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Fulbright 2014-2015


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My apologies, I just saw this after posting. That's what I have heard as well, but I wasn't sure how true it was. Thanks!


Which do you think is more competitive? Last year, I didn't make it to the Fulbright finals but got a very high DAAD "score" (though didn't win.) This year, got a miserable DAAD score but am in the Fulbright finals! :(

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That makes sense! Yes, let's hope that we Germany applicants hear a positive response from either the DAAD or Fulbright today! Since the two work closely together, is it even possible that both organizations would make an offer to the same applicant?


Yes - another PhD candidate in my department was offered both a couple of years ago. You have to decline one, but if it happens, it certainly is flattering.

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Yes - another PhD candidate in my department was offered both a couple of years ago. You have to decline one, but if it happens, it certainly is flattering.


Hm, so it can happen-- a few people were saying you're unlikely to win both? interesting interesting

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Which do you think is more competitive? Last year, I didn't make it to the Fulbright finals but got a very high DAAD "score" (though didn't win.) This year, got a miserable DAAD score but am in the Fulbright finals! :(


From what I understand Fulbright is more competitive, but they are also different. Fulbright wants cultural ambassadors, so the scholarship aspect might be slightly less important, while DAAD doesn't care if you are a hermit who wants to sniff dust mites in an archive all day.


Also, remember that Americans make the Fulbright finals decisions for Americans, so German topics that are close to German's hearts might not stick out to them as much.

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Olioliwoo, Fulbright gives grantees about a month to make their final decisions last i checked.


Thanks Gina :) I saw from last year's spreadsheet that most alts to accepted found out within 1-2 months, but didn't know if that coincided with any deadline.

Edited by olioliwoo
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From what I understand Fulbright is more competitive, but they are also different. Fulbright wants cultural ambassadors, so the scholarship aspect might be slightly less important, while DAAD doesn't care if you are a hermit who wants to sniff dust mites in an archive all day.


Also, remember that Americans make the Fulbright finals decisions for Americans, so German topics that are close to German's hearts might not stick out to them as much.


lol that's actually really interesting, because my proposal last year was like "I want to sing German song and touch myself because it's just so amazing!" and this year it's like "LET'S EXPLORE THE DARK DEPTHS OF OPERA THAT NAZIS STAMPED OUT AND BRING IT BACK TO THE WORLD!!!!!!" and this year the interest in those topics (DAAD and Fulbright) has reversed.


sigh sigh sigh. Here's hoping, I guess I shouldn't panic until I hear from the Fulbright.

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lol that's actually really interesting, because my proposal last year was like "I want to sing German song and touch myself because it's just so amazing!" and this year it's like "LET'S EXPLORE THE DARK DEPTHS OF OPERA THAT NAZIS STAMPED OUT AND BRING IT BACK TO THE WORLD!!!!!!" and this year the interest in those topics (DAAD and Fulbright) has reversed.


sigh sigh sigh. Here's hoping, I guess I shouldn't panic until I hear from the Fulbright.


I hope that your proposals were exactly what you wrote above, caps lock and all. If I were on the committee, I'd grant you the fellowship on the spot.

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I hope that your proposals were exactly what you wrote above, caps lock and all. If I were on the committee, I'd grant you the fellowship on the spot.


yeah, I just handed in a page COMPLETELY BLANK except for those charming words ;) hehehe

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Good luck to you too:) this suspense is killing me:/

Same here - I'd really like to know either way so that I can plan!


Has anyone had any experience with bringing a dependent over in Australia (or any other country with no dependent funding)? When I originally applied, I marked no dependents because they did not offer any funding anyway. Would this ultimately result in my fiancee not being able to stay with me during any portion of the grant period? Do they monitor that closely? Any info would be appreciated.

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Olioliwoo, no problem! :-) But I encourage you to go back to page 81 where Torrid posted an acceptance letter. It does say something like "if you decide that you don't want the grant within the next few upcoming months, you should notify the IIE immediately." I know most people make their decisions withing the next 1 to 2 months after the notification has been sent though. And you know, sometimes people don't turn in all of their documents on time along with other exogenous factors that may force someone to back out. So...still a bit of a waiting game, but there's still some hope for ya! :-) 

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Is anyone else reading and re-reading their fulbright statements to see if there's any errors? I've been obsessively reading mine. I don't find any errors but I try to imagine what they think as they read it. Also did anyone get the Gilman in the past? I got it when I went to Japan so I dunno if that will work in my favor :/

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Is anyone else reading and re-reading their fulbright statements to see if there's any errors? I've been obsessively reading mine. I don't find any errors but I try to imagine what they think as they read it. Also did anyone get the Gilman in the past? I got it when I went to Japan so I dunno if that will work in my favor :/


lol yes I re-read mine recently and was like OMG THIS SUCKS!!! D:

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Is anyone else reading and re-reading their fulbright statements to see if there's any errors? I've been obsessively reading mine. I don't find any errors but I try to imagine what they think as they read it. Also did anyone get the Gilman in the past? I got it when I went to Japan so I dunno if that will work in my favor :/


japaniia! Yes! I am a Gilman alumni as well! I went to South Korea with my scholarship in the Fall of 2012. It twas an AMAZING experience! Of course during application season, I asked in one of the webinars if being a Gilman alumni will help your application any. They did say that it's a big plus! But still, that  doesn't mean we're guaranteed a Fulbright. But seeing that the Gilman scholarship is the undergrad version of Fulbright, I'm sure it makes the app look very..."pretty" or "kawaii" for Japanese hahaha But seriously, the IIE has been teasing me with these alumni emails. I really hope that's a good sign.....


I also have been re-reading my app. I think my project is pretty innovative, but now that I've done so much more research on my topic, I see where I could have written an even better proposal with more exciting components. But hey, we all were recommended right? So I guess someone thought it was pretty good the way it was haha :rolleyes:   Gotta stay positive ( in between the mini Fulbright freak-outs that is hahaha)  :P

Edited by ginagoestokorea
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I don't know how I overlooked this important facet of applying for a research grant to Panama.

Regional Program:Selection for countries in Central America and the Caribbean will be made based on the quality of the applications, rather than per-country quotas. Distribution of awards to countries in the region will vary annually according to the caliber of the applicants.

In doing my half-ass math, I added up all the applicants to Central and Caribbean countries and divided them by half to determine who was recommended. After figuring out how many were roughly recommended, I calculated the number of grants awarded last yr for the region (central and caribbean) and figured 26 to 27 grants would be awarded this year. 26 or 27 winners would be half of recommended recipients for the region. So roughly 60 to 67 grants were recommended, and probably ranked, to determine who would receive one of the 27 something grants. Probably a waste of my time, but it feels good to at least figure out some formula for the grant process. Given that Central America and the Caribbean are considered a region, I now understand why they are usually the last countries notified. It must be a struggle to coordinate with so many different countries.


Now back to creating finding aids at work! hissss

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lol yes I re-read mine recently and was like OMG THIS SUCKS!!! D:



japaniia! Yes! I am a Gilman alumni as well! I went to South Korea with my scholarship in the Fall of 2012. It twas an AMAZING experience! Of course during application season, I asked in one of the webinars if being a Gilman alumni will help your application any. They did say that it's a big plus! But still, that  doesn't mean we're guaranteed a Fulbright. But seeing that the Gilman scholarship is the undergrad version of Fulbright, I'm sure it makes the app look very..."pretty" or "kawaii" for Japanese hahaha But seriously, the IIE has been teasing me with these alumni emails. I really hope that's a good sign.....


I also have been re-reading my app. I think my project is pretty innovative, but now that I've done so much more research on my topic, I see where I could have written an even better proposal with more exciting components. But hey, we all were recommended right? So I guess someone thought it was pretty good the way it was haha :rolleyes:   Gotta stay positive ( in between the mini Fulbright freak-outs that is hahaha)  :P


Lalakey: Yeah I know, the longer I wait for the results the more paranoid I become about my statement. According to the spreadsheet Spain finds out in the week of April 14-15th so I still got some time till I hear but still, I'm just biting my nails in the meantime.


ginagoestokorea:Yay!!! Another Gilman alumna!Same here, without the Gilman I wouldn't have gone to Tokyo at all which is the reason why I was extremely grateful for the scholarships. It helped me out heaps! I was actually surprised I got it because I literally clicked on the "submit" button MINUTES before the deadline. I was already thinking of withdrawing my application when I finally got the notification that I got the Gilman. Yeah, I heard that having the Gilman behind your back could look, as you said very "kawaii" on the application but Spain is still one of the most competitive places for the ETA programs so anything goes. I'm guessing you're applying for the Korea Fulbright research program? That's awesome btw, I didn't have a chance to go there but I heard its super fun. I miss legit Japanese food too, I'm kind of ruined for life since my taste buds refuse to like American sushi. Did you have an interview at school too? I was recommended by my interviewers so I was a little happy about that, but still...I'm super nervous. 

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Same here - I'd really like to know either way so that I can plan!


Has anyone had any experience with bringing a dependent over in Australia (or any other country with no dependent funding)? When I originally applied, I marked no dependents because they did not offer any funding anyway. Would this ultimately result in my fiancee not being able to stay with me during any portion of the grant period? Do they monitor that closely? Any info would be appreciated.


Having dependents isn't really a problem. I knew a few postgrad Fulbrighters who brought their girlfriends/fiancees with them to Aus. Fulbright pays you, not them, that's all. Dependents tend to get their own jobs since the Fulbright stipend would be really tough for 2 people.


Since they don't give dependent funding, I doubt they would care if you brought one. If you win, just be sure to ask the commission soon after winning, not shortly before leaving.

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Came across this gem while digging through last year's forum. Originally posted by zhaskin:


"Had to take a class called The American Musical: A Social and Political Document. This is from "A Chorus Line." Based on the lyrics, it's highly probable they were applying for the Fulbright and not a chorus position... Anybody else relate here? (start at 50 seconds):



God, I hope I get it.
I hope I get it.
How many people does he need?

How many people does he need?

God, I hope I get it.

I hope I get it.
How many boys, how many girls?

How many boys, how many...?

Look at all the people!
At all the people.
How many people does he need?
How many boys, how many girls?
How many people does he...?

I really need this job.
Please God, I need this job.
I've got to get this job.

God, I really blew it!
I really blew it!
How could I do a thing like that?

How could I do a thing like...

Now I'll never make it!
I'll never make it!
He doesn't like the way I look.
He doesn't like the way I dance.
He doesn't like the way I...

GOD, I think I've got it.
I think I've got it.
I knew he liked me all the time.
Still it isn't over.

What's coming next?

It isn't over.

What happens now?

I can't imagine what he wants.

I can't imagine what he...

God, I hope I get it!
I hope I get it.
I've come this far, but even so
It could be yes, it could be no,
How many people does he...?

I really need this job.

My unemployment is gone.

Please, God, I need this job.

I knew I had it from the start.

I've got to get this show.

Who am I anyway?
Am I my resume?
That is a picture of a person I don't know.

What does he want from me?
What should I try to be?
So many faces all around, and here we go.
I need this job, oh God, I need this show



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Came across this gem while digging through last year's forum. Originally posted by zhaskin:


"Had to take a class called The American Musical: A Social and Political Document. This is from "A Chorus Line." Based on the lyrics, it's highly probable they were applying for the Fulbright and not a chorus position... Anybody else relate here? (start at 50 seconds):




God, I hope I get it.

I hope I get it.

How many people does he need?


How many people does he need?


God, I hope I get it.


I hope I get it.

How many boys, how many girls?


How many boys, how many...?


Look at all the people!

At all the people.

How many people does he need?

How many boys, how many girls?

How many people does he...?


I really need this job.

Please God, I need this job.

I've got to get this job.


God, I really blew it!

I really blew it!

How could I do a thing like that?


How could I do a thing like...


Now I'll never make it!

I'll never make it!

He doesn't like the way I look.

He doesn't like the way I dance.

He doesn't like the way I...


GOD, I think I've got it.

I think I've got it.

I knew he liked me all the time.

Still it isn't over.


What's coming next?


It isn't over.


What happens now?


I can't imagine what he wants.


I can't imagine what he...


God, I hope I get it!

I hope I get it.

I've come this far, but even so

It could be yes, it could be no,

How many people does he...?

I really need this job.


My unemployment is gone.


Please, God, I need this job.


I knew I had it from the start.


I've got to get this show.


Who am I anyway?

Am I my resume?

That is a picture of a person I don't know.

What does he want from me?

What should I try to be?

So many faces all around, and here we go.

I need this job, oh God, I need this show."




lol I love this song, it always applies to my many applications :(

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