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Fulbright 2014-2015


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AAAAAAAAAAAAA CZECH REPUBLIC JUST CAME IN! Primary for a full research grant!!!


This better not be a tremendously cruel April fool's joke.


Edit: CLIR Mellon Fellowship (negative) came in eight minutes later. That was all over rather quickly.

Edited by Vodník
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Long-time lurker, first-time poster--got notified today that I'm accepted for a Turkish ETA! Where my Eurasian homies at?


Also, does anyone have suggestions for general ETA blogs/websites/resources? I'm suuuuper excited, but would also like to know more about what teaching English in a foreign country entails!


Same here--accepted for Turkey ETA!


I just started lurking to see who got in where and decided to create an account to chat with other Turkey ETAs. I'm excited but really nervous! And very surprised they got back to us so early! An alumna from my university did a Turkey ETA three years ago and they didn't notify her until June.

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I know y'all think I am probably stirring the pot, but I actually do think Germany might hear today... I'm encouraged by all these European notifications, and statistically they have never let us know later than this Tuesday except for ONE year when it was ridiculously late.

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Czech e-mail came at 10:35am. I was accepted as an ETA!


I have to agree with the sentiment about the e-mail subject line--what a wild way to find out. I was so taken aback by the e-mail that I forgot what each letter stood for. P? But couldn't be happier. Good luck to everyone still waiting and remember, it's all worth it when that e-mail finally comes through.

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AAAAAAAAAAAAA CZECH REPUBLIC JUST CAME IN! Primary for a full research grant!!!


This better not be a tremendously cruel April fool's joke.


Edit: CLIR Mellon Fellowship (negative) came in eight minutes later. That was all over rather quickly.



Same here--accepted for Turkey ETA!


I just started lurking to see who got in where and decided to create an account to chat with other Turkey ETAs. I'm excited but really nervous! And very surprised they got back to us so early! An alumna from my university did a Turkey ETA three years ago and they didn't notify her until June.



Czech e-mail came at 10:35am. I was accepted as an ETA!


I have to agree with the sentiment about the e-mail subject line--what a wild way to find out. I was so taken aback by the e-mail that I forgot what each letter stood for. P? But couldn't be happier. Good luck to everyone still waiting and remember, it's all worth it when that e-mail finally comes through.


Congratulations guys!!!! YAAYYY   ^_______^

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I know y'all think I am probably stirring the pot, but I actually do think Germany might hear today... I'm encouraged by all these European notifications, and statistically they have never let us know later than this Tuesday except for ONE year when it was ridiculously late.


Stop it.

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Okay, the latest Germany has ever heard is 4/10, which was a Thursday. That was in 2008. Second-latest was April 6th, which was a Tuesday. Those days actually correspond to the calendar this year (4/10 is a Thursday) so I guess we could certainly hear next week instead of this week.

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Czech e-mail came at 10:35am. I was accepted as an ETA!


I have to agree with the sentiment about the e-mail subject line--what a wild way to find out. I was so taken aback by the e-mail that I forgot what each letter stood for. P? But couldn't be happier. Good luck to everyone still waiting and remember, it's all worth it when that e-mail finally comes through.



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Will do. I was ready to hear last week Tuesday, and since we didn't I've resigned myself to not hearing until April 11; but I'll post here and on the spreadsheet as soon as I hear yea or nay.


Did you and your roommate also apply for DAAD? Or were you both ETA applicants?


We both just applied for the ETA. I know for me at least things were pretty chaotic and I was applying to other English grad school options, but am still considering DAAD or USTA in the future if Fulbright doesn't happen (or if it does and is so amazing that I never want to come home).

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Norway is super late this year. I kind of wish I had someone to freak out with on this board--only Blue Bird can share my country-specific angst!


The representative said "sooner rather than later," but that was last week. 

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Hey All! 

I have been lurking for a while reading everyone's posts calming down and then getting anxious all over again...sigh!

So, I finally decided to make a profile and get in on the discussion. Hello fellow Brazil applicants! 

I have been trying to take my mind off of it all and stop repeatedly checking my email, and I am back to thinking positive again.

Regardless of the decision, I bought plane tickets and am going to visit my friends in Korea leaving the 16th. If all goes well we will all know by the 15th (*fingers crossed*) and good or bad I made sure I have something to look forward to!


Congratulations to those who have been chosen, good luck to those still waiting in limbo, and keep your head up to those who weren't selected!

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Does anyone know if there is a general rule for number of alternates a country might have (like the 1.5 to 2x rule for first round recommendations). Early on, I had always assumed that (at least for research grants) that anyone not named a principal was made an alternate, but that is obviously not the case.

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glad someone appreciates my insanity ;)

Austria is basically the same thing as Germany ... they have to tell us today right!?!

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Not sure if this is accurate as I found this off an online discuss board, but thought I'd share: "As I understand it, it's not that there are X number of slots, its that there is $Y of money, at least on the country or region level. So if someone rejects an offer to go to one of the places with the highest dollar amount attached to it, potentially even two alternates going to cheaper places could be offered awards."

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Austria is basically the same thing as Germany ... they have to tell us today right!?!


Wait, you haven't heard from Austria yet? I could have sworn a few pages back someone had heard from Austria.

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Not sure if this is accurate as I found this off an online discuss board, but thought I'd share: "As I understand it, it's not that there are X number of slots, its that there is $Y of money, at least on the country or region level. So if someone rejects an offer to go to one of the places with the highest dollar amount attached to it, potentially even two alternates going to cheaper places could be offered awards."


That is also what I read.


I have this creeping feeling I will be an alternate. It would make sense in the scheme of how my life tends to go. "You're really good... but we're not sure yet. Wait another few months!"

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Hi everyone,

I've been a lurker here for a while and I'm sorry to out myself just to ask for some advice, but I feel a bit lost at sea where I am.  First, congratulations to all who've been awarded!  This is so great!  Second, I want to urge those who haven't to not be worried, as worry is bad for the heart and soul.  I've gotten so many rejections in my life it's been awful but things work out in a more difficult way somehow.


Third, I have been recommended for a Cambodian research grant but I only got the notice that I have a skype interview next Wednesday just today.  I haven't seen anyone interested in Cambodia show up, but could anyone offer me ANY sort of advice for these interviews?  I'm in Canada and this is one of the few funding options I have as an American PhD student, so I am pretty worried (obviously my previous words are a more 'do what I say,' suggestion).


Anyway, what can I do in a week full of TAing and 'writing' to prepare?  Anyone with any advice?  I could use any help or suggestions, etc.


Sorry to take up the time and intrude on an already close-knit group of people. I can see how supportive you are of each other and I am just finding myself with no one here irl who was both awarded the fulbright and has had an interview for it (I don't know if it's because my fellow PhDers are studying African countries or what).


too long! anyway: advice for a skype interview?


thank you, darce

I had an interview for the Fulbright to Mexico about six weeks ago. It was in Spanish (which I'm not fluent in, but conversational). Pretty intimidating, but basically I just set up a google doc and wrote down every question I thought I was likely to be asked about my proposal and my reasons for pursuing the grant. After writing answers to those questions (which actually helped me clarify my project in and of itself) I translated everything into Spanish and just practiced, practiced, etc. Also found people to practice with, and had a kind of "mock interview" set up through (Skype and all) with a few of my professors. 


I can't say whether your interview would be in English or not, it would help to ask because that makes a huge difference. I hope that helps. Good luck!

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I proctored a 4 hour exam today, during which I wasn't allowed anything that could distract myself, not even a pen. Trying not to worry about Fulbright was torture. 

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Wait, you haven't heard from Austria yet? I could have sworn a few pages back someone had heard from Austria.


the official Fulbright Austria decisions came out a few weeks ago. The USTA decisions came out today. USTA is like an Austria Fulbright ETA, but it is not an official Fulbright because it is administered by the Austrian government. So now both Austrian decisions and DAAD have been released, but none of the German decisions have.


I am also feeling the Germany vibes! I feel like it will be today or Friday. Total speculation though haha!

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