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Does waiting this long to hear back from a university change your opinion of the program?


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A few schools got back to me really late, and the longer I waited, the more I assumed I was going to be rejected. I found myself nitpicking the programs that made me wait longer more so than the ones who got back quickly. 


If you're able to not feel different about the school you're waiting for, how do/did you keep yourself excited about the program while accepting the fact that you still may be rejected?

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My general feeling at this stage (for all my bemoaning of how long this takes), is that as long as they get back to me before the 15th,I don't really have a reason to view them negatively. I pay my bills on the day they're due too. :)

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The waiting part is nerve-racking and might make you feel like you don't care all that much but I think once you get that acceptance letter it'll all go away. Schools don't purposely hold onto applications to see prospective students suffer so in that way you shouldn't think negatively of any school that hasn't replied yet. 

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I think starting to feel negatively about a program that is making you wait is mostly a defense mechanism to make a rejection somewhat less painful. At this point I'm mostly mad because I am pretty positive they are going to be rejections, since I didn't get an interview and it's not like they're just going to turn around accept me in the next two weeks without an interview. BUT... if I were to somehow magically against all odds get accepted... I would definitely be way too thrilled to hold a grudge. 

Edited by jbean
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I won't hear from one of my programs until Tuesday at the earliest.  This usually wouldn't bother me, but this particular program starts in early June!! I know it's very competitive and I most likely won't get in, but those who are accepted barely have 2 months to prepare/move/settle in/start class! Yikes D: 

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I won't hear from one of my programs until Tuesday at the earliest.  This usually wouldn't bother me, but this particular program starts in early June!! I know it's very competitive and I most likely won't get in, but those who are accepted barely have 2 months to prepare/move/settle in/start class! Yikes D: 


Wow, that is cutting it close!


Aside from the wild card you're waiting for, which school are you leaning toward?

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Honestly, the program that responded to me promptly (and responded to emails!) left a much better impression on me. Keeping applicants in the dark for months and not answering emails just seems kind of snobby, it's better to make students feel like you'd care if they came to your school.

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Wow, that is cutting it close!


Aside from the wild card you're waiting for, which school are you leaning toward?

Ughh, i wish i knew! I LOVE vandy's curriculum, faculty, clinic, electives, campus, etc., but I think living in NC would be more "fun" than Nashville :P I also think i'm more likely to settle down permanently in NC, and I'd rather not move twice in just a few years :/ grrr... 

Are you pretty much set on Boulder?! They both seem like great programs:)

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Ughh, i wish i knew! I LOVE vandy's curriculum, faculty, clinic, electives, campus, etc., but I think living in NC would be more "fun" than Nashville :P I also think i'm more likely to settle down permanently in NC, and I'd rather not move twice in just a few years :/ grrr... 

Are you pretty much set on Boulder?! They both seem like great programs:)


I would be torn between Vandy and Chapel Hill, too. And I do think you have a very good shot at whatever program you're waiting for, so that could throw another wrench in the works. :lol: Good luck with your final decision; I don't think you can go wrong with any of your schools.


I'm pretty set on Boulder. I'm flying out next week for their open house, and if all goes well, I'll be sending them my confirmation!

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I hope you love it! Colorado is beautiful and CU-Boulder is supposed to be a great school :D 


My last school is Baylor, and I REALLY like the program. However, it is kinda expensive and not as "prestigious" as some other schools, so idk if I could justify choosing it if i'm lucky enough to get in:/ I'm just so ready to decide and start preparing for next year!

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I would be torn between Vandy and Chapel Hill, too. And I do think you have a very good shot at whatever program you're waiting for, so that could throw another wrench in the works. :lol: Good luck with your final decision; I don't think you can go wrong with any of your schools.


I'm pretty set on Boulder. I'm flying out next week for their open house, and if all goes well, I'll be sending them my confirmation!


Boulder is awesome!  I visited a UG friend there last year.  Every department has tons of really great research and internship opportunities going on, very highly respected.  Living off campus is a tad bit expensive, but my friend has a regular group of guys who share a house during the school year and a regular house-sitting gig for the summer.  He stays in Boulder year 'round as an in-state resident (for tuition purposes) now.  Boulder is a fun town, a bit quirky downtown, and close enough to Denver for museums, zoos, good food, shopping.  


As for waiting, the professors that I interviewed with have kep in contact with me since soon after my application was received.  The biggest problems this year for the sciences has been funding.  In marine bio, the BP stuff is pretty well staffed at this point since the funding has been around for more than a few years.  And with the budget sequestor, tons of fundng through the NSF and NIH is no longer available.  The programs I applied to normally get 50-75 applicants, offer to 25, and accept 8-12.  This year they will be lucky to accept about 6 in each program.  And some of those will not be funded positions.  I'm happy to continue answering their emails.  But frankly, I'm down to the last possible advising professor and I just want to know.  I want to know what I'm going to be doing this summer, and then in the fall.  I'm trying to stay focused on finishing this semester and packing my stuff to leave, whether it's to grad school or an internship.  But I just seem to lose all motivation when I check my email constantly.

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