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UIUC Nuclear Physics for me (for the next 6 years :roll: ). Awesome faculty, and I love the town. Born and raised in Chicago, but I've been schooling everywhere from New Mexico to Ireland to Hawaii, so it's about time to squat down somewhere a bit closer to home, methinks.

I think UIUC CS it is for me.

With the Blue Waters petascale supercomputer comin? Oh hells yeah (if supercomputing is your thang).

How's everyone going about finding housing?

The tenant union is the best resource. I recommend lookin for something close by campus on the Urbana side (less undergrad infestation). Check the City Guide section of the forums for more on people's housing advice and opinions.

Time to move back to college, woot.

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Whats the take on grad housing? I have a lease offer in Green-Goodwin apartments from UIUC grad housing for $680 month with cable/water/internet. Seems a bit overpriced but very conveniant location. Anyone know anything about UIUC grad housing - especially Green-Goodwin?

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