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The seem very hesitant to detail stipend or assistantships information. How do you, or anyone, think they proceed with the "weeding out"?


What I have heard from IIT is that there isn't enough advisor time to go around, so if you aren't extremely active in research and aren't pushing to get in good with an advisor you end up getting left behind, which makes it difficult to complete. After the first 1-2 years students will start to fall behind on their progress thesis, research, etc. and just drop out of the program or try to finish the thesis and get out with the MS because they know finishing a dissertation will be nearly impossible without advisor support. 


So if you are driven, know what your research interests are and what research you want to do, have a perfect match with an IIT professor, etc. you will likely do fine. Again this is just what I heard through the grapevine from a graduate of University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign that was one of my professors. He steered me away from even applying. 


I'd go where the most funding is. 


I'm deciding between two Master's programs and would greatly appreciate any insight from everyone:


San Jose State University

M.S. in I/O Psychology


Teacher's College, Columbia University

M.A. in Psychology - Organizational


I don't hear much about these two programs on the net, making the decision difficult.

SJSU is near Silicon Valley and boasts connections with companies like Apple and Google, but the school itself is not very well known. TC is near New York and gives a degree from a famous school, but the program itself is "not I/O". I'm unsure whether the fame of a school or the available connections is more important in the long run.


I am interested in obtaining a degree that will allow me to work in an applied setting, but also prepare me with the option of further education in Ph.D. 


Thanks in advance for your time and input!


Is cost a factor for you?  How do the prices/cost of living for these schools compare?


If you're interested in pursuing a PhD, it may be possible to ask these programs for information about their placement records in terms of both PhD programs and where alumni work.  Current students may be a good resource for this too.


Is cost a factor for you?  How do the prices/cost of living for these schools compare?


If you're interested in pursuing a PhD, it may be possible to ask these programs for information about their placement records in terms of both PhD programs and where alumni work.  Current students may be a good resource for this too.


Cost is not a deciding factor, though TC will be much more expensive than SJSU so I would prefer the latter.


I guess it boils down to: which degree will be most rewarding immediately (work after MS/MA) and most flexible for the future (pursue Ph.D.)?


I've already contacted both program directors for that info (thank you for the tip though!) and am waiting for their reply. I was hoping to get more perspectives (on reputation of the programs, hearsay, experience, etc) from this forum.

Posted (edited)

I'm deciding between two Master's programs and would greatly appreciate any insight from everyone:


San Jose State University

M.S. in I/O Psychology


Teacher's College, Columbia University

M.A. in Psychology - Organizational


I don't hear much about these two programs on the net, making the decision difficult.

SJSU is near Silicon Valley and boasts connections with companies like Apple and Google, but the school itself is not very well known. TC is near New York and gives a degree from a famous school, but the program itself is "not I/O". I'm unsure whether the fame of a school or the available connections is more important in the long run.


I am interested in obtaining a degree that will allow me to work in an applied setting, but also prepare me with the option of further education in Ph.D. 


Thanks in advance for your time and input!

Munashi has good suggestions.  Also, find out about internships at both places.  Do you get the opportunity to intern while you are in each program?  If so (and I hope so), then where do students do their internships?  Find out if there really are Silicon Valley company connections through SJSU. 


EDIT: just saw your reply post after I posted this.  Sorry, I don't have any info on the program reputations.  However, I think that the type of connections you can make while in a master's program can be as important as the program reputation if you are not going to go on to a PhD.  And I have to say I'm not really sure program reputation matters much if you are going on to a PhD.  Your performance while there (publications and conference presentations) and the quality of your thesis should carry more weight.

Edited by Bren2014

I'm deciding between two Master's programs and would greatly appreciate any insight from everyone:


San Jose State University

M.S. in I/O Psychology


Teacher's College, Columbia University

M.A. in Psychology - Organizational


I don't hear much about these two programs on the net, making the decision difficult.

SJSU is near Silicon Valley and boasts connections with companies like Apple and Google, but the school itself is not very well known. TC is near New York and gives a degree from a famous school, but the program itself is "not I/O". I'm unsure whether the fame of a school or the available connections is more important in the long run.


I am interested in obtaining a degree that will allow me to work in an applied setting, but also prepare me with the option of further education in Ph.D. 


Thanks in advance for your time and input!

Well, I also got into SJSU (and plan to attend there), and I know the director offered to send a list of current I/O students as contacts in case we wanted to chat with them about the program. Have you considered asking for their emails and seeing where they've interned and what they thought of the experience? Personally, the draw of Silicone Valley internships with a thesis was what made me decide to go with SJSU, but I don't know what TC has to offer. Have you looked at their courseload there? Do they offer classes/opportunities that would be more in line with your interests?

Whatever you decide, I hope you have a good time. If you do decide on SJSU, let me know, I'm dying to talk about it with someone! 


@Bren2014: Thank you for your input! SJSU actually requires an internship and thesis to graduate while Columbia requires neither. This alone has me favoring SJSU currently. Hopefully I hear back from both program coordinators with some more info soon.


@Elanti: I currently am leaning toward SJSU at the moment, given the negative things I've been hearing about TC's program. From just the courses, it appears that TC's program is geared more toward human resources and not so much research. I will let you know when I do make a decision!


Just chiming to say that I think the fact that SJSU requires a thesis (and internship) is a huge plus.  People in academia and industry alike tend to raise an eyebrow at a Masters degree awarded with no thesis.


Just chiming to say that I think the fact that SJSU requires a thesis (and internship) is a huge plus.  People in academia and industry alike tend to raise an eyebrow at a Masters degree awarded with no thesis.


Duly noted. Thank you!


Stay in the Bay Area!  Once you leave, you will never be able to afford to go back!  :blink: Just kidding.  No, I'm not.


Just chiming to say that I think the fact that SJSU requires a thesis (and internship) is a huge plus.  People in academia and industry alike tend to raise an eyebrow at a Masters degree awarded with no thesis.


When I was interviewing for positions I was never asked what my thesis and/or my dissertation was on. You can't really go into academia without a PhD and if you want to continue on into a PhD program you are correct, you essentially need a thesis. While people may raise their eyebrow at the fact that your MA/MS did not require a thesis they will likely never know unless you actually go out of your way to tell them. 


I interviewed with DDI, PDRI, etc. and none of them asked me directly about my dissertation or my thesis. 


Just my thoughts. 


While people may raise their eyebrow at the fact that your MA/MS did not require a thesis they will likely never know unless you actually go out of your way to tell them. 



You raise a fair point.  They will not know you did not do a thesis without requesting a transcript or asking you directly.  I have seen this happen in hiring processes before, but I will confess these weren't for I/O positions - it was in other areas of psych.  It is something worth considering, though.


Anyone still holding onto an offer from UAlbany? If you aren't planning to attend, please let them know! I'm 1st or 2nd on the wait list!


Stay in the Bay Area!  Once you leave, you will never be able to afford to go back!  :blink: Just kidding.  No, I'm not.


An interesting turn of events: I received a pretty late offer from University of Akron for their Ph.D. program. Funding guaranteed for first year, "most likely" for all five years.


Haven't heard much about them recently, here or elsewhere, but I do hear they were often ranked well among I/O programs.


Anyone have anything to share about them?


Most likely going to opt for their program over the two Master's, although leaving the Bay Area is a frightening thought.

Posted (edited)

@stwtseng Congrats, I have always heard Akron is a very well respected program (like maybe top 15ish)!

Edited by Chops13

An interesting turn of events: I received a pretty late offer from University of Akron for their Ph.D. program. Funding guaranteed for first year, "most likely" for all five years.


Haven't heard much about them recently, here or elsewhere, but I do hear they were often ranked well among I/O programs.


Anyone have anything to share about them?


Most likely going to opt for their program over the two Master's, although leaving the Bay Area is a frightening thought.


Akron is a very good program!  (And it's very inexpensive to live there.)


An interesting turn of events: I received a pretty late offer from University of Akron for their Ph.D. program. Funding guaranteed for first year, "most likely" for all five years.


Haven't heard much about them recently, here or elsewhere, but I do hear they were often ranked well among I/O programs.


Anyone have anything to share about them?


Most likely going to opt for their program over the two Master's, although leaving the Bay Area is a frightening thought.


Way to go, dude!  That's awesome.  Akron is a well-regarded program.  I don't think you'll regret making the move!


I attend a university in Florida (not FIU) and today a faculty member told me that a student they had mentored who went on to enrolled in the IO program at FIU had informed him them that the entire IO program at FIU is ceasing to exist after their current students graduate (meaning they will no longer take new students this cycle or in the future). Apparently this is a new development, and the students were told about it within the last month. Again, I cannot confirm this is true, it is just what I have heard through the grapevine. I had actually applied there myself, so I am pretty disappointed -_-


Apparently this isn't true. My friend found out he got accepted two weeks ago.


Thanks all!


This came very late comparatively, so waitlisted people please keep hope.


Anyone still holding onto an offer from UAlbany? If you aren't planning to attend, please let them know! I'm 1st or 2nd on the wait list!


I second this! Also hoping to be accepted off their waitlist!


An interesting turn of events: I received a pretty late offer from University of Akron for their Ph.D. program. Funding guaranteed for first year, "most likely" for all five years.


Haven't heard much about them recently, here or elsewhere, but I do hear they were often ranked well among I/O programs.


Anyone have anything to share about them?


Most likely going to opt for their program over the two Master's, although leaving the Bay Area is a frightening thought.




Nice! Who was your POI? I worked with Jen Wessel, a newer faculty member there, when she was a grad student at MSU. She's a great resource and very helpful.


I second this! Also hoping to be accepted off their waitlist!

Yes! crossing my fingers for the both of us! Did you find out what position you are on the wait list? Hopefully people make decisions soon, all this waiting is torture!


Yes! crossing my fingers for the both of us! Did you find out what position you are on the wait list? Hopefully people make decisions soon, all this waiting is torture!


Yeah, you're a little higher than me so you definitely have a better chance than I do. I was just informed that I am ~4th on the waitlist.


Yeah, you're a little higher than me so you definitely have a better chance than I do. I was just informed that I am ~4th on the waitlist.

Yea, I guess being anywhere on the wait list gives us a good chance. Out of all your waitlist/acceptances, which school is your top pick? Either Wright or Albany? Since you haven't accepted at Roosevelt yet?

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