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Ottawa GSPIA 2013


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I haven't heard anything either. Stupid Ottawa is driving me nuts since that also happens to be the only law school I haven't heard from :-(


I'll post here when I do hear something!

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Ya, I've officially told both Queen's joint JD-MPA program& Osgoode law that I will not be attending next year so as it stands now, NPSIA is my only offer, haha. 


I think if I don't get into the law program at Ottawa, NPSIA is definitely my top choice by itself. That being said, NPSIA has to wait on a funding decision until I find out whether I'm in the joint program. Tabbatha told me the sooner, the better. Which means that if Ottawa waits a long time and then rejects me, they could have screwed me out of any funding :-(


If I get accepted to GSPIA and they offer funding, I would seriously consider it as well.


All I know for right now is that I will be in Ottawa next year. That was a big decision as my boyfriend and I are both planning on moving from Vancouver so figuring out the city was a good first step ;-)


Good luck! Please keep me posted! 

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Someone posted the following in the NPSIA page:



Anyways, I emailed uOttawa about when they would be sending out notification of acceptance or denial into the Public & Intl Affairs MA program.  I was told that it would be either by the end of this week or early next week. 

I'm not sure what to make of the person who posted on the results search page.


Just thought people reading this might want an update!

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The formal package hasn't sent yet, I'll let y'all know how it turns out when they send it! I wonder if they'll beat the offer I currently have from Calgary haha 

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I just called GSPIA . She told me this was a great time to call as the committee had just finished most of their decisions and offers were being sent out as the grad studies office 


She confirmed that I've been recommended for admission by the admissions committee and that my file is just under final review by the graduate department. She said I should expect my infoweb to be updated shortly and that a letter should soon follow!

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Just got an Acceptance via Infoweb! 


Congratulations. However since this same thing happened last time where others had a change via Carleton Central and Infoweb before I did (recommended for assement until rejection) I guess I was rejected again. Off to work I guess...

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Congratulations. However since this same thing happened last time where others had a change via Carleton Central and Infoweb before I did (recommended for assement until rejection) I guess I was rejected again. Off to work I guess...

I am still waiting on Carleton (my application is on "hold"), but my Infoweb hasn't changed at all either.  Don't give up all hope yet.  They may not be entirely finished yet.  Good luck!

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Congratulations. However since this same thing happened last time where others had a change via Carleton Central and Infoweb before I did (recommended for assement until rejection) I guess I was rejected again. Off to work I guess...


I had to wait longer at Carleton too but then eventually I was accepted. Don't lose hope yet, they might just be slow to update! 


And I haven't yet seen an update on my infoweb, only what the lady told me on the phone.

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If I have to wait another whole weekend I might go a bit bonkers.



Perhaps make a phone call! Although being rejected by phone would suck! But in your case you got into NPSIA so im sure you will enjoy your acceptance phonecall ;)

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I called uOttawa again, and had a nicer person answer the phone.  She said that the decisions have been made, and are being sent on an ongoing basis.  She said they could not look up specific applications, but that they will all be sent out by Monday.  Nothing new but thought I would share anyways.  I asked her why they were staggering their notification of acceptance, and she mentioned that whoever is in charge of notifying applicants does it for more than the one program, and I guess they don't go in order of program. 


Also, my InfoWeb finally has a "registration information" tab.  Not sure if this is a good sign, but at least it's some sort of change.

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Got my acceptance today via infoweb web! I had no idea idea what to do but go outside and run around in the rain shirtless!


Yay! So happy for you! :-D

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Yayyy! No French fries for Rumcajs!


Woohooo! Thanks guys/gals (I have no idea haha). Now my biggest thing is to go learn some French! I never looked at the fine print but apparently I have to take one course sometime! Bof...


Edit: Unless it is only for the co-op option since its under just that bullet point?

Edited by Rumcajs
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Hi everyone!
First time poster here. I will also be attending GSPIA in the fall! I received my acceptance earlier in the week. The day before I noticed a registration information tab appeared and then disappeared a few hours later. The following day I received an email confirming my admission and my infoweb account was also updated. I just wanted to post to let everyone who has seen the registration info tab know that there is still hope! Good luck :) 

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