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Fulbright 2014-2015


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Hey all, I've been stalking this forum for some time now, and today's the day I finally post!

I applied for an ETA in Hungary and was notified today (around 5:30 EST) that I was only selected as an alternate. While I know there's technically still hope, I'm in the middle of applying and interviewing for a some other jobs right now, so I was obviously hoping for a more definitive answer. Any former alternates out there who eventually got it? Hungary only has two ETA spots, so I'm feeling like my chances are pretty slim...

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You do not sound childish and you have every right to vent. I also find it a bit strange that they would feel the need to put that information in your letter. One of my German professors told me that the DAAD has had to make budget cuts recently. I haven't had a chance to do more research on this, but perhaps they had fewer grants to award this year.

Just make sure to turn whatever feelings you are experiencing right now into something positive... and prove to them and to yourself that if there is a will, there is a way! By the way, that sounds like an amazing project proposal! I would love to see that on the stage. And don't give up on Fulbright yet! We'll be crossing our fingers (or for the German speakers out there: pressing our thumbs) for you! :)


Thank you for your kind words :) I have a full scholarship for my PhD waiting for me, so I imagine I'll fuel this into a dissertation topic if nothing happens with the Fulbright. Sigh. 

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I just got a somewhat rude rejection from a grant similar to the Fulbright. I don't get it. Last year, I had a very lukewarm proposal that was not at all groundbreaking, and I got a pretty high score (like almost close to winning.) This year, I really cleaned up my act and got an amazing letter of affiliation, my idea actually has political/social messages, and is cool. Yet I got a crazy low score and they even felt the need to add "You were in the lower third of submitted applications." Like okay guys, I get it, I was rejected, no need to rub salt in the wound!


Making me feel very sad and pessimistic for the Fulbright now...  :(

I am sorry to read this! Try and keep your head up! I understand feeling like shyt over something you put your soul into trying to get and even not being able to rationalize why the outcome is what it is after it should not have been. You still have options to wait for!! 加油!!!  (Kinda like "you can do it!" in Chinese) :-)

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I am sorry to read this! Try and keep your head up! I understand feeling like shyt over something you put your soul into trying to get and even not being able to rationalize why the outcome is what it is after it should not have been. You still have options to wait for!! 加油!!!  (Kinda like "you can do it!" in Chinese) :-)


I know :) It's not even the rejection-- heck anything can happen with these things-- it's mostly the way they had to word it >.<

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Only have posted once before, albeit with the same request, but I wanted to try again!


Anyone applying to Russia out there? Any info at all? Really starving for some answers... 


This forum, in many ways, has kept me sane. Even if my request doesn't apply to you, y'all are so thoughtful, motivated and encouraging. Thanks! 

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I know :) It's not even the rejection-- heck anything can happen with these things-- it's mostly the way they had to word it >.<


Well, I just checked my mail, and neither a thin nor thick envelope was waiting. I guess this means that I hear tomorrow.


Sorry you didn't get it, but there's always 1) Fulbright or 2) fully-funded PhD! A fully-funded PhD as a worst case scenario isn't so bad, eh?

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I know :) It's not even the rejection-- heck anything can happen with these things-- it's mostly the way they had to word it >.<

If there was someone to smack upside the head for how that email was worded, I'd hold 'em down for ya!  B)

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Are all my fellow Australian candidates ready for TOMORROW?!?! It's going to be a long day. And if we don't hear, I will explode. Literally. All over the place. 

Do you think we'll hear tomorrow? 

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Are all my fellow Australian candidates ready for TOMORROW?!?! It's going to be a long day. And if we don't hear, I will explode. Literally. All over the place. 

LOL! You are so dramatic I love it.

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Are all my fellow Australian candidates ready for TOMORROW?!?! It's going to be a long day. And if we don't hear, I will explode. Literally. All over the place.

I will also explode. Here's to fingers crossed for all of us. Best of luck to you and Glassgirl!

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For anybody else applying for Brazil, it looks like notifications have gone out on Mondays for the past few years. So, maybe that means we can try to rest easy until next Monday. Probably not, but maybe. 

Good luck everybody.

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what do we think, Germany today? Past few years it has been this week on Tuesday, previous to that it was much earlier.


Yup – all signs point to yes. The DAAD and Fulbright committees correspond, so typically results from both are released around the same time. It sounds like DAAD has made their decision but are notifying via snail mail, so Fulbright might be notifying today via e-mail.

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Yup – all signs point to yes. The DAAD and Fulbright committees correspond, so typically results from both are released around the same time. It sounds like DAAD has made their decision but are notifying via snail mail, so Fulbright might be notifying today via e-mail.


Ugh... this is the only time I would complain about being on Spring Break.  I have nothing to distract me from obsessively refreshing my email and this forum 100x a minute.  

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Yup – all signs point to yes. The DAAD and Fulbright committees correspond, so typically results from both are released around the same time. It sounds like DAAD has made their decision but are notifying via snail mail, so Fulbright might be notifying today via e-mail.


Do you have any knowledge on what they correspond about? It is just, "We're sending our decisions out tomorrow," or more than that?

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Do you have any knowledge on what they correspond about? It is just, "We're sending our decisions out tomorrow," or more than that?


More than that. I've been told (off the record) that well-rated proposals that don't make the cut for one grant often get the other. (Fulbright committee might reject your proposal, but then recommend that the DAAD committee accept it.) 

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More than that. I've been told (off the record) that well-rated proposals that don't make the cut for one grant often get the other. (Fulbright committee might reject your proposal, but then recommend that the DAAD committee accept it.) 


Quick clarification: this is what I was told about the Research proposals. I'm not sure if all the sub-organizations of Fulbright and DAAD do the same.

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I'm concerned about something: I found out, after I submitted an application for Fulbright, that I am technically ineligible (my father works for a subsidiary of the State Department). I only learned about the DAAD after my German contact suggested applying there. On the application, they asked whether or not I applied to any other scholarships. Because I had been told that I was ineligible by several Fulbright people, I marked 'No.' Lo and behold, come January, I get the "You made it to the next round" Fulbright email. It's crazy to think that they're conversing could catch me in a lie (even though I made it without knowing), right? Frankly, I still think that I'm ineligible for the Fulbright and will tell them that if I get it.

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I forgot who did the whole numerology thing to guess that today is Korea's notification day, but i realllllllly hope you're right! Lol 57/35 are good odds generally speaking. I just wish i knew how many of those applicants applied for the 10 grad degree grants.

I have a friend who was just accepted to a Korean University for grad school and she bought her flight ticket and everything. Happy for her, but it made me super antsy about Fulbright. *sigh*

Best of luck to all Fulbright potentials today! Any news from any country is encouraging at this point haha

Edited by ginagoestokorea
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Yup – all signs point to yes. The DAAD and Fulbright committees correspond, so typically results from both are released around the same time. It sounds like DAAD has made their decision but are notifying via snail mail, so Fulbright might be notifying today via e-mail.

That makes sense! Yes, let's hope that we Germany applicants hear a positive response from either the DAAD or Fulbright today! Since the two work closely together, is it even possible that both organizations would make an offer to the same applicant?

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More than that. I've been told (off the record) that well-rated proposals that don't make the cut for one grant often get the other. (Fulbright committee might reject your proposal, but then recommend that the DAAD committee accept it.) 

My apologies, I just saw this after posting. That's what I have heard as well, but I wasn't sure how true it was. Thanks!

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