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I now dislike the weekend


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Fridays have become less exciting since I know that I will not be hearing from schools for the next 2 days, and I kind of just want it to me Monday (which I believe to be unhealthy behavior).


The weekend is now when I:

  1. Have the most free time
  2. Know that schools will probably not be sending out any decisions or info on the weekend
  3. Spend the most time on this website because of (1) -- checking results every hour for no reason, and the forums for anything relevant to my situation
  4. Check my email far too often
  5. Realize I should do something productive, but keep doing (4) and (5) because it's comforting and I still have that glimmer of hope. 

It's cruel that I am being prevented from making major life decisions. Here's to those still waiting (perhaps mostly Master's program applicants such as myself, and some PhD folks still waiting to hear), that we may hear something soon!


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Agree with all of those points! I'm stuck in some sort of an anti-productive stasis at the moment while I wait for the five remaining emails.


Actually, it's even more unproductive during the week (when I'm supposed to be productive) at work - I check my personal email far too often because you never know what any single unread item could be...


It's quite an adventure though, and adventures are fun so I shouldn't complain!

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I had this feeling last year when I was waiting for admits and to hear from SSHRC (MA). This year, applying for my PhD while doing my MA I have so much school work that I have to get done that I am less anxious about the whole ordeal. That being said, I still find myself enjoying weekdays more, solely for that fact that mail arrives and university correspondence happens *sigh*

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I got my UC Davis acceptance email at exactly 7:00 AM on a Sunday morning and proceeded to spend way too much time wondering about the timing of it. Was somebody actually working then, or was it an automated system? If the latter, did they choose that time for a reason?

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lol. what has this process turned us into?

People who dislike weekends and spend time parsing time stamp implications . . .  


I was going to go into more depth about what this process has done to me, but I'm not sure I want to stare into that abyss.

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I was going to go into more depth about what this process has done to me, but I'm not sure I want to stare into that abyss.


None who have stared into the cold dark abyss of reality have the wherewithal to report the results.

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I Love You ALL! I'm going nuts waiting, my life is on hold!! I am abroad and my mind is home ALL DAY LONG!


Opposite situation here -- my mind is on all of the places I may be this fall, while my body is unfortunately right here at home. 


this process is cruel

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I was admitted to Cornell on a Sunday. Even though you're more likely to hear back on a weekday, there's still reason to obsess over your email on the weekends ;D

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You definitely ain't the only one. This week so far has been so unproductive for me it's not even funny. In fact, I'm supposed to work on my assignment right now instead of checking this site and....login into my app account for no reason other than doing it for the sake of doing it. 

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I am so glad I found/heard about this site.  

I feel your pain...all of you.  I just applied to a PhD program on Friday (the deadline was Friday, March 15).  They told me I should expect to hear back at the end of April, but that hasn't stopped me from checking my email every second lol.  I work most weekends so at least I keep myself busy then but still....I want to know! 

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I am so glad I found/heard about this site.  

I feel your pain...all of you.  I just applied to a PhD program on Friday (the deadline was Friday, March 15).  They told me I should expect to hear back at the end of April, but that hasn't stopped me from checking my email every second lol.  I work most weekends so at least I keep myself busy then but still....I want to know! 


Oh, You've been waiting since March 15 and you think you know our pain? I've had an app due since Dec 1 -- I was born into waiting for grad school acceptances... molded by it. I didn't get my decision until I was already a man!


but really, welcome to the club

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Oh, You've been waiting since March 15 and you think you know our pain? I've had an app due since Dec 1 -- I was born into waiting for grad school acceptances... molded by it. I didn't get my decision until I was already a man!


but really, welcome to the club


Did the experience scar you so badly that you now wear a hideous mask on your face that distorts everything you say so that nobody in the theater can understand anything you're saying? 

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I'm waiting on word about funding from two schools I've been accepted to (and for me, no funding = no grad school).  They've blocked access to home email accounts here at work, so I can't obsessively check it every 30 seconds.  Instead, all I can do it sit here and stress about it, and then run back to my car at the end of the day to check email on my phone.  I'm so unproductive at work right now, it's ridiculous.


So I actually like weekends right now.  Even though I know I probably won't get those emails on Saturday or Sunday, at least I can do my obsessive checks.  Being stuck without email during the week is killing me.

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I'm waiting on word about funding from two schools I've been accepted to (and for me, no funding = no grad school).  They've blocked access to home email accounts here at work, so I can't obsessively check it every 30 seconds.  Instead, all I can do it sit here and stress about it, and then run back to my car at the end of the day to check email on my phone.  I'm so unproductive at work right now, it's ridiculous.


So I actually like weekends right now.  Even though I know I probably won't get those emails on Saturday or Sunday, at least I can do my obsessive checks.  Being stuck without email during the week is killing me.


That feeling must be tough -- to get accepted, but still need the funding in order to make it happen.


ultimate tease

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I'd add to the sentiment of this thread, that I now hate the end of the day, when my inbox is still empty. I want to make a decision with as much information as possible, and I'm looking at having to decide with four schools still totally up in the air. It's really going to suck if I decide and then get more offers. Is it too much to want closure before committing?

Edited by sansao
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