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Going through a rough breakup in my 1st year...Smh


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Maybe not the most responsible advice but honestly after my breakups I usually do the rebound/hookup thing for a weekend just to get it off my mind and out of my system. Not that I feel 100% afterwards but... 60%.

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My college girlfriend broke up with me about a week before I started grad school, so I can definitely sympathize.  Focusing wasn't really an issue for me because I tend to bury myself in work when I'm depressed.  The only advice I can give you is realize that this type of thing happens to (almost) everybody at some point and to give yourself a little slack.  Most people have similar experiences.  Its going to take some time to get over this.  In the mean time, try your best to continue with classes and work.  Also, make sure you take some time to hang out with friends/colleagues.  For me, I began to feel very isolated and it is only recently that I started to force myself to reconnect with other people.  I think it could have been very helpful to start this sooner.

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I'd recommend cardio exercise 30 minutes a day (ex: cycling, running, etc) to help keep depression at bay. Remember to spend some time with good friends or family and keep up your favourite hobbies/activities during your free time. Even if your schedule is hectic, find one hour everyday to do these things (it can be broken up into two 30 minute blocks of time if needed). Remember to do at least one thing every day that typically makes you happy to take your mind off of your troubles and to give your day more meaning and happiness.

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