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Hi all,


I'm sure everyone is starting their applications and working on their SOP's. I have a question and would appreciate as much feedback as possible. I have an outstanding record of publishing/presenting including collaborations with senior scholars. I even have a book contract with a university press for an edited volume. I applied last year to only several schools but did not get in based on GRE scores, the weakest part of my application by far. It did get me wait listed at one Ivy League school and wait listed at another decent university. Now I did not address my low GRE's in my SOP but I am seriously considering it this year. I simply didn't have the time to retake them because I was honestly busy with my book, publications, and two presentations. I would appreciate any advice as to what I should do. Would it sound like I was complaining? Thanks all!

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I don't really think there's a need to bring it up in your SOP. Just try to strengthen every other aspect of your application materials: get a few trusted mentors to look over & give some thoughts on your SoPs, make sure you have strong LoRs, polish up your resume, & so on. My GPA was weak, so I made up for it by doing well on everything else.


If you can, of course, retake the test; it sounds like it'd be something you'd have to make time for, but if it were truly the only thing holding you back, it's certainly worth the extra effort.

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I have a hard time believing that you didn't have time to re-take them at all within a YEAR. That being said, you obviusly have other stuff going for you. What makes you think it was the GREs that kept you down? Most schools as long as you are within an acceptable range will accept you if the rest of your application is strong. If it really was the GREs you should have re-taken them. Why wouldn't you fix the one part of your application that supposedly barred you from acceptance? That's crazy. Even if you "explain" them they're going to want to know why you only tried once, one year ago.

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