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Fulbright 2014-2015


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Of course, I meant I want the application to "reflect" that...that's what I get for multitasking!


Also, no problem!!! Good luck rewriting! That part's a lot easier the second time around.


Thank you for the information. I am so focused on this cycle that it wasn't until my "sister-in-law" (who is currently a Fulbrighter in Morocco) suggested I can re-apply that I realized that if I want to do that I might need to start getting the ball rolling on that soon.



I would also make sure to list on your resume that you were a Fulbright finalist. That's important.

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I got a response from the Brazil program advisor! It was literally a one-word response: "soon."


WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??? Does soon mean today or does it mean next week or in the next two weeks? 

Eeeeeek i've got the jitters right now.





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I got a response from the Brazil program advisor! It was literally a one-word response: "soon."


WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??? Does soon mean today or does it mean next week or in the next two weeks? 

Eeeeeek i've got the jitters right now.

Ok. lol some of these cryptic, Batman type responses some people have been getting????

They love holding our lives in their powerful grasps!!!  :ph34r: 


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....and then there's this:


"I am pleased to inform you that due to an increase in funding, the Fulbright Commission in Colombia has requested that IIE forward additional candidates for their review.   The National Screening Committee gave you a favorable rating in the fall and with the additional grants, your application has been forwarded to the Commission for further review....This letter is not notification of a grant since the number of recommended candidates exceeds the number of awards available. The notification timeline varies by country. Final selection notifications for a particular country cannot be sent until the country has made its final selections and the candidates have been approved by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and the U.S. Department of State."
All the hallmarks of an abusive relationship.
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I meant to give you a thumbs up and accidentally went thumbs down, apologies! I share your stress. :wacko:  Waiting here as well...

Edited by Ardea
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Guys - the excitement and jitters is absolutely acceptable. I was right there with you weeks ago. 


But I hope none of you really think that Fulbright is being cruel or unusual in the way that they are sending out their notifications. I have said this before and maybe the newcomers need to hear it - Fulbright is dealing with other countries. They are not gleefully giggling while holding your notifications, they are managing thousands of applications, from MANY countries, each with their own laws and regulations. They likely cannot release information until they get the OK from the country in question. Having dealt with international red tape before, I can tell you that efficiency is not always on the menu.  


Be excited. Be anxious. But keep a cool head and a healthy perspective. If Fulbright chooses you, you will be representing not only the United States but Fulbright itself. My mother always said "Don't dress for the job you have, dress for the one you want". I believe it applies to attitude as well. Besides - the internet is not anonymous. 

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....and then there's this:


"I am pleased to inform you that due to an increase in funding, the Fulbright Commission in Colombia has requested that IIE forward additional candidates for their review.   The National Screening Committee gave you a favorable rating in the fall and with the additional grants, your application has been forwarded to the Commission for further review....This letter is not notification of a grant since the number of recommended candidates exceeds the number of awards available. The notification timeline varies by country. Final selection notifications for a particular country cannot be sent until the country has made its final selections and the candidates have been approved by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and the U.S. Department of State."
All the hallmarks of an abusive relationship.




Congratulations!  Did you apply for ETA or Full Research?  

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....and then there's this:


"I am pleased to inform you that due to an increase in funding, the Fulbright Commission in Colombia has requested that IIE forward additional candidates for their review.   The National Screening Committee gave you a favorable rating in the fall and with the additional grants, your application has been forwarded to the Commission for further review....This letter is not notification of a grant since the number of recommended candidates exceeds the number of awards available. The notification timeline varies by country. Final selection notifications for a particular country cannot be sent until the country has made its final selections and the candidates have been approved by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and the U.S. Department of State."
All the hallmarks of an abusive relationship.


Wow. Just wow. That's just amazing.

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I just got a somewhat rude rejection from a grant similar to the Fulbright. I don't get it. Last year, I had a very lukewarm proposal that was not at all groundbreaking, and I got a pretty high score (like almost close to winning.) This year, I really cleaned up my act and got an amazing letter of affiliation, my idea actually has political/social messages, and is cool. Yet I got a crazy low score and they even felt the need to add "You were in the lower third of submitted applications." Like okay guys, I get it, I was rejected, no need to rub salt in the wound!


Making me feel very sad and pessimistic for the Fulbright now...  :(

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I just got a somewhat rude rejection from a grant similar to the Fulbright. I don't get it. Last year, I had a very lukewarm proposal that was not at all groundbreaking, and I got a pretty high score (like almost close to winning.) This year, I really cleaned up my act and got an amazing letter of affiliation, my idea actually has political/social messages, and is cool. Yet I got a crazy low score and they even felt the need to add "You were in the lower third of submitted applications." Like okay guys, I get it, I was rejected, no need to rub salt in the wound!


Making me feel very sad and pessimistic for the Fulbright now...  :(


:/ I'm sorry to hear that. But don't let yourself down. When I was applying for the Fulbright, Boren, and Critical Language Scholarship, I didn't even get into the finals for CLS, and ultimately got rejected from Fulbright, and then received the Boren. I was very disappointed at first for not getting the Fulbright, but then I went on to learn more Mandarin, met amazing people, and gained proficiency in a language I very much enjoyed. Though the rejection stung, it led me to another amazing path.


Maybe this is the universe's (or God's) way of telling you that you're meant for a Fulbright (or another path) instead. :)

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I just got a somewhat rude rejection from a grant similar to the Fulbright. I don't get it. Last year, I had a very lukewarm proposal that was not at all groundbreaking, and I got a pretty high score (like almost close to winning.) This year, I really cleaned up my act and got an amazing letter of affiliation, my idea actually has political/social messages, and is cool. Yet I got a crazy low score and they even felt the need to add "You were in the lower third of submitted applications." Like okay guys, I get it, I was rejected, no need to rub salt in the wound!


Making me feel very sad and pessimistic for the Fulbright now...  :(


Not to pick the scab, but was the "rude rejection" from DAAD?

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Not to pick the scab, but was the "rude rejection" from DAAD?


Yes. Sorry if I sound a bit childish about it, it's just very confusing. Last year I applied with a very boring premise (I was going to take classical German Lieder and turn it into ~*dramatic art*~ and I had a very lukewarm letter of affiliation. This proposal did not even take me to the finals of the Fulbright) and got a pretty good score, definitely wasn't SUPER far off from winning. This year, I had what I thought was a pretty innovative idea-- take an opera from the Weimar Republic that was considered one of the best operas of the 20th century but no one's ever heard of it because the Nazis declared it degenerate art-- and the Fulbright certainly thought so in that they sent me onto the finals. 

But my DAAD score was CRAZY low. Like, "lol you didn't have a chance in hell" low compared to last year. And my letter last year definitely did NOT mention where I stood compared to everyone else... yet this year it was like "You were in the the lower third of the applicant pool". Like I just don't get why they have to point how horrible you were compared to everyone else who applied, it's like, I get it, I was rejected!



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Yes. Sorry if I sound a bit childish about it, it's just very confusing. Last year I applied with a very boring premise (I was going to take classical German Lieder and turn it into ~*dramatic art*~ and I had a very lukewarm letter of affiliation. This proposal did not even take me to the finals of the Fulbright) and got a pretty good score, definitely wasn't SUPER far off from winning. This year, I had what I thought was a pretty innovative idea-- take an opera from the Weimar Republic that was considered one of the best operas of the 20th century but no one's ever heard of it because the Nazis declared it degenerate art-- and the Fulbright certainly thought so in that they sent me onto the finals. 

But my DAAD score was CRAZY low. Like, "lol you didn't have a chance in hell" low compared to last year. And my letter last year definitely did NOT mention where I stood compared to everyone else... yet this year it was like "You were in the the lower third of the applicant pool". Like I just don't get why they have to point how horrible you were compared to everyone else who applied, it's like, I get it, I was rejected!



You do not sound childish and you have every right to vent. I also find it a bit strange that they would feel the need to put that information in your letter. One of my German professors told me that the DAAD has had to make budget cuts recently. I haven't had a chance to do more research on this, but perhaps they had fewer grants to award this year.

Just make sure to turn whatever feelings you are experiencing right now into something positive... and prove to them and to yourself that if there is a will, there is a way! By the way, that sounds like an amazing project proposal! I would love to see that on the stage. And don't give up on Fulbright yet! We'll be crossing our fingers (or for the German speakers out there: pressing our thumbs) for you! :)

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