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International Development Applicants 2014/15 for SOAS, IHEID, LSE or Sciences Po?


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Then I've failed like a thousand times already...


self-Confession, I have 0 patience and I mean it ZERO..Cant focus!!! If I get rejected from IHEID,. then I will start planning for LSE !!!! 

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Angie, have you already put the question on their Facebook page? 


Nope I emailed them. Wrong choice. They sent me a very clinched reply but then what else should have I expected! 

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Well glad to see there is a little bit of progress and someone got a decision back. Congratulations lui_aragon!!!


Still under consideration for me and my guess is both interdisciplinary won't hear anything till the end of the week at the earliest. We will most likely be last to be notified next week. But let's try to be optimistic!

I'm just dying to know at this point and my stomach is in knots ughhhh I'm unproductive at work as all I do is refresh this thread ha ha ha

Edited by alchyna
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Hello everyone!


I applied for MIA, not MDev but I found your thread about IHEID really helpful - thanks so much for posing it. I too am in the situation of having applied for the early application deadline and been postponed to the second round of applications. I keep compulsively checking their online application tracker! So frustrating...


Best of luck to everybody still waiting for results. I hope we all hear good news soon! :)

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I wish there was just one specific date they would give us so I could stop compulsively checking my e-mail.

I also applied to Oxford and have not heard back from them either, and I think the only time frame provided is "late March"

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I promised myself that I'd stay away from anything IHEID-related since the waiting was driving me crazy and yet here I am again lol..

I'm sure many of you have already seen these but I thought the masters forum and career survey that IHEID's student association did had pretty interesting information::





A couple of points:

- Students have complained that class sizes are big, often with 60 people/class. There are concerns that the student population will continue to grow, exacerbating this problem

- Career services are apparently not bad but not great either - very understaffed, not much assistance in finding jobs/internships.


I think a lot of grad schools have similar issues in terms of class size (I've heard of LSE having big, impersonal classes as well) and career services though so these aren't unique to IHEID. Just some things to think about while we check the application tracker every 2 minutes! (I'm surprised the system hasn't crashed yet haha)

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I promised myself that I'd stay away from anything IHEID-related since the waiting was driving me crazy and yet here I am again lol..

I'm sure many of you have already seen these but I thought the masters forum and career survey that IHEID's student association did had pretty interesting information::





A couple of points:

- Students have complained that class sizes are big, often with 60 people/class. There are concerns that the student population will continue to grow, exacerbating this problem

- Career services are apparently not bad but not great either - very understaffed, not much assistance in finding jobs/internships.


I think a lot of grad schools have similar issues in terms of class size (I've heard of LSE having big, impersonal classes as well) and career services though so these aren't unique to IHEID. Just some things to think about while we check the application tracker every 2 minutes! (I'm surprised the system hasn't crashed yet haha)


Yes I did come across this and Alchyna and me discussed this aspect too. Then we came to the conclusion that its networking after all which makes a diff. Secondly, I think they are taking their sweet time to decide who to take and who not to so as to avoid the big class conundrum.  


Plus I love your signature Oriole, "IHEID - Forever pending, killing me softly", sums up what all of us feel. 


just got a rej from Georgetown :(

fingers crossed for IHEID...


Sorry to hear that. Good luck for IHEID. :) 

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I guess it is time to check our application form.

I was admitted but without scholarship. It means I won't be able to enroll in the programme.

Good luck to everyone.

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I guess it is time to check our application form.

I was admitted but without scholarship. It means I won't be able to enroll in the programme.

Good luck to everyone.


I am sorry to hear that, which program did u apply to? wish you best of luck with other schools! 

I checked mine, ( applying to MDev) still under consideration, this thing is killing me :(

Edited by gemy
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I guess it is time to check our application form.

I was admitted but without scholarship. It means I won't be able to enroll in the programme.

Good luck to everyone.

Hello I.Hope,

at least you were admitted... did you apply to Mdev programme ? 

I applied to MIA programme and havent heard from them ..just checked my application and it still says UNDER CONSIDERATION ....ARGH!!!

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I am sorry to hear that, which program did u apply to? wish you best of luck with other schools! 

I checked mine, still under consideration, this thing is killing me :(


Thank you gemy,

I've applied to the Master Programme in International Law. Unfortunately, I've not applied to other programmes.

"Ce la vie" as french people say)))

Well, still I have a couple weeks to find any other funding options, while I'm sure that it is almost impossible to find any in my country(((


Hello I.Hope,

at least you were admitted... did you apply to Mdev programme ? 

I applied to MIA programme and havent heard from them ..just checked my application and it still says UNDER CONSIDERATION ....ARGH!!!


Master in International Law

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I guess it is time to check our application form.

I was admitted but without scholarship. It means I won't be able to enroll in the programme.

Good luck to everyone.


Congratulations for your admittance. Cant you try for some other scholarships? Were you blatantly refused for scholarship or waitlisted? 


I am sorry to hear that, which program did u apply to? wish you best of luck with other schools! 

I checked mine, ( applying to MDev) still under consideration, this thing is killing me :(



Hello I.Hope,

at least you were admitted... did you apply to Mdev programme ? 

I applied to MIA programme and havent heard from them ..just checked my application and it still says UNDER CONSIDERATION ....ARGH!!!


I know i checked my application status too. Sigh. All this waiting. I really need the scholarship. 

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Congratulations for your admittance. Cant you try for some other scholarships? Were you blatantly refused for scholarship or waitlisted? 





I know i checked my application status too. Sigh. All this waiting. I really need the scholarship. 

Angie, I am sure you gonna get in..it is just a matter of time..

do you know how much of a legacy counts with IHEID ?

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Atleast you think so. I am just so anxious. 


Legacy? As in the reputation of your previous alma mater? 

Angie, I am certain..

My dad got his PhD from IHEID long time back..My dad keep telling me since it is very competitive program, legacy doesnt count that much.. I dont know if he is pulling my leg or just a REALITY!!!! 

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Angie, I am certain..

My dad got his PhD from IHEID long time back..My dad keep telling me since it is very competitive program, legacy doesnt count that much.. I dont know if he is pulling my leg or just a REALITY!!!! 




That Wayyy! 


Well i have seen and heard about in Ivy Leagues but IHEID idk. Did you mention that somewhere? like how your father attended the institution?

Btw what was his field?
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That Wayyy! 


Well i have seen and heard about in Ivy Leagues but IHEID idk. Did you mention that somewhere? like how your father attended the institution?

Btw what was his field?


I kinda mentioned somewhere in my Letter of Motivation, that he got his PhD from IHEID and that kind of influence me to study politics :D I know it is cliche but I did it anyway .... He got his Phd in IR 

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I kinda mentioned somewhere in my Letter of Motivation, that he got his PhD from IHEID and that kind of influence me to study politics :D I know it is cliche but I did it anyway .... He got his Phd in IR 


Hahaha. Clinched yes but still. :P

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Guys, according to people's posts on IHEID's Facebook  page, we'll hear back next week...

I am beyond saturated and tired of this. After this waiting they dare not put me on wait list. Like seriously.

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