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Hi, thanks for your response.  I guess I am basing a lot of my impressions on the single mothers I know and I cant think of one that left on good terms.  Those that get along with their ex (as opposed to just 'tolerate' them) took years to get there. That is great that you have a positive relationship with your ex, it is definitely uncommon and shows a great deal of maturity.   I had wrongly assumed that you didn't have a good relationship because you had mentioned a few times that you didn't have support. Regarding the financial burden of reapplying--I did think of this but had wrongly assumed that you have a certain level of financial security and it was likely not a factor.


What I have learned is that it is extremely easy to create wrong impressions of people when you are basing your opinion on a few discussion board posts written in a drunken rage, haha :P


I'm glad you are in a much better mental place than you were a few days ago.  Have you given up on the PhD for this year or do you still have some schools you have yet to hear back from?



I think you have an interesting perspective on what being a single mom "is." Although a portion is a little inadequate I think it is an interesting and valid point. I believe the idea of "single mother" is very different that how you state of "proving" it to others. I think that is very true however in my situation I left the x in a very positive way and have a nurturing relationship as friends. I do not believe I had to prove it to him or defeat the identity of single mom, rather prove it to myself. I think this is true for many people who are simply "hard on themselves." 


I do value your post and it does bring to mind some interesting interpersonal conflicts some single moms do face more than myself. I kind of believe that being a single mom is taking into consideration of the financial burden of applying again vs. proving myself. If I was childless I would most likely feel the exact same frustration.


No intent on offending others. As a few posts have stated before- this was an unnecessary (or honest) rant. Some can can be understand of struggles, some can not. Either way: it was one irrational rant that reveal personal feelings of inadequacy that are not linked to any other person....Hey, at least I am honest. 


Oh, the things I too could say if I allowed myself to be brutally honest.  I have a paper smile taped to my face ;)

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