptance, one waitlist, and one rejection, with 9 more to hear back from. Most of which people have already heard back from both positively and negatively. This liminal space is so agonizing.

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Anyone else still not heard from WUSTL?



You might want to email them. I hadn't and I emailed Kathy Schneider who told me that all acceptances/rejections had gone out. Her harddisk crashed so she's kind of clueless about whether or not she's sent people their letters properly (or at all). I got rejected -- she replied with the official letter. Hope this helps.

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Though I'm ecstatic about my one admit, I still haven't heard from a lot of places that have both rejections and acceptances posted on the results board... I am very tempted to contact these programs but fear for the worst... Part of me wonders if I just wasn't good enough for a formal rejection letter, to be honest.

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I applied to NYU and Rutgers and I still have heard nothing :(

Thanks for letting me know this, ZacharyBinks. I think it's possible that they aren't finished notifying yet, but I just wish I knew for sure whether they were just sitting on a pile of rejections. Decision time is approaching, and fast.

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Has anyone heard a formal rejection from any of the following places:





Seems like Toronto only started notifying yesterday, but I have the same issue.  Add Harvard to that list (honestly, why do they have to mail my rejection?) and that's what I'm still waiting on.

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