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MSW Fall 2013 Wait List


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I was on pending status with CSULB since early March, but I received a phone call last Thu from the department informing me that I have been offered a slot in their 2 year OAF (Older Adults/Family) track.  Going to turn them down b/c I've decided to attend UCLA, hope one of you gets offered this vacant slot.


My first choice was the 2 year CYF (Children Youth Families) track and was told I can continue to be on that pending list if I prefer to wait it out and see if a slot opens up so it looks like slots are continuing to become available.


Good luck everyone!

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Hello everyone I was also on pending status at CSULB and received an email stating I was Not offered admissions. I am wait listed at CSUDH, anyone heard anything?? Any chances I would get accepted?

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Hi everyone,

I have been waitlisted at CSULB since February. Going crazy here. Anyone on the same boat? Has anyone gottent admitted this late in the game?

Have you contacted them at all? You might want to follow up for good measure (if you haven't already). I've been waitlisted at CSUDH since May and i emailed them regarding my status on the waitlist and an approximate time that I would hear back. They let me know that decisions could go well into late July early August. 

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Have you contacted them at all? You might want to follow up for good measure (if you haven't already). I've been waitlisted at CSUDH since May and i emailed them regarding my status on the waitlist and an approximate time that I would hear back. They let me know that decisions could go well into late July early August. 


I e-mailed them and they basically told me to wait until maybe early to mid August. I have been waiting since February:( I know they say no news is good news but this is too much!

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This could be good news for you! I was waitlisted at CSULB and then not offered admission after a couple months; this might be that they feel you're a really good candidate and are holding out for people to decline offers. It's a pure waiting game at this point.

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