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UPenn vs NCSU vs UCIrvine

the llama

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I've applied as an international student to the master's in biotechnology program 


1. U Pennsylvania - M.Biotech (Admit)

2. North Carolina State Uni - M.Microbial Biotech (Admit)

2. UC Irvine (No news yet, but in case of admit)


So decisions and confusions.


I'm looking to work after the master's before starting a PhD eventually.





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Any funding news? I think UC Irvine is great for biotechnology (and the area is beautiful!)

No. None of the places offer any dort of funding. So, I'll be on the lookout for work (TA/RA) once I decide on a destination.

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Hey Amal I interviewed at Baylor and UC Irvine as well.  Good Luck on where you decide to end up.  I am trying to decide between UC Irvine, UC Denver and Baylor.  I turned down offers from UC Santa Cruz and UGA.  Although right now it looks like I'll probably end up at UC Irvine.  This is the most difficult part of the applications process for sure.  I can't help but think about it while awake, and dream about it while asleep.  I am intersted in Systems Biology and Computational Biology.

As far as the original poster (OP).  Univ of Penn is an ivy league, and they have a very good genomics program.  I'm not too familiar with the North Carolina State Uni program, but am familiar with the UNC Chapel Hill and Duke, which are more in the same league as Univ of Penn and UC Irvine.  I would say it looks like your decision is between Univ of Penn and UC Irvine.  Get a feel for the potential advisers   E-mail a few, find out if any of them are accepting M.S. students.  Typically though I am under the impression that it is easier to get into labs because you're a self-funded M.S. student, but may not get the same attention that the PhD students get.  Amal has her M.S. already so might be able to give you a more realistic picture.  

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I've applied as an international student to the master's in biotechnology program 


1. U Pennsylvania - M.Biotech (Admit)

2. North Carolina State Uni - M.Microbial Biotech (Admit)

2. UC Irvine (No news yet, but in case of admit)


So decisions and confusions.


I'm looking to work after the master's before starting a PhD eventually.




Not all that helpful but I can tell you that the cost of living near NCSU is very low, if that's a deciding factor!

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Thanks you guys!

Well, keeping costs out of the frame, what about the life science research scenario? Some of the research at Upenn's Med school is interesting. NCSU would probably be the last in my list based on research interests, but it has a really good company-case review in their curriculum.

And what about general biotech jobs in these areas? Because I plan on working for a few years before deciding on a PhD.

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From what I know, both U Penn and UC Irvine are great in Biotechnology, Biological Sciences, and Biomedical Engineering.


South California (and especially San Diego area) is top in Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals. I would recommend Orange County/ San Diego area for someone who is looking for biotech jobs around. 


I know U Penn has a great Biomedical Engineering program. I am not sure how their Biotechnology program is, but might be comparable. It is ranked higher than UC Irvine (but don't forget UC Irvine is a newer school and still managed to be in the top!)


If NCSU does not match your research interests, then forget it!

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